Human Resources Management in Arab banks complain about the central and bureaucratic inertia and

A study by researchers from the Faculty of Suleiman Olayan Business School at American University in Beirut, on the management of human resources in the Arab banking sector, «differences in the departments of human resources between countries». And considered that «the best practices in Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, UAE and Palestine». It considered that "the role of human resources managers in the banks of these countries are more strategic and visible».
And led the study, opioid Alostaztan ransoms and Charlotte Karam, aided by assistant researcher Hussein Al-Haj.
 And was attended by human resources managers of 98 banks in 13 Arab countries, with more than one hundred employees. And included in the category of the participating banks, commercial banks or investment or Islamic or global, private or mixed, and the study was funded by the National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon.
Considered opioid, that «the Arab banks today are more banks leadership in the developing world, some of which compete with major international banks». It pointed out that the Union of Arab Banks «Rate the performance of the banking sector in the Middle East best is the year 2009, compared to most of the developing world, but much lower than the performance of banks in industrial countries and the countries of East Asia». It noted that «the amount of innovation in the banking sector in the Middle East remains low compared to industrialized countries, as it is still lagging behind in Arab banks to merge to form larger projects and stronger».
The study concluded that «there is a model for the Arab Human resources is characterized by a focus on recruitment from the inside, and intensive training, and development of talent and stick to it, and the strong interest of individuals and building a relationship of trust with the staff and managers at all levels». They pointed out that «what kept these banks, is alternative work arrangements, and the adoption of outsourcing, and minimize the scope of work, and mass exchange, and management tools developed».
She opioid, that this model «also shows that the operating environment of the Department of Human Resources and the privilege of a central bureaucracy and rigid». It found that Arab banks are the «hierarchical institutions in which the employee could not only carry out the instructions instead of taking its own decisions, so do not respond quickly to changing business requirements».
The study showed, that «79 percent of HR managers have a strong knowledge of operations of banks and human resources practices in the banking sector, but they do not interfere strongly in the design Astratejbat work, and have limited access to mergers of banks and buy them taking place in their countries, they are not interested in management issues Diversity at Work », what they considered opioid signal that« human resources managers are not strategic partners, or change-makers, something that contradicts somewhat with what I found a previous study of the importance given to talent management and high degree of professionalism they have ». She noted that the study shows that «these managers in the participating banks, from professionals, but they do not perform a strategic role». So stressed that «the senior management of banks to upgrade their human resource managers to the executive level, and reduce the level of bureaucracy and strict management to become the human resources departments and units gained strategic value in excess of the bank».
It is noteworthy that this study is under review for publication in the academic International Journal of Human Resources Management, will be at the University of Cambridge during the meeting, research the Gulf between 6 and 9 July (July) next year.
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