?Is poverty the cause of the Arab revolutions

Most common with the start of the revolution of Tunisia, that poverty is the cause of revolution, the Tunisians on the regime of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, then the frequency of such a state with the start of the revolution in Egypt, and went some analysts to say, poverty is the cause of revolutions in the region, were described such revolutions as « revolutions of the poor »in the face of the ruling regimes.
In general, based on the owners of such analysis and views to a number of facts and data that surround the majority of Arab countries and their peoples, and are already the poorest, ranging from levels between the thresholds related to their inability to secure basic food needs and daily necessities,
and the upper limit includes people who provide the minimum of food, but they are unable to provide the urgent necessities of the needs of clothing, housing and education, and who account for more than their predecessors with a third of the Arab countries.
Also based on analysis and views to be the most important causes of poverty, is the policy that emerges, and monitor the operation of the Arab governments. Since most Arab countries have the resources provide good levels and perhaps an excellent life of its inhabitants, if they are invested in an acceptable manner, which could be said to exist in most countries of the Levant, including the Gulf, Iraq and Syria, as is true in this area to Egypt, Sudan and most of the countries of the Maghreb . With the exception of Mauritania, Somalia and possibly Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan to some extent, which are limited resources, but resources are sufficient to make the latter countries and their populations out of poverty, which Assar up in some of these countries to three-quarters of the population.
It is no doubt, that the facts and data surrounding poverty in the Arab countries, in particular government policies that have led to poverty, it can drive the Arabs, but it was necessary, to force them to revolt against the system, practiced destructive policies in the development, policies accumulated underdevelopment, disease and poverty, and shattered resources of their people out of their real needs and in particular Masrvath security and armaments, and fostered corruption, methods and consumption patterns in public life, capturing the wealth of the country and accounted for, Department of, and distributed some of the lining surrounding the president and his family and the lining close to him as Mazar in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and other countries.
Despite the importance of the above facts, the revolutions of the Arabs, did not start because of poverty that ruined the lives of citizens, but I went to the farthest and fundamental about the causes that led to poverty and other negative phenomena in the Arab life, I went to the emergency laws, which restricted public freedoms, and dedicated hardware security Seda active and obeyed in life, and provided for these devices the status and potential, given all the ability to breach human rights, and violation of public freedoms, including the right of association, assembly and expression, demonstration, and allowed them to breach and violation of personal freedoms of individuals, leading to interference in the details of their daily lives in the levels of family, study and work , which made the demonstrations and protests focused on the core was the most prominent slogans demanding freedom and dignity, and then drop the claim system, which devoted a violation of freedoms, and the majority of people lose their dignity.
Have reflected the revolution and the slogans and popular awareness of the youths living in the great distinction between primary and secondary education, and in another language between cause and effect. Poverty, although it destroys the capabilities and possibilities of human beings, and prevents their effective participation in public life, and affects the freedoms and dignity, it is not only a result of the policies and practices of governments, which reflect the essence of the character authoritarian based on monopolizing power and wealth, making it the main goal of the revolution.
Mohammed was not a malcontent Bouazizi Tunisian poverty, which are accustomed to and live with it. But it was when burned himself arguing and objecting to the violation of dignity when slapped him a policewoman in the Municipal Center, did not take part of Egypt's poor in the revolution because of their lack of food or medicine or housing, but by a patchwork practiced by the security services and police against them afflictions sustained, did not move the protesters in the city of Dara Syrian because of poverty, but to demand their freedom, which are absent due to the emergency law on their chests heaved for about fifty years. Yes, poverty was not, but official policies. It is leading to poverty, was the primary reason for the outbreak of revolutions in the Arab countries.
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