The challenge for Libya.. We are a big responsibility on us to prevent the success of the brutal repression perpetrated by the Gaddafi against his own people

Arab spring surprised the whole world. Many of the people in the West expected the emergence of a similar pattern of change in the various countries concerned. After three harrowing weeks of hesitation, it seems that our international community was ignorant of how to respond to Colonel Gaddafi's sudden attempt to turn the tide in his favor along the coast of Libya.
I have strongly opposed the invasion of Iraq and the ensuing political chaos and destruction appeared after the occurrence of this work is legal and who is not preparing him in the proper format.
 But Libya at the beginning of the month of March (March 2011) is not like Iraq in 2003. That invasion was not the example of the international community looks to repeat it.

I strongly support the humanitarian intervention in some specific cases, when the probability of success is high. We must bear in mind the interest of the people first and not the interests of rulers, especially those who used force to win their posts.
The example does not disappear from my memory is the use of international force to protect Kurds in Iraq amid the harsh snowy mountains in northern Iraq. This is a good understanding of John Major, Prime Minister of Britain at the time. Another example is the intervention of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Kosovo in 1999, when the Serbs began to acts of genocide.
It was unacceptable that the remaining forces «NATO» in the air bases watching Colonel Gaddafi, who is despised and hated by his people, enters its tanks to Benghazi, home to about one million people. I have used oil revenues to pay the wages of the Libyan mercenaries who came with them from countries such as Chad and Zimbabwe, and gave them absolute freedom to act to prevent the people of Libya to free his country from the hands of its blood. And use aircraft to bomb the Libyan rebels, also employed as child soldiers. During the 42-year stint in power, imprisoned hundreds of political opponents and torture was for many of them part of their daily lives.
Has become a no-fly zone imposed over Libya's clear priority and emergency. And Britain and France took the initiative to call for the imposition of this region, while I tried all of Germany and the United States to prevent it. However, the League of Arab States supported the ban, as did the Gulf Cooperation Council.
After a long wait, the Security Council imposed no-fly zone as well as «all necessary measures» for the Prevention of Colonel Gaddafi of the attack on the people. With what happened in Iraq in mind, the ground invasion was specifically excluded. Libya had declared in the case for an immediate cease-fire, but it does not comply, rushed to the international community to mobilize its forces and to use them.
Of course, the decision of the Security Council's strong and decisive this risk, but I am sure that the risks would have been much larger if the world chose to exchange view on the situation. I was pleased to see the Security Council acts in this way that suits the objectives. This is not to act reckless, but wise.
The economic sanctions imposed on Libya and freeze the assets of the Libyan government and those supporting the regime in Tripoli, are important things, but you need several months to become effective. At present, the system has an enormous capacity for spending.
The hope in the coming days crucial that the Arab world plays an important role to the maximum extent on the basis of the ball deep, which holds for Colonel Gaddafi's regime and what it stands. Such a system pays big salaries to the Africans in order to suppress democracy, and therefore deserves to be toppled by the Libyans themselves. May be both Qatar and United Arab Emirates, Jordan, significant impact, and the tips and the views of Arab countries in the Arab coalition - the new West must be taken into account at every stage.
And there must be a tight pressure on African governments that allow the recruitment of mercenaries in Tripoli. And can be searched in the imposition of sanctions. Should also give serious consideration to provide the Libyan rebel arms.
We are a big responsibility on us to prevent the success of the brutal repression perpetrated by the Gaddafi against his own people.
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