China investor for the long bonds in the European

The Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao yesterday that he «was still confident» in Europe can overcome the debt crisis and that China will remain an investor in order to run in the European bond market. The Chinese Prime Minister speaking at a joint press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban during a visit to Budapest.
Wayne attended the day before yesterday to celebrate the cultural capital of the Hungarian University of Arts. London will be the next stop, followed by Berlin, and will return to Beijing on Tuesday evening. After nine months on tour in Greece, Italy, Turkey, dates back to the old continent with the promise to provide financial support to the European countries facing difficulties. And agreed European leaders who held a summit in Brussels the day before yesterday to provide support for Athens, which is facing bankruptcy.

A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Hong me that «the Chinese government has adopted a set of positive measures aimed at supporting the European countries affected by the current crisis, by increasing the ... Promote economic cooperation and investments in Europe ». Hong added that «China will continue its efforts towards the countries concerned to help them achieve stable economic growth». Experts consider that the visit will focus primarily on economic issues.
It is scheduled to address Wayne also «Threads in minutes such as the Middle East, Afghanistan and North Korea with his British counterpart, David Cameron, because Britain is a permanent member of UN Security Council», as he told «AFP» political science professor Brian Bridges of Jammehh of Lingnan in Hong Kong. And also will consider conditional release recently about the artist Ai Weiwei.
The British Foreign Secretary William Hague, Thursday, to the continued existence of «serious questions» regarding the circumstances of his arrest and the charges against him. Bridges said that the link step to visit Beijing this European Lewin would not be surprising. He added: «no stranger to the Chinese government to launch its opponents in the difficult moments». China was the second global economy based on the largest quantity of reserves in the world, has begun to re-balance its commercial and financial interests of Europe.
And considered the «Standard Chartered Bank» in the last period in a note that the country that are keeping the deals, invest less on what appears in U.S. bonds, which probably means more European bonds. Bridges, and considered that Beijing does not want «to break down the euro area, because it will lead to chaos», including to China due to the overlap in the global economic and financial.
And hopes of the destination in Budapest to be a platform for China in Europe to become a distribution center for logistics and trade, said Minister of National Development Tamas Falegue.
He said in a statement that Chinese investment could lead to the development of thousands of jobs, pointing to cooperation in the areas of air transport and railways.
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