Rural women in public policies in Morocco

I would like to do in my intervention by comparing some of the orientations of public policies in Morocco with regard to rural women and focused national initiative for human development and positioning of women in the immediate surroundings through the creation of a dynamic development closely
their circumstances of living. This comparison is based on the point of view Anthropological field where you play the   qualifications and cultural role is essential to understand the presence of women in local communities and its potential role as a lever for good governance.

To conclude that the integration of rural women in governance and management of groups depends on finding solutions to short and long term rehabilitation of the non-poor compositionThe Status of Women, which covered the areas of field research to Aiwhlha to carry out the position in the political participation of rural areas.

Fmwhladtha Tdjalanha and composition of groups outside the map of the local villageVal_khasas nature of the structural Azervip problematic because the confusion is not a regulatory legal farce, or rather linked to women's communal councils, but forms of the membership of any nature that what is missing women in rural areas is rehabilitated to accommodate the challenges of political participation and a measure of good governanceAll data on women in rural areas the proportion of illiteracy; (60%) lack of independence, and its presence outside the decision-making circles ...Commends to bet on its political role and its representative in the development and adoption of a lever for local governance.

Passage du plafond de la revendication du principe de l'égalité à celui de la paritéQuelles perspectives et quelle viabilitéEst-ce que le Maroc est pret pour accepter un gouvernement Présidé par une femme ?

This requires the incumbent to diagnose women's relationship with its rural development to understand and relish the prospects for political participation and its role as a lever for local governance based on the location within the National Initiative for Human Development and their representation within the structures Altveilip the National Initiative:

    Comité provincial de développement   humain CPDM )

   Comité local de développement  humain (CLDH )

   L'équipe d'administration Communale (EAC )

From this perspective we can say that women's representation is virtually non-existent not Iqsaoua her or that the Steering Group is that of a male   , but not qualified to perform these tasks with all the bodies, which are not framing the National Initiative for Human Development emphasizes that women's representation.Faced with this existential confusion and organic can wonder whether women or active effect in the framework of the Moroccan community projectThe answer to this question, we will work to diagnose the site of women in the rural world and its role in the development of that area outside the public policies adoptedHow do I read this roleHow can leverage its integration of local governance through a contextual approachContextualisation )?.

Can be considered the status of women in the draft of the National Initiative for Human Development a privileged position as a component of the groups that suffer from poverty, vulnerability and marginalization (pauvreté-précarité-exclusion )   and these are the building blocks deep, which was built by the national initiative, but that women are the embodiment directly to the social dilemmas of the three

Voir Manuel pour la mise en œuvre du program de lutte contre la pauvreté en milieu rural - volume 2  Juin 2006 ).

But some of the passage of   years on the royal proclamation for a national initiative on 18 May 2005, becoming the results are satisfactory, but did not rise to the McCann envisaged them and suggested a number of parallel programs, including "Moukawalati" which stood on the lack of effectiveness and efficacy to be in recent times to bet on a dynamic "class Central "out of the social crisis.

The question that arises is whether rural women their own mechanisms to cope with its known shift Jdria (Tmazjh world urban) and at the same time Icpt Chbta organically Baltnaiyat is: a man / woman - Holy / Allamekds honor / shame, tribe / Alaadian, pride / humiliation. . Is governance mechanisms (academic and political sense) Bmcn to re-account of the women in the world is structured and articulate about it.

Can be considered the vulnerability of rural women vulnerable because they affect the structural forms deep domain presenceThis Altmzarat   Bomitha linked to structural and non-resolution issued by the positions and   also to secure its status of others in terms of pay, employment and poverty situation of excellence and belonging to the areas closed to Atstvid of the necessary infrastructureThat is why the women embody as defined by the National Cooperation

voir les Précarités et au Maroc concept Typologie 2,008 page 15 )         

 All stages of the fragility, the fragility beforepré-précarité ) vulnerabilityprécarité ) and post-fragilitypost-précarité ) how to ensure her permission to play an active role in local communities and be a lever for local governance?

Can be quite sure that illiteracy is one of the direct causes and non-structural rehabilitation of rural women where illiteracy; rate up to 54.7%, according to the census for the year 2004In this context, defines the role of knowledge acquisition in the measurement of the level of vulnerability depending on the elements (1) to read as knowledge acquired in school and (2) Measure the manual or what the people can accomplish in their hands.

Cf. Précarités Les au Maroc. Typologie et Concept: two thousand and eight - page 80 )

With respect to the first measure is a general result from the work of (patients or patients or, in some cases, inertia) With respect to any measure to scale the second Profilesavoir faire ) refers to the profession is profitable and require arduous physical effort and his friends live and the fragility of a sustainable position.According to the same source Women are more susceptible to this situation.

Voloj rural women world of local governance remains a long reach, if we assume that governance requires a kind of decentralizationDécentrement ) in decision-making with multiple actors and agencies intervening.They are based on new ways to measure air-conditioning-based partnerships between a number of actors, so in the case that concerns us he put rural women do not help to participate in the governance of its field in particular that the actors and other actors certainly have in their entirety on the knowledge acquired from school, however, it Atjid only know the "Hand" .

 If the goal of good governance to support democracy and human rights, promote the economy, strengthening social cohesion, reduce poverty, protect the area and the rational use of natural energies and strengthen the confidence of population in the work and the management of the State, it appears that the impact of rural women (with consideration of their qualifications) in local governance is almost absent, is supplying passes mainly through systematic schooling and training on governance and collective managementT find a reference to the Registrar that the reluctance in the 2007 elections can be Nnsabh not to carry out the democratic parties Bgamp actually meet with the involvement of citizens, is expected to be non-emergence of this measure "governance" on the consequences of participating in the upcoming elections.

As linked to the status of women in the structures of the National Initiative for Human Development shows that they Boit place special when he said the project on their representation at all levelsVoir Initiative nationale de Développement humain (INDH) manuel pour la mise en œuvre du program de lutte Cotre la pauvreté en milieu rural Juin 2,006 )

The initiative is based at supporting democracy and the rule of law and defend   the rights of women and children in all fields of economic, social and cultural development through the principles of good governance and approaches to participatory approach among the beneficiaries and actors in local developmentThis initiative is therefore focused on the regional and local Committee for the management of the domestic potential and assist people living in difficult circumstances.

Tmvsalt for this national initiative on structures such as stand-alone

* The Regional Committee for Human Development ((CRDH associative fabric, which includes regional (women's associations)

* Regional Committee for Human DevelopmentCPDH ) that are local projects for human developmentILDH ) proposed by the local Committee for Human DevelopmentCLDH ) and also includes representatives of the associative fabric.

* Local Committee on Human Development: The task completed Monogravea Community or dizziness, a participatory diagnosis to identify Alhajpat and priorities in consultation with the static and elaborated a local initiative for human development.

* Collective team activationEAC Equipe d'Animation Communale ) and its main function is to communicate with the static and inform them of the proposals and consult with them and framed and distributing references them (women are illiterate?)

And Ihemenha in these structures are representative of womenAnd structures that account for our interest in directly and close relationship with the positioning of women in local communities   is the local committee on human developmentCLDH ) and collective team activationEAC ). For the cost of collective team activation Directorate of Social WorkDAS ) and the composition of the selection of its membersAmong the conditions meet the selection standard of schooling, which reduces rural womenIn this context can be suggest that some events are appended to the urban area rural women to the fact that they belong to a particular rotor or anotherBut the real problem is that their participation in the management of local affairs depends on "a certificate of domicile," as it can not be elected or elected in the village or Doarha except in the case match the address card with her national title Bdoarha or her village.

Activation function of a team collectively vested in him in the task of communication and meeting with the static, to what extent the training of women for this task? ( contact de communication et de communication contact ) 

Careful structuring of the local committee for human development to be representative evenly between women and menAnd an initial condition that there are three women among the membersAlso confirms the structure as well as to be among the team members collective activation womanHowever, the selection of such conditions to be elected or Ando of local staff Oommthelo civil society is no longer in the majority when the female component in rural areasAre women's permission is an element within the scope or a negative effect in the dynamics of local developmentOr created for the same field mobility assumption of direct active role in its geographical location?

To the intractability of dynamic and the level of public policy, rural women has masterminded its way directly.

For this I will try to put the problematic positioning of women in the draft national development through the anthropological approach of being on the field some of the conclusions drawn from some areas and specifically on the Tadla Azilal and the Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zair.In this context Sorom answer two questions: the first is the concept of development at the rural women and the other for determining the status of women in rural development: Is it effective or object?

I wonder which is linked with the nature of the theory, we can consider that the concept of development, its content ideological political and academic is not present when the rural women, it appears that simply building a conceptual framework for Ahilj "weekly markets", but remains confined to urban orbitsIf we assume that there is a perception of the close and timely development at rural women, this perception is synonymous with the concept of "aiding" any subvention from the party the power to help women out of the position of vulnerability and marginalization and poverty.

The second question, which is based diagnostic approach to determine the status of women in rural community development project, I will present several examples of models of women's involvement in its vicinity and the re-circulation of some of the mechanisms of productionIt should be noted that the search mechanisms used are questioning and participatory observation.

Through Maintna for some markets in the region of Rabat, Beni Mellal (Sat sprinkled - Joutip to shift paddles - Takzert - Zoaer - and the sons of Joseph - and the sons of Mubarak - three boys Azzouz - Min Alkamouni) shows that women contribute to the development of its cross-fill in the blanks left by the decline in men in some spaces.

In the region of Beni Mellal diminished role of men in the function of the "Shepherd" where we find caregivers (Srahat) instead of shepherds (released) and that the abuse of youth in the region for Migration (Aharik) to Italy, which has become a social value in this region (which footmen is who Tihrk / locomotive and propulsive / "O sea, not land, Magaw Ajajo)

Labor in the fields: Women on the whole - and this is what is observed at the beginning of the day when it meets a large number of the pioneers of the position to choose to work in nearby fieldsAs for the male labor force has tended to other occupations or Achtgalat such as polishing shoes, selling cigarettes or hawkers in order to provide the amount of money required to Hreik.

As you know, weekly markets in recent years a new kind of sectoralSectarisme ) sector is the emergence of women within the space market, this sector specialize in some products such as eggs, milk, butter, ghee, herbs (Msita, Marwat, oleander ...) and this what has been previewed in the market for "sat sprinkled" market "to the extent the Roman," the region of Rabat.Therefore there must be emphasized that the traditional sectoral division within the market (Alvenajp - cupping - Alkzarp, Alkhaddarp ...) Indhav to a new sector, namely sector products are womenWomen in this context will directly contribute to the development of its surroundings subsidizing her husband and support the intake of domestic and extending the domestic market materials concerned with is only in its production, and the answers of women was mostly are in the determination of women to play an important role in contributing to and management of the economy of domestic inject new capital in the conduct of House Helping her husband and expenses (Ntaono the time).We must also recall the role of women in the same so-called non-monetary economy      économie non monétaire )   , which is formed on the peasant household, procreation, child rearing, household chores, ...

Also managed some of the women belonging to the orbits of the village of Zair measure some of the mechanisms of production and through the establishment of a dedicated place within urban spaces.Cite this example of the "Joutip to shift paddles" group Yacoub el Mansour in Rabat, where the women orbits village was able to create a market for second-hand clothes, dubbed "Mkamul" on a par with the market the excellent content Baloseci « Mega Mall »   The activity of these women peasants in the sale of clothing collectors of PCA begging that lived out in the city of Rabat and Otmnp clothing ranging between five dirhams and 20 dirhams, which resulted in the popularity   and demand by all sectors of society, especially the middle class.

This mechanism of production enter into a new type of conduct so-called "character of poverty          (Métiers de la misère )   as "women's toilets" (femmes Toilettes ) and waitresses in cafes male and sellers of cigarettes in installments and guardians cars, jobs seasonal, such as those associated with phase elections, which enables some of the girls to find work for at least a month on the occasion of the elections.

 In return for these new mechanisms of production remain the status of women within the rural area more vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion in the vicinity of the symbolic system is characterized by an ad valorem basis, involving men and ibidExamples of this situation are manyIn a roundabout Alzaip Besbt sprinkled dishonored women and prostitution is a daily quest to bring the money the most important women's activitiesIn the region of Beni Mellal Young women constitute the capital of the family where they are prepare them for the passport of migrants from Italy, which is what can be called marriages profitable where that marriage "Btliani" guarantees to some members of the wife join in the destination country, and sometimes speaking parents about the "Keep" BahabpRéserver ) and not to accept the "local pair" and wait for the "husband Taliani."

 In general, the aspirations of women in both sides theme field research can be described as being the aspirations of the innate, such as marriage and parenting, as indicated by some proverbs scattered (born mustache being at the beard and born beard being on the grave) "is that marriage should be early so that women can Educational her children and Maisthm long.The dynamic women in this field is controlled by some of the binaries are central, such as dual power and the sacred, in contrast to the fear of authority and its representatives (Basha, submitted, Sheikh, gendarme, auxiliary forces, ..) we find harmony and acceptance of all that is sacred Kaloolia, shrines and places of visits that focus representations and perceptions about the spiritual security and tranquility and happiness.


I have been thrown problematic status of rural women in the draft national development through the approach Ontorpbujip depend on the mechanisms of field research, especially cross-examination and observation, participatory and objective of this approach is to monitor some elements of the diagnosis area village closely Pettmouka women in the draft of the National Initiative for Human DevelopmentIn this regard, has been held accountable some of the content of this initiative in relation to the subject of local governance and the role of women in the management team, and was the preliminary conclusion that women can play an effective role in project development and governance, to organic causes and structural return to illiteracy rampant in the ranks.

It is a direct consequence of illiterate rural women had succeeded in managing the scope and through the creation of new mechanisms for the production of the blanks left by the withdrawal of men from certain professions, created for new spaces within the weekly market and within the orbits of urban, filled occupations marginalized or the so-called professions misery, formed to capital reserves for the family through lucrative marriagesThe recently have spread the phenomenon of "nomadic species" which are of interest to rural women from some quarters (the West - Tadla ...) who go to engage in Spain on a trip like a season of migration to the North: A Journey to extend for four months in the strawberry fields under the burning sun.And the number of "half Alrahlat" arrived this year to 15.600 womenThis is another type of real-time measure of the spatial and governance crisis of poverty in rural areas depends on the concept of migratory «Nomadisme »   , which reminds us of the phenomenon of "Aharik" in men
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