«Principles of Political Economy and Taxation» Ricardo: in anticipation of Marx

Since before the use of Karl Marx's thoughts together as the primary source of sources of economic thought as expressed, especially in his President «capital», a name associated with Adam Smith and Ricardo in one pot.However this was not thought these two key researchers in the «School of Economics Classical» English the same, but they were in the best of their situation, complementary. Perhaps it is right to say that while most likely theoretical to the thought of Adam Smith, in his book President «The Wealth of Nations» as the author, originally, a university professor and thinker, thinks the operationalization of the book, Ricardo President «Principles of Political Economy and Taxation»,
that Ricardo was a man market and business, not a university professor. Ricardo wrote this book and most other texts are inspired by his indulgence in the practical work and monitor what is happening in the market, and accurate observation in a world that is part of it. This also explains why, as the Egyptian researcher Dr. Hazem El-Beblawi, in his book «the common man to guide economic thinking» that the method Ricardo «difficult and directed primarily to specialists» even though this method may RPR b «it ​​is more scientific and accurate than the method of Adam Smith, the sender». As can be seen Beblawi that «economic analysis at the Ricardo-based to a large number of assumptions that must be accepted in advance». While Adam Smith found that the «invisible hand that reconcile the public interest and private interest, it is a divine and natural order» the Ricardo saw, rightly, that it is not in the command invisible hand does not grieve, but that it is the result of social organization, especially as an inevitable result of the game competition between individuals who seek to achieve maximum saturation.
> If, in mind the essential complement to the work of Adam Smith, an essential source of Marxist analysis of capitalist economy, market economy, seen Ricardo usually as a thinker practice who has completed the analysis of the cycle of production and depth, an analysis of trace its roots back to the thinker Koizni and Alvezioukratiin. What is new in the work of Ricardo is functioned, a modern leader, the so-called «the macro - economy» by analyzing the relationship between profits and wages, as well as through he joined the depth on the theory of rent. Not to mention that there is a consensus around it as one of the main founders of the theory of money Quantity. Perhaps this place is what made the British chief economist of the twentieth century Keynes describes as «invaded England just as the Holy Alliance invaded Spain». It goes without saying that the author of the Ricardo, «Principles of Political Economy, taxes,» which was released for the first time in 1817, is what made him such status.
> At first it must be noted that Ricardo did not put this book as an integrated author, but the book was originally a collection of disparate studies. In these studies, written by Ricardo in different circumstances and in response to some theoretical problems and controversies process, the author starts from the same problem that had been used «Alvezioukration» build on them. The problem of the distribution of products between different social classes. The basis on which Ricardo in his analysis is the «Theory of Value», which was Adam Smith had laid down the rules for consideration.Question posed by Ricardo from the outset is: What's your value is based on reciprocity? To answer this question differentiate the author between the goods and things can not work that increases the value (where the value here are based on a rarity, as it things are few in number at all), and the products can be value to increase, since this value is linked to the amount of work required for their production. In this area there is, in relation to Ricardo, an exception for agricultural products in relation to rents. Ricardo wondering where in this context whether this rent (real estate) has no effect on the value of these products. It is, to answer this new question, the theory of rent associated with his name. And see where it is determined that the rent value of the ratio between the value of agricultural product to be paid to the owner of the land, as opposed to exploit the potential of productive land, and the market value of the product. Since the progress of consumption and population growth are driving people to search for new land they cultivate, and thus to use the land less fertile, the product made in these new lands have a higher price than the price in relation to the fertile land. However, Ricardo noted, in a market where products are sold, the price is the same for the products are equal, and is set according to the higher-priced products. The result is thus a clear difference in value is in the interest of what is produced in the most fertile land. It is clear here that Ricardo used this argument as an example through which he can explain Ouwaliat market in relation to the basic value of the product, as the value of work done to achieve it. And Ricardo stems from this example for the formulation of argument link him to the formulation of the theory of other, more daring - at that time - related to «normal price of wages» any wages the minimum necessary to live where he says that «the price of natural wage adjusts always do for food, clothing and other requirements necessary» to live a worker and his family, knowing that there is also a «price effect of wages», and be received by the Group, this time, the relationship to the principle of supply and demand.
> All this, and other theories and analysis contained in this book pioneer, may seem to us today, after two centuries of the evolution of economic thought, close Needless to say, It is recognized, but at that time was of a revolutionary theory in the world of thought things social and economic postulates which can not be subject to any logical analysis.
> Born David Ricardo (1772 - 1823) in London with a Hispanic father and Jewish mother. He started at the age of fourteen to work in the stock market and banks with his father. In the twenty-first married a girl from a «Quaker» Christian Altehranip and began swinging between his faith and belief. Remained throughout his life also swings in employment between the banks and the stock market even the fact that great wealth for himself. The first ideas of economic and transported from the realm of practical came into the expression theory, missed as a result of its monitoring of what has resulted from the Napoleonic wars of the economic results on Western Europe, especially France and England, and so had been writing to the newspaper «Morning Kronichael» a series of articles drawn attention, and had a impact even in a series of economic legislation in the English Parliament (in particular, including those related to money and value of real and nominal). And those articles were the basis on which it built a series of books and research that made him a central place in the world economy made it to the theoretical as well as thinkers such as Adam Smith and Fourier paving the top for the emergence of Marxist ideas.
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