European proposals to support small enterprises in Africa and the Mediterranean countries

Displays today's European Union partners in the Mediterranean region and Africa set a «Charter of the work» to encourage small and medium enterprises. He said European Commission Vice President Antonio Takhani industry official said that «the European Union will support reforms that will begin in the implementation of the neighboring countries experiencing major changes». He spoke Takhani to «life» the eve of his participation in the Conference of African Ministers of Industry in Algeria between 27 and 30 March (March), saying: «European Union will support programs of economic and political reforms in Tunisia, Egypt and other
Arab countries that wish to benefit from the experiences of the Union in the management transition ».
 The Union's proposal at the last meeting with the Mediterranean countries «intensify the exchange of good practices, knowledge and open the European market for businessmen and students from neighboring countries, the South».
The Deputy Chairperson of the Commission need to «put the Charter of the work» for small and medium enterprises, and expected that «ratified by the meeting of the Ministers of Industry in the Euro-Mediterranean region in Malta on 11 and 12 May (May) next». He stated that «the Action Plan would also be beneficial cooperation with African countries».
At the level of the African continent, the Deputy Chairperson of the Commission that «the African economy is growing rapidly and at high rates, but still below the level of the enormous potential available».
The gross domestic product in Africa, 1.6 billion euro in 2008, roughly equivalent to the result of a country like Brazil or Russia. But Africa recorded a steady increase in economic growth in 2009, while experiencing Europe and the United States from the aftershocks of the collapse of the financial system and economic stagnation for years.
He believed that the African continent Takhani «promising», representing one of the most important markets in the world «and recorded a significant increase in the consumption of food industry products and consumers demanding better quality and safety standards». He believed that «urban markets will be a big attraction centers of trade relations between the EU and Africa. The most important of these centers in the next decade, namely Cairo, Johannesburg and Cape Town, Lagos and Alexandria », referring to« the enormous wealth owned by Africa, which will enable it to raise the value of agricultural products, size and expand its presence in the global market. And qualify these resources to be equipped with a head for Europe in the field of biofuels ».
Africa has oil and gas resources, coal and minerals. He said: «If you can enhance the conditions of political stability and good governance, Vstdhaaf benefits of wealth, but they complain of lack of infrastructure and greater investment in transport networks, energy and basic services, increased opportunities for growth and exploitation of natural resources and increased growth at both the national and regional levels. The element of multilateral cooperation Development ».
He stressed the «must be focused cooperation in the next decade on activities that will stimulate investment. Therefore, ensuring the health and raise the level of education and the provision of services and infrastructure and promote entrepreneurship and to address issues such as immigration represents significant challenges for African countries »and« the importance of promoting small and medium enterprises, where are the engine of growth and employment, similar to those seen in the European market, where play a critical role in competitiveness economic dynamics ».
The European market represents 23 million institution in 99.8 percent of the total European institutions. He noted Takhani that «micro-enterprises face difficulties in entering markets where the share is just 13 percent for enterprises that have managed to access to the global market», a proposal on the African side «the appointment of an administrator assigned to identify ways of working in order to encourage the entry of products of micro-enterprises and Mediterranean African the global market, like what I did the European Commission ».
And encourages the European Commission to intensify trade in agricultural products because they represent an incentive to increase private sector activity and investment. But requires the development of means of transport which represents the other hand, the arteries supplying raw materials. Takhani said: «We are all linked to raw materials» The increased demand for reasons such as high growth and market expansion.
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