China occupies second place in the number of scientific research

made China in the last ten years in the number of articles published in scientific journals and the World of sixth place between 1999 and 2003 (4.4 percent of the total) to second place (10.2 percent) between 2004 and 2008.She was abducted from Japan in second place and was directly behind the United States ranked first in the world. This was according to the «Royal Susaeite» (the National Academy of Sciences) British.
Has seen the majority of Western countries, which comes in the top ten usually, a decline in their publications,
while this number increased in emerging countries such as China, Brazil and India, then Iran, Tunisia and Turkey.
 The United States remains in the lead, but the share of articles went down from 26.4 percent to 21.2 percent during the comparison period.
And Japan fell from second place (7.8 percent) to fourth (6.1 percent), and Britain has maintained the third position (6.5 percent, compared with 7.1 percent previously). The German, ranked fifth (6 percent versus seven percent in the past), and France came in sixth place (4.4 percent versus five percent previously).
In Tunisia, doubled the money allocated to the research of 0.03 percent of GDP in 1996 to 1.25 percent in 2009. He prepared the study for the benefit of «Royal Society» Ioleuen Chris Smith in a statement that «the circles of science changed and highlights the new actors». He added: «the emergence of China as well as a missile, there is the emergence of the South-East Asia and the Middle East and North Africa and other countries».
The study showed the increasing cooperation between teams from different countries, since 35 percent of the articles was the result of international cooperation, as opposed to only 25 percent 15 years ago. The study that «China is on track to overtake the United States in the number of scientific achievements by the year 2013», while the preliminary studies indicated that China may overtake the United States in 2020, according to the «BBC» (BBC), which added China is the state that invented the compass, gunpowder, paper and printing will return in the form of inventions leading to the yard.
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