Attack power to Sheikh Al-Qaradawi

The question of Palestine was, and will remain an Arab Muslim, if welcome, but a duty of Arabs to defend, and martyrdom in the process, it is their right, but from the heart and duty also, to criticize the Palestinian Authority if the mistake, or failed, in one way or another to do what is required to liberate the land and the restoration of holy sites.

We say this on the occasion of the fierce campaign against Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi from power by the media because of the official remarks, in which he criticized the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and the current security coordination between the Authority and the Israeli security services.

Sheikh Qaradawi has not committed a sin when he said that the PLO went to destruction, and questioned the legitimacy of the power under the occupation, such as these convictions are to many of the sons of the Palestinian people, including members of the Palestinian National Council and the PLO institutions themselves.

After eighteen years of the signing of the PLO leadership and the Oslo agreements that emerged from the womb of the present authority in Ramallah, not the application of these agreements, nor did an independent Palestinian state, which heralded the signatories to these agreements.

But saying that the existing authority under the umbrella of the occupation is an illusion, then this is involves a lot of credibility, evidenced by the facts on the ground right now.Negotiations are completely blocked and the Israeli settlements encroach, and the President of this power could not leave his office without permission from the occupation authorities.

Perhaps what happened yesterday, when Israeli security forces arrest six Hamas activists, were freed by President Mahmoud Abbas as a goodwill gesture by him towards the group in question, is the most prominent evidence that the Israeli authorities do not respect the authority and its president, and that the security coordination through from one direction only, ie to protect the Israelis, the settlers of them in particular.

Security coordination came in implementation of the agreements reached between the Authority and its negotiators and the Israeli side, but when the government rejects Israel's commitment to such agreements, and continues to confiscate lands and killing innocent people and arrest them in the areas of power, the continuation of the Palestinian side in security coordination is the epitome of meekness and humble.

Palestinian Authority, which is currently looking for world recognition of the independent state is the need to be friends, as is the urgent need to neutralize opponents, or mitigate their opposition, at least. Such a fierce attack on Shaykh al-Qaradawi, and official media, does not hurt in such an outcome.

The man followed him around the world and is considered the most prominent Sunni Islamic reference, not the interest of the Authority nor the PLO outrages upon between now and then the way that we've seen recently.

Understand if this attack on Sheikh Qaradawi was whether the draft power negotiating is making progress, or that the PLO strong solid as was the same thirty years ago, for example, but the draft power clashes with Israeli intransigence, and the PLO turned into a mummified body, barely mentions its members , not to mention the Palestinian people, which some officials say they still represent and speak on his behalf.

Sheikh Qaradawi is biased movement 'Hamas', no doubt about it, but it was still a staunch advocate of the Palestinian cause, a believer even before the show movement 'Hamas' to exist.

Power should be expanded her criticism, and tolerate the opinions of others and, above all this and that to respect the officials and religious leaders abusers with a decent way, even if they differed with them or disagreed with them. 
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