And economic point of view - the implications for global earthquake Japan

Is not the Japanese economy's third-largest economy in the world in terms of size alone, but also, at the global level, economy qualitative distinction. And highlights the superiority of Japanese globally in the areas most important industries of electronics and cars including the inputs of these industries, especially the Japan made one out of every eight cars produced by the world, and more than 16 percent of the chips for computers and means of communication and optical instruments, medical equipment and machinery.
And supports many of the industrialized countries and non-industrial, the Japanese products as inputs for their industries and services,
in addition to its reliance on Japanese product for final consumption, especially in the field of cars, electronic devices Kalcamirat and recording devices.
 This highlights the dependence especially in emerging countries in East Asia, and South-East, China, Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea and Indonesia.
For to East Asia, for example, it is estimated expert at the Institute of German Economy in Cologne Jürgen Matisse that Japan exported 20 percent of its production to China, where it combines production or completed processing before export to the world, especially European and American markets, therefore, the continued disruption a significant number of Japanese firms and the closure of a number of ports as a result of the fall of human casualties, destruction and damage caused to northeastern Japan due to the earthquake and tsunami, the risk of shortage in the supply of these products, which means a decrease in the market and decline in global industrial production and international trade. But the size of this decline with negative consequences, for the duration of unemployment for production, note that the disaster left about half a million people and killed nearly 27 thousand people dead or missing according to the latest estimates.
This period and will become clearer with the counting of casualties and damage to economic installations and infrastructure, as it seeks to succeed in warding off the dangers of nuclear disaster still looming Fukushima station and threaten the capital Tokyo and its surroundings, where a major industrial and financial centers.
The tragedy is that the Japanese are the worst since World War II, according to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, does not affect in a negative form in the industry and international trade, especially in East Asia. This is also a threat to impact the global economic recovery that China is less locomotive these days. Also affect the disaster in the form of a very negative, in the European Union and the United States, which saw the stock exchanges and capital markets in turmoil and decline since the quake, which occurred on March 11 (March) month. And further increased by disturbances, fears of failed attempts to control the risk of nuclear radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant.
The destruction and the dangers of nuclear radiation will increase construction costs in the affected areas to later, which would mean the demand for institutions and Japanese businessmen who invest large sums of money in the stock markets European and American, to withdraw the portion of these funds to be invested in building the World Bank estimated the cost at about $ 235 billion.
It is the consequences of that, down the necessary liquidity to finance trade and investment in companies and projects of the private and public sectors. Estimates of Japanese investments in Europe by about $ 800 billion, comes an important part in the form of stocks and bonds can be liquidated in a short time. Experts fear the likes of the President of the Department of Economics in the «Bank Unicredit» Andreas Rees of that «such a situation lead to the intensification of European sovereign debt crisis».
The Arab world, are regarded as Japan's third most important trading partner of the Arab countries after the European Union and the United States, with an estimated volume of trade exchange between the parties about $ 120 billion in 2009 compared to 36 billion in 2003. The cars and electrical appliances and electronic machinery, the backbone of the Arab States imports from Japan, while oil is the most important exports to the Arab.
And Arab countries in general will be affected by the disaster of this magnitude Japanese or that, because it is imported from Japan and China, a large number of consumer and capital goods eg, clothing, electronics and machinery that may face bottlenecks in supply in the short and medium term.
With regard to exports, Japan is the most important importers of oil from the Gulf states, especially from the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. So it would be seen more affected at the present time because of the decline of these imports. However, this vulnerability will disappear gradually with the start of construction and increased demand for energy sources to do so, note that this increase will focus on the gas, which is likely to be counted on to generate electricity as a substitute for nuclear power plants that have stopped or will stop working later. Japan imports at present more than 70 percent of its oil on Arab oil.
Focus the attention of the world these days on the Fukushima nuclear plant and all hope that the successful efforts to overcome the dangers of possible nuclear catastrophe by melting rods of nuclear reactors at the station, which suffered heavy damage. In case of success of these efforts, Japan will be more capable of economic recovery in a few years also showed its contemporary history, especially after the Second World War. However, the failure of these efforts, not only means human and economic disaster besetting Fukushima alone, but also in the capital Tokyo and its surroundings, which produces 40 percent of the GDP of Japan.
At the international level, most experts agree that the worst case scenario will mean a decline in the rate of global economic growth within the limits of one percent, and it will not reach the situation to the extent of the disaster, especially as it can find alternatives to the potential downturn in the Japanese supply of goods and services.
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