U.S. satellites monitoring the armies advanced in 2016

Revealed the Pentagon that Washington finally began to publish the largest network of satellites that work with radar, in order to monitor large areas of the world militarily. It complements the work of this web space with the work of a similar monitoring by military radars mounted on aircraft «operating» AWACS and its mission is to track moving targets in the air, land and sea, and then send the information to command centers and combat units in the U.S. Army.
Continuous monitoring and orbits
In the context of deploying satellite network, signed a U.S. Air Force two decades the value of each of them $ 220 million, with two competing companies
are «Lockheed Martin» and «Northrop Grumman».
 The first gathering of leading companies including «Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems» (a branch of the parent company of the competition) and «General Dynamics» and «Hanuel Aerospace» and a number of other companies competent in electronic technologies and informatics. Stands «Northrop Grumman» at the head of a coalition of companies such as «Boeing» working on the design of satellites, and «Raytheon» and others.
The network will consist of dozens of prospective large satellite which is supposed to be distributed to the orbits of the strategy. Begins with the launch of these satellites between 2012 and 2016. It is known that the system of «Jstarz» is a mobile radar on the plane «707», such as the «operating», it is estimated to control mechanisms and trucks on the floor from a height of 240 kilometers, regardless of the weather, which used to cover military maneuvers.
The system can monitor the space expected to be thousands of kilometers along the area at one time, before moving on to cover a similar area. Thus, the estimated future space network to control the most land area in the time of walking. For example, can a radar in the satellite of the network to monitor movements on the shores of the eastern and western United States. Such a space system that enhances the capacity of the system «Jstarz» also, to the extent of monitoring, area, and clarity of objectives, among others.
He holds that the space system name «S NPR» SBR (short for «Spice Bayazd radar» Space Base Radar), and works based on the concept of «continuous monitoring» Constant Surveillance, which was adopted by the Pentagon as a way for this kind of work in the defense and intelligence. And is expected to turn the system upon completion of his system, the basic concepts of intelligence.
In this regard, detection Colonel Air James Pinter Project Manager «S P R» in the «Center for missile systems and space» of Los Angeles, that the system is the first satellite of the network, taking place in low orbit between 770 km and 1200 km, which means it revolves once around the Earth through between ninety minutes and 112 minutes.
And spin another set of similar satellites in orbit average, at an altitude of 10 thousand km, which means they complete cycle around the Earth every 6 hours. With the increase in high orbit, you need satellites to larger antennas and more power, but they become capable of monitoring larger areas. In contrast, the satellites flying in low orbit, to capture electronic signals more clearly. The system can of 21 satellite flying in low orbit, to monitor a specific area in the form of a continuous basis.
As these satellites can be programmed to clear the area every ten minutes, for example, or once a week in the case of monitoring the goals of changing their positions slowly, as if the target a military base under construction. The subject base missiles, for example, monitoring the clock as they could launch their weapons at any moment.
In the same context, cost the «Agency National Imagery and Mapping» of the Pentagon, a number of companies to prepare a generation of sophisticated satellite imaging, to be used by the military and intelligence services, as well as civilian commercial firms.
It is known that the work of photography by commercial satellite harness also of the tasks relating to the national security of the United States. The Pentagon is present depends on sophisticated satellites for meteorology in order to monitor dust storms that may impede the military attack. As well as equipped with a new system of satellite meteorology, and placed in service in early 2010.
The United States has about 100 satellites orbiting around the earth, among the tasks related to the purposes of military and intelligence operations. Scharf and many of these satellites at the end of the fitness for work, while the delayed production of more sophisticated ones, because of financial problems and technical variety. Therefore, the U.S. intelligence services have tended constantly to rely on commercial space vehicles, so as not to lag behind America in a race satellites. And serves some of these satellite televised broadcast, while continuing in the service of American intelligence. This situation leads to compensate for the shortfall in the U.S. government's fleet of satellites confidentiality.
It is known models for this fleet, there is a spacecraft designed to tap, such as vehicle «Mercury» built by the «National Reconnaissance Office». Working «Mercury» to capture communications signals emanating from radar networks and wireless base stations. This information is communicated to the «National Security Agency», which holds the sorted search for evidence of terrorist activities or military or security or other. In an example is also known, failure to catch the draft «Introdr» Intruder, a satellite to eavesdrop, because of technical and financial problems are different.
Perhaps the group satellites most famous are those of the «Navstar GPS» NAVSTAR GPS global positioning. The abbreviated name is a Navigation Signal Timing And Ranging Global Positioning System, which refers to a system of tracking signals and times, including help to determine the locations of fixed and mobile on the ground.
This system has moved from the military to the civil service under President Bill Clinton. And help «Navstar GPS» to guide bombs to their targets, and the empowerment of civilian vehicles (and people) to determine their locations. In 2003, the new moon was added to the system, to assist U.S. forces in Iraq. In previous decades, I got up this system tasks warning of rocket attacks. It was also similar in the two systems to develop a huge project, its tasks include the provision of high-resolution images for purposes such as caches «terrorists» and sites of weapons of mass destruction and suspicious sites. Within the overlap between civil and military, the U.S. armed forces depend in part on satellite communications companies run by the Civil giant. And winning the U.S. Department of Defense independent communications networks, including one advanced satellites cost more than $ 4.7 billion.
As a result of increasing demand on the civilian GPS technology, there have been two similar systems for the U.S. (GPS) and Russian (GLONASS), in particular the European Regulations «Galileo» and Chinese «Baidu Navaegishn Satellite» Beidou Navigation Satellite.
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