Strategic balance and resistance

Much has been written about «the conflict to Syria», especially since independence, which is dedicated to evacuate French territory in the mid-Forties of the last century.It linked the majority of what is written between this conflict and the stage of internal unrest and coups.
Perhaps the most important objectives of the «corrective movement», which by the late President Hafez al-Assad in 1970, is to break the link between this conflict and the domestic situation, ie, turning Syria into a playground for outside powers, international and regional, to the player on the regional level, the lowest estimate. It seemed to justify this movement,
criticizing the delinquency extreme to the comrades in the Baath Party (or the so-called Group of February) and removal of Syria from its surroundings, they are the first steps to restore a normal relationship with the ocean, through the re-the so-called Arab solidarity and away from the axes, ie to find a balance in relations Regional Syria.
 As well as the restoration of balanced international relations, all family with the United States and the former Soviet Union, with the opening of Europe.
When he was talking about being strategic balance, it was not limited to the military balance of power with Israel, but also involved a balanced political relations in the region and between East and West. Even at the height of «Front repel», the late President Hafez a good relationship with the peace camp. He cut off relations with Egypt after Anwar Sadat signed a peace treaty with Israel, and returned the decision of the Arab summit, not unilaterally. Even when the late President endorsed the war on Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait, and entered the war, he did so in the context of international and Arab decision, and not as a battle between two adversaries.
Syria considered that any time, in light of Egypt out of the conflict and the great imbalance in the balance of military power, to its regional role and protect them from any Israeli uniqueness lies in the stable relations with the Arab, especially Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, and to remain within the Arab consensus.
The agency this policy, especially after the disengagement in the Golan, the balance in their international relations. It considered that the continuation of this balance is to protect her from any imposed by the predominance.
But this balance that stabilization Syrian began to tremble with the collapse of the Soviet Union, one of the pillars of the strategic balance. And expressions of anger Syrian about the policy of Mikhail Gorbachev (glasnost and perestroika, which contributed to undermining the Eastern Bloc), the campaign launched by the official media of the Syrian Soviet leader to end use of the term Stalinist he described as «revisionist», ie, that Damascus realized early risk inherent in the collapse of the the Soviet Union on its policy in the strategic balance, and in the repercussions prevail polar, any unilateral United States, its role as a player in the region, returning to take advantage of the sheet resistance in Lebanon against the Israeli invasion in 1982, to re-assert its role, both in the equation of the conflict or the regional equation.
But this paper, which has become a pillar of Syrian policy in what became known later resisted, spent a significant shift in regional relations to Syria, it is match with the consensus and solidarity of the two Arab, Damascus turned to pole in the axis with Iran at the expense of relations with the Arab.
Strategic balance, in the sense indicated above, responds with a traditional Arab nationalist sentiment among large segments of the Syrian people. However, the transition to the axis with Iran had not received a similar response, but is seen to be out of Arab concern. This explains some of the slogans launched during the recent protest movement. According to official explanations, considered the chants of the draft civil strife and disorder, but they remain apologetic interpretations of what did not pick up people figure out the meaning of the policy of the Syrian opposition.
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