Bad breath and its relationship with dry mouth and tooth decay and the difficulty of social acceptance of people

Remain bad breath at the top of the list of causes of disrupted social acceptance of people, like the bad smell of sweat the body and the release of gas. Although the shelves of shops and pharmacies full of types and varieties of custom products to ease the stench of the mouth, such as certain types gum or mouthwash or sprays, or other, but researchers are still far behind in the development of real solutions have . 
In an attempt serious scientific met more than 200 scientific experts at a conference dedicated to the study of this matter, the International Conference of bad breath. Which was held in the last week of August last in Chicago. And a variety of disciplines involved between dentists and specialists in biochemistry and microbial science, doctors, psychologists and researchers in the smells and flavors, to try to elucidate the relationship disease changes the smell of air breathing .
Expressed by Dr. Patricia Linton, a participant in the conference from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Minnesota, United States, on the subject that it's like a stigma that causes the person Oddly, when that is classified as an unpleasant mouth odor .
And a variety of theses in the conference between research in the stronger flavors of natural materials effective to improve the breath, which turned out to be those inherent in the peel, cinnamon, and between the development of devices placed in the nose to monitor the extent of the bad smells it and trying to figure out cause of any disease the body by .
Dr Christina Wei, a researcher at the Chicago College of Dentistry of the University of Illinois, one of the organizers of the conference, we demand that interfere with the scientists and researchers in this area of health, the foul smell of the mouth, their research on the scientific causes and means to overcome them. She added that in the field of dentistry and his research is to ignore the problem of bad smell of the mouth, because they are not considered seeking the killer of man. But in fact a big problem, and everyone at some point in his life had suffered from the emergence of an unpleasant odor in the breath has .
It is known that the majority of people, cause the bacteria in the mouth in the degradation of proteins. Which results in the emergence of compounds containing the element sulfur. Which gives the same bad smell. Thus, diseases or conditions such as dry mouth or tooth decay or taking certain medications or medical problems in the sinuses, diabetes, or other, all may cause the problem to the person .
And emphasizes the scientific observations that most causes of bad breath comes from the mouth. And that 90% of which comes from the tongue in particular. Because the tongue says Dr. Linton warm and humid. Which makes it a suitable environment for the presence of bacteria on it. Any vehicle for the realization of large numbers of them over the surfaces .
So Dr. Linton re-emphasize that a good cleaning of the mouth is the best weapon available today to resist the emergence of the problem of bad smell of the mouth. This is accomplished through brushing and flossing teeth flossing and the use of the tongue scraper to remove bacteria from surfaces of the tongue. Especially those trapped in the back parts of the tongue. And the use of solvents, mouthwash .
But it pointed out that not all of the reviewing physicians search for a way to get rid of the stench of the mouth, already suffering. Indeed, statistics indicate that 17% of them are convinced that they have a problem, as they are not. In which case the so-called fear of a bad smell in the mouth, or Halitovobaa halitophobia. and make the suffering of those concerns, worried about how others accept them socially and smell of their mouths, shall affect negatively the activities of their daily lives. Some researchers believe it is one of the manifestations of mental disorders cases to these whispers compulsive obsessive compulsive disorder that profoundly affect the behavior of some. But, as mentioned by Dr. Linton, has been monitoring cases of suicide in Japan as a result of suffering from this fear, obsessive-compulsive disorder in a bad smell in the mouth.
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