Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian people face between the promises of reform and vulnerability to extremists of Al-Assad

Began to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad losing control for the benefit of relatives of militants and troops have become laden with the burdens and the money started running out of his revolt against his rule and to mobilize support and funding . 
Given all this, analysts and diplomats residing in Syria that the international community started to plan to free Syria from the Assad family . 
However, most observers regard the Syrian view that the risk of slipping into sectarian war and large believe that Assad will fight until the end and will transform the conflict into a regional conflict by provoking the violence in Lebanon and Turkey and with Israel . 
A Western diplomat said 'in spite of everything they have done in the past few weeks of the killing, torture and mass arrests and raids, the protests were still going '. 
He added, "the system will fight to the death, but the only strategy that is owned by killing people and this speeds up the pace of the crisis '. 
In an attempt to stop the protests sweeping the country with a population of 23 million people, diplomats said that the government withdrew most of the security forces from the outskirts of the capital Damascus. But every time the authorities intervened aggressively to deal with the Center to protest rising up other towns . 
Assad and depends only on the two units of special forces led by his brother Maher are the fourth armored division and the Republican Guard as well as the secret police and militia from the Alawite minority to which he belongs and will find themselves loaded with overstretched . 
A diplomat based in Damascus' Our assessment is that the regime will fall. In front of them between three and six months of actual military capabilities to pursue this, but they can not maintain the continuation of a lengthy process for an indefinite period '. 
Najib said Ghadhban Syrian academic and activist in London, said there is broad to overthrow the Assad family after 40 years in power . 
He added: 'We believe strongly that the regime has lost its legitimacy. Had no vision on how the country out of crisis. The situation is deteriorating ... We are confident that this will reach a positive end, such as Tunisia and Egypt '. 
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights that so far has killed more than 1,100 people were detained up to ten thousands of thousands have fled since the start of the campaign . 
Diplomats said that the international community believes that the easiest way to move into the post-Assad in Syria will be through a military coup, although several governments are encouraged senior army officers to rebel . 
The diplomat said, 'We Nazlh he and his family. Address the military commanders and members of the government to rise up. Encourage senior officers of the army to rise up '. 
He added, "the only important variable is the continuation of the momentum (of revolution). We do believe that it is not an opportunity to return to the back '. 
He believes, like other analysts that the economic paralysis suffered by Syria amid continuing reports that the government's money runs out and she started calling the Department of Interior to provide emergency financing are factors that weaken the Assad family . 
The diplomat said that a cousin of Assad businessman Rami Makhlouf, who is resented by protesters recently deposited billion Central Bank of Syria to settle the Syrian pound . 
The diplomat said 'when they can not pay the salaries of staff and the army, police and militia, the upper swell of the crisis and lead to the collapse of the regime ... This is a disaster waiting to happen'. 
And started indicators CD-ROM resources and loyalties are dwindling already showing . 
The protests began when the authorities revoked accommodate teams of security forces and a high level of capital. And these forces now trying to quell the protests of the shield in the south to the bridge of the vacancy in the north, which was the scene of violent reprisals after the government claimed this month that it lost 120 of its men killed by 'armed bandits '. 
Although the residents say that the demonstrations out every Friday in Damascus and surrounding suburbs . 
Diplomats said the bloodshed in the bridge of the vacancy was a result of divisions in the ranks of the army, which does not bode well for the Assad family. Said a diplomat who lives in Syria 'split about 50 soldiers and officers of the second row and the local population supported them and the authorities sent troops to fend them off and killed 120' novels government denied that this work of Salafi groups as propaganda . 
And he and others refer to the growing progress of the uprising, which draws support from various sectors of society . 
The diplomat said the resident 'after three months, this is not the uprising of the poor. There are major funding from the business community and upper-class Syrian. Providing money, telephones that operate satellite, cameras, food, water and medical supplies '. 
He added, "This broad-based movement does not include young Syrians, but the imams of mosques, businessmen and even former members of Saddam's Baath party '. 
Analysts feel confused because Assad did not direct address to the nation since the uprising began in mid-March. They point out that the conciliatory remarks in which he promised not to be shooting at the protesters and the deaths of the protesters then shows that it is controlled . 
Said Patrick Seale, who wrote a biography of former President Hafez Assad, Bashar's father, 'the big question that has not been answered by the President . 
'The question is whether (Bashar) is involved in the murder or was he pushed aside? Things are run from the militants, Cbihh '. 
He says flood 'Assad does not take control of things. It does not show any manifestation of leadership. We have already taken control of the situation '. 
The Syrian activist Osama Upholstered the international community, which included 13 top officials of Syria to the list of sanctions should include them army officers involved in the killing of protesters as well as companies related to the family of Syrian Assad . 
He said that he should be upholstered County Syrian oil sales ranging between seven and eight million dollars a day, which goes directly to funding the military. He must build a consensus against the Arab-Assad through the mobilization of support from China, Russia to adopt a resolution of the UN Security Council . 
However, all scenarios that are looking forward to the fall of the Assad-based division of the army, which is mostly Sunni, while the possibility of Western military intervention, such as what happened in Libya, in Syria is unlikely because of the risks of regional . 
Analysts say the stakes are high in Syria, an ally of Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon and in the presence of sectarian and ethnic mix of Sunnis, Kurds and Alevis, Christians, they might slip into civil war . 
They point out that Syria may pose problems in the region by trying to incite another war between Hezbollah and Israel. They say the Syrian authorities have encouraged the demonstrations that took place recently on the Israeli-Syrian border, which has been quiet for 38 years in an attempt to expand the scope of the conflict . 
The diplomat said 'the Syrians have hands on many things. They have a lot of tools to put pressure on their neighbors and provoke problems between Hezbollah and Israel and between Sunnis and Shiites in Lebanon and between the PKK and the Justice and Development Party in Turkey ', referring to the party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan .
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