Breeding dogs in the house between the prohibition of religious and health damage

Which we, inter alia, we got the habits of the infidels to keep dogs at home, and the number of those who Ttabawa Btabaa infidels in our society are making in their homes, dogs purchase amount and price of a dog is haraam, from the hadeeth narrated by Imaam Ahmad, 1 / 356 which is in Saheeh al 3071. And spend in food and cleanliness money will be asked on the Day of Resurrection, until he became the slogan of houses many of the affluent, senior officers and a dog at home, and saliva of the dog is impure, which is licking people of the house and belongings, even if a dog licks the vessel of must be washed seven times, one with earth, how if you know O Muslim, the amount of what is missing of the wage of those who own a dog, said peace be upon him: "What of the household associated with a dog only a lack of work every day carats (In the novel a Muslim of reward), but a hunting dog or a dog for farming or dog sheep" Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1489 which is in Saheeh al 5321, Valenha for keeping dogs are excluded from transplantation dog, hunting and guarding (guard houses and structures or livestock, etc.) and enters what is needed to track the effects of the criminals,
And drug detection and so on, as is the content of the words of some scholars. Commentary on Sunan al-Tirmidhi, i. Shaker 3 / 267 
This Jibreel shows the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the reason that prevented him from entering his house, peace be upon him, as the date that was between them, he said, peace be upon him (Jibreel came to me and said: I was Otik night did not prevent me to enter the house you are in. But he was in the house a statue man was in the house Aqram Sutter (such as the curtain) the statues and the dog in the house, passed by with a statue cut off, depriving someone as a tree, and passed to conceal cut renders him and SRS Totian, dog be taken out and he did the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ". Narrated by Imam Ahmad, Saheeh al-68
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