Arab Media in the inflated fear of disaster, Japan

Likely that there is a great exaggeration in the Arab media to deal with disaster risks associated with reactors Fukushima Daci Japanese hit by a massive earthquake, followed by a devastating tsunami. Do not hesitate to Some of this information in a panic, saying that the X-mixes with all the herbs and sea water, and deposited in large quantities of meat, livestock, fish and others. This horror is a scene repeated earlier, proved to be amplified fears, and sometimes trafficking.

And was probably useful, realistic tone, remember the difference between the inflated fears that accompanied the Chernobyl disaster in the mid-eighties of the last century, and what has resulted from the things actually.

And contrary to this case of intimidation Alkuarthy in the Arab media, to act with calm, cautious and based on the facts that appear in the major countries deal with the problem of reactors Fukushima.
For example, the United States did not give great importance to the atomic cloud of radiation that flew corrected from such reactors.

Do not hesitate to site «The American Association for the Advancement of Science» providing advice not to cancel the cruise for those who want to travel to the Hawaiian Islands, pointing out that the radiation levels Agency which may link to these islands, will not pose any harm to public health, even if the check the worst case scenario at hand . The reason for low power radiation in the cloud of radiation, it will cross the Pacific (ocean water is larger than the total land on the ground several times), before hitting the parties to the Hawaiian Islands and the surrounding area! The fact that the surrounding countries, Japan also did not resort to any special procedure, because it is about the issuance of low-grade radiation to a large extent. Will not get the concerns do not hesitate to Arab media, especially satellite channels, in adopting and heated without the insight!

In the balance of careful scientific
Therefore, affect the radiation emitted from the burning Fukushima reactors that have not cooled tons of water, within a distance of no more than a few hundred kilometers, according to the United States announced to the San Jacksko Gregory, President of the «Atomic Energy Commission» in Congress recently.

In conjunction with the steps Japanese, such as the prevention of tap water in Tokyo for infants and the advice of its population not to eat vegetables, dark color, declined to America and the European Union to import some agricultural and animal products from Japan, especially those from vulnerable areas of the activity of pollution, radiation emitted from Fukushima. And mayors of the two parties also to the imposition of control methodology for fish and seafood, in order to monitor the concentration of atomic radiation in those products.

There have been no America and the European Union in the hype and exaggerated, but they are taking steps to suit the changing of position data to the reactors for Fukushima.

Virtualization of the disaster
In the context of dealing calmly scientific with disaster Fukushima and its implications, the United States launched a project for the manufacture of virtualization on computer giant, in order to obtain a digital copy of explosions and the interactions that take place in the heart of reactors, Fukushima, and, consequently, to obtain accurate information about the radiation of nuclear origin.

And also issued a University of Manchester in the UK results of a study led by a specialist Richard Wexford, concluded that even if drinking baby in Tokyo tap water contaminated with atomic, the amount of radiation that are exposed at the present time does not exceed what is experienced by the bodies of humans natural radiation that reaches the Earth from space constantly.

In the same context, and put «the Japanese Agency for Industrial Safety and Atomic» Fukushima reactor disaster at the fifth degree in the scale of atomic disaster, which consists of seven degrees. When the fifth degree, accompanied by the disaster with the release of large amounts of nuclear radiation, in addition to the possibility of many deaths.

Thus, this incident has become parallel to the reactor accident «Three-Mile Island» in the state of Pennsylvania in 1979. As well as the disaster has become less degrees than the Japanese reactor explosion «Chernobyl» in Ukraine in 1986. As well as less than a disaster for the explosion of reactor Fukushima «Kyshtym» in Russia in 1957, by a single degree.

Has delivered a fleet of specialized aircraft fire in more than fifty tons of water on the burning reactor in Fukushima. In the opinion of experts in the «Committee of the U.S. Atomic Energy» that the most obvious problem lies in the occurrence of cracks in the bottom of the pond water in the fourth reactor, which makes the task of refilling the water almost impossible.

And promote the ponds in atomic reactors, the task of absorption of radiation produced by the burning of uranium in the reactor core. In these reactors, lead burning low-enriched uranium to the issuance of relatively large amounts of energy used to heat water in large pipes, and turns to steam, and then rushes to the steam drives turbines to generate electricity holds. Therefore, the depletion of water from the ponds of the worst scenarios in this disaster, because it means loss of the ability to control the radiation emitted from the reactor, in addition to the steady rise of temperature, which helps to melting rods of enriched uranium in the reactors as well.

Japan has 54 nuclear reactor, give 30 percent of its electricity.
In the decade following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the U.S. occupation forces prevented the publication of any information on the effects of atomic radiation.
In 1954, Japan has decided to embark on a nuclear program for research, stating that it is seeking clean energy a hundred percent. The adoption of nuclear reactors in this endeavor.

The biological effects of atomic radiation
Measured biological risks of atomic radiation in units called «Sv» Sievert, and is often used, including small size, («Mkrosvrt» SVμ It is one millionth of a Sifrt) to measure the absorption of biological tissues to radiation Agency. In most countries, the exposure to atomic radiation is safe if it remains within the limits of low-rise, particularly if no more than twenty Mkrosvrt per year for 5 years, provided that no higher amount than fifty Mkrosvrt except for a single year. And apply this standard to the staff in the institutions that include the atomic radiation, such as workers in nuclear reactors and units of radiation in nuclear medicine and living near atomic plants and others.

In general, include a combination of atomic radiation of electromagnetic waves, and a set of atomic components that carry electric charges, such as alpha and beta particles.

And hit the waves and the components of living cells, Vtardha what looked like a burning fire, in addition to direct injury to the genetic DNA in the nucleus of cells, ie, a defect in the genes that control the installation of tissues and organs of the body all work.

Atomic radiation and generate two basic types of biological effects. Due to the first type of exposure to a large amount of nuclear radiation for a short period, leading to changes in blood cells, nausea and vomiting (after hours), followed by severe diarrhea, and then falling hair, and occurs internal bleeding leading to death within a period ranging between a few hours (in case of dose is very large) and two weeks.

The second type of exposure to small amounts of the «Sevrat» for a long time. And result in a variety of changes in the body, such as inflammation of the lungs and Tlifama, and the emergence of malignant tumors in the thyroid gland, bone and blood. In both cases, other symptoms such as inflammation of the skin with blisters variety in it.

And talk some scientific references for the hypothesis «stimulating radiation» Radiation hormesis.
According to this hypothesis that exposure to very small amounts of atomic radiation, gives positive effects include increased strength of the DNA and activate its ability to respond to hurt him, and the rehabilitation of the damaged parts in it. This leads revival to raise the effectiveness of the DNA, which shield them from cancer and chronic diseases, as well as to make it impregnable about atomic radiation! It is difficult to ascertain the validity of this hypothesis is controversial.

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