Arrest of former minister and an adviser to Karzai on charges of embezzling money

Prosecutors arrested Afghan Dilauri light of God, an economic advisor to President Hamid Karzai and the former Governor of the Central Bank in Kabul yesterday, on charges of embezzling public funds of $ 300 thousand dollars when he presided over the Central Bank of Afghanistan.
The Attorney-General announced Amanullah faith that Dilauri arrested at his home in Kabul on the basis of charges of embezzling funds and corruption », note that the former Transport Minister Inayatullah Qasmi was arrested the day before yesterday and put in remand prison by order of the Public Prosecutor,
who accused him of abusing power and mismanagement of public funds through signed «unilateral» a contract to buy two «Boeing 757» of the national airline «Ariana», «liver what the Afghan government a loss of $ 9 million, and prompting the EU to prevent flying over Afghan territory».

The judicial source said one of the charges against Dilauri linked to the issue Ghasemi, note that Dilauri work in the banks of the United States before returning to Afghanistan in 2002, after the fall of the «Taliban», and establishes and manages the agency support the investment the government's economic, then serving as governor of the Bank Central of November (November 2004) to December (December 2007). It is still a member of the Supreme Council of the Central Bank and head of the investment support.
The ground, seized control of «Taliban» on the region and the state of Yigal located far north of the mountainous Nuristan in eastern Afghanistan after a short battle with the police, what confirms the growing difficulties faced by Afghan and foreign forces in securing this troubled region.
Mohammad Zarin, "said a spokesman for governor of Nuristan said hundreds of fighters« Taliban »seized the area and Yigal few people, declaring that government forces are preparing to launch a counter attack to retake the region.
In a statement sent to media via e-mail, said Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for «Taliban» Lo «we raised the flag of the Taliban in the heart of the region, and captured 12 policemen». He added: «the success of this process will prove wrong the statements recently made by the commander of foreign troops in Afghanistan, General David Petrawess that his forces make gains against us».
Saw the Nuristan and Kunar neighboring violent conflict with the increasing spread of fighters «Taliban» outside its traditional strongholds in the south during the past two years. She was abducted «Taliban» Last week, about 50 police recruits in the Chapa Dara district Kunar.
On the other hand, the U.S. military apologized for publishing the magazine «Rolling Stone» new images of abuses committed by U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, who are currently prosecuted on charges of killing three Afghan civilians for the sake of entertainment.
After the first soldier Jeremy Dean Murlok Wednesday sentenced to 24 years, the magazine published a few pictures and a long investigation of the case.
The Defence Ministry said that «the images published by Rolling Stone harmful, and contrary to the values ​​of the U.S. military and its traditions», which is repeated after the publication of the magazine «Spiegel» German similar images last week.
And showed pictures «Rolling Stone» soldiers standing alongside the body of an Afghan man. The attached article on the magazine's website in the Internet, Bhariti video.
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