Emirates Holidays launches «World of Choice 2010 - 2011»

Launched «Emirates Holidays» arm «Emirates» programs overseas tourist and the largest organizer and marketer bulk of these programs in the Gulf region and the Middle East, its book, the annual «World of Choice 2010 - 2011», which offers programs in 130 destinations in 37 countries across the world. These range from programs of the adventure to cultural tours and expedition programs and honeymoon, cruises and more.
Booklet includes detailed programs this year to Prague, Amsterdam, Tokyo and Madrid after being shot «Emirates» Services daily non-stop to
these four cities over the past year.
 It also provides a wide choice includes more than 550 hotels and resorts, in addition to a wide range of tours and domestic flights secured by Emirates Holidays customers according to demand.
We have said Mash, vice president of business development in the «Emirates Holidays»: «We are confident that the handbook this year is the best and most dynamic of what we call so far. We also add new stations, which began service during the Emirates last year, and programs include trips by rail, cruise ships and more unique boutique hotel. The booklet emphasizes the status of holidays in the UAE market by continuing to provide more programs to the number of destinations than any other organizer of the tourism programs in the Middle East ».
And will organize a «Emirates Holidays» Gallery «Emirates Holidays World» to shed light on the new manual at the Conference Centre Intercontinental Hotel Festival City in Dubai during the period between 29 April (April) and the First of May (May) next, with the participation of national pavilions representing 38 countries from Europe and the Americas and the Middle East, Africa and the Indian Ocean and Australia. It will provide the exhibition, which will meet the public and agents, opportunities for researchers on the programs and great views and willing to explore and discuss the options offered by the booklet with the representatives of regulators and experts from different regions of the world.
She said we have a mash: «Despite the significant improvement witnessed by the travel industry in the past two years, but the general public are now more interested than ever before, including going to get it for the money they pay when they think of buying a holiday program. We are prepared through the world of Emirates Holidays to meet the requirements of our customers, and even exceed their expectations. We have received very positive feedback from the public gallery during the past year, indicating that the demand for holidays will continue to strongly ».
Booklet is now available in the centers of the Emirates Holidays, the largest travel agencies across the Emirates network. A booklet is dedicated to holidays in Dubai and the UAE. Available and the Arabic version of the booklet «world of options» in the Gulf and the Middle East and North Africa. A miniature version of the Russian language.
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