Colon disease and treatment .. Ulcerative colitis, amebic colitis and mucous colitis

What is the colon? 
Is part of the large intestine in the form of a channel with residual muscle food to the rectum. And divided the colon into four sections: the ascending colon, which extends to the top of the right side of the abdominal cavity and related colitis browser, which extends across the cavity to the opposite side, and then meet this part of colon descendens, which fall to the left side where he will meet Part IV, a sigmoid colon with a length of the colon in humans of about 1.5 meters and function of absorbing water and minerals from food waste. The strong muscle contraction processes and extraversion and then pay feces toward the rectum. Operates the mucus that line the inner surface of the colon to make it slippery and facilitates the passage of waste . Colitis : What is colitis? Is a disease of the colon result in agitation or other parts of the large intestine, and there are three main types of colitis are: ulcerative colitis, amebic colitis and mucous colitis . Ulcerative colitis affects people between the ages of twenty and forty years. Doctors did not know the causes of this kind, however, that many of them believe that stress and other psychological factors may exacerbate the suffering of this disease, the patient suffers severe diarrhea, usually accompanied by fever and rectal bleeding. When more acute inflammatory lesions arise on the lining of the colon updated wounds. The drugs often helps to alleviate inflammation. But may need surgical intervention to the removal of the colon in very serious cases . 
The chronic inflammation, the likelihood of her cancer so large many of the doctors recommended an operation if it persists, the disease more than ten years .
Amoebic colitis occurs when foods or water contaminated by a certain type of parasitic ciliate protozoa.The symptoms are cramps and severe abdominal cramps in addition to diarrhea and fever. And perhaps made ​​a deep ulcers in the colon are severe and lead to the pierced-date what is known as inflammation of the peritoneum, a disease of the peritoneum (thin membrane that lines the abdominal cavity), a disease that may lead to death. And the peritoneum becomes inflamed if the bacteria attacked the body, or if provoked by a strange alien or material on it. And either acute peritonitis and Amamzmn The second type lasts a long time and can result in making the tissue grows inside some of leading to the failure of the bowel function properly are common chronic inflammatory peritonitis in patients with tuberculosis.The doctors treated this type of inflammatory drugs, it was not necessary in most cases, surgical intervention unless there is a hole . 
The inflammation of the colon mucosa and is also called spastic colon or irritable occurs as a result of muscle spasms in the wall of the colon. The patient felt by bouts of colic, and contains the mucus and faeces, but without blood. There is little inflammation are not affected by the general health of the patient. Doctors use drugs and special diets to get rid of the symptoms .   (Herbs ) Are there Adoahmn herbs to treat diseases of the colon? Yes there are some herbs that relieve pain or inflammation of the colon of the colon re-recover a : Clover : Alfalfa Muammar, a herbal plant part used him his cards. Research has shown that vitamin K   Which contain leaf clover has no effect against colon inflammation and clover is an important source for this purpose. There are local markets in capsules prepared from the leaves of clover, which are sold in most pharmacies . Chilli or red pepper Cayenne Plant chilli or red pepper is a herbal plant around me has several types and forms, but the best kind of Africa or the small round and very rich in vitamin C. I've found that the fruits of this plant has a great role in alleviating diarrhea and abdominal cramps and restore colon health and are a recipe for this purpose and consists of mixing a quarter teaspoon of small red peppers with a half cup of distilled water and a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of honey and mix well and drink once in the morning and once in the evening . 
Ring Fenugreek 
Fenugreek is an herbal plant carries around a small fruit in the form of centuries with all the fruit number of seeds, there are two types of ring a ring Municipal normal-colored yellow and red ring, known as circuit riding and the two differ greatly. And the ring on the ring here is the normal yellow. Research indicates that the circuit can restore colon health and rid it of excess mucus in the ring and there are shops Perfumery and there in the form of capsules and Mahbbat sold in pharmacies and are usually taken in the morning and evening for this purpose . Pectin Pectin Must add this type of soluble fiber to your diet daily. There are a lot of pectin in fruit, vegetables and most fruits contain pectin apples. The pectin can be obtained by drinking a diluted juice of apples .   (Yogurt), yogurt Yogurt I have found in yogurt (yogurt) and Alcidofeils material that can deal with bacteria in the intestine and this has a significant role in the healing of the colon is best to deal with yogurt twice a day and on an empty stomach to eat . Borage Borage   Or Alhmahm 
As the stress (Stress)   One of the reasons is the inflammation of the colon, the borage plant is excellent to relieve stress and borage plant is a herbaceous plant known scientifically as Borage officinalis   He told him the great Ashab John Gerard, "I always Alhmahm Bring courage." Recent research has given a new look to this to say, if it became known today that the plant's alert and active work of the adrenal gland, which promotes secretion of the hormone adrenaline "fight or flee," which prepares the body for action and to act in critical situations pressing nervous. Was added to the types of beautiful flowers authorities since the reign of Queen Elizabeth to make a pleasant mood, usually can be followed That this era .. The user segment of the plant is Alhmahm seeds and flowers and beautiful leaves. And contain Sabuih and fluid materials and Afsip acids and vitamin C and minerals such as calcium and potassium. The seed contains a two fatty acids, including linolenic acid and gamma linolenic acid . 
These parts are used and activated for the adrenal gland and milk-producing and Paul repellent fever, sweating and help to Mqhah. The plant is fighting the pressure and stress (stress (Stress)   And uses of this plant in Wales, United Kingdom to bring comfort and always call it a plant of joy and happiness. This plant, mix with water and cherry juice and then boil this mixture and drink it before bedtime. The Americans are engaged Alhmahm where tea is taken from a teaspoon of dry powder plant and placed in a cup of boiled water and leave for ten minutes then strain and drink . League of heart Or Hugaricon St. John, s Wort Muammar, a herbal plant known scientifically as Hypericum Perforatum   The herb also known as St. John and part of the plant used all aerial parts. The plant contains flavonoids and Gelokozydat including routine and essential oils, acid and tannins, resin materials and the most important Algelokozydat which is due to influence her drug Abrice (Hypericin)   The pseudo Heiberasn (Pseudohypericin)   It also contains a xanthine dye and girls used for many purposes, including anti-stress or stress and antispasmodic, alerts the secretion of bile, a handle, a good sedative, relieves pain and anti-virus software. There have been a recent study in Austria reported that 67% of the patients improved their condition much anguish when the plant gave a summary of the League of the heart and this evidence confirms the findings of the clinical studies which proved that the plant is successful treatment for stress or stress. Studies have shown that a compound Alhayprisn a principal component of the plant has a strong influence on stress and that he was also going strong influence against viruses, especially HIV. Also found that the plant is very nourishing and restorative effect of the liver and gallbladder. The volatile oil of this plant was found to have an impact on ulcer and inflammation of the intestine and an anti-virus software. There are products of the plant are codified in pharmacies. Riyadh has published full details on this plant at the beginning of this year . Tips of interest to people with inflammatory bowel : 1   No doubt that will decrease your appetite to eat when crises colitis among those you should eat food crisis that is well . 2   Stay away from material that has the fiber when the crisis of the colon, but the situation calmed down after that you can use the types of bread and oats, which contain activate . 3   Stay away from the fats and oils as well as foods fried in oils where it is irritation of the colon and cause diarrhea . 4   You stay away from dairy products except yogurt . 5   You should not eat vegetables must be fresh and cooked with steam if possible . 
6   Peel all the fruit you eat, even if the grapes do not eat on an empty stomach . 
7   Try to eat meals from the children (Cereal), where it is lighter to digest . 8   Each of us is different from the other in the digestive system of different foods and so you should monitor which foods cause you problems in digestion and in inflammation of the colon and then try not to approach the food, Algh from the list of your food . 9   Get to know the food or foods that can cause you allergy and try to avoid such foods . 10   Since the stress or the stress has an effect on inflammation of the colon you should stay away from the causes of stress and anguish caused to you as long as these problems and in this case you need to correct your situation in order to improve your colon. You can use herbal medicine for exhaustion, stress will help you to overcome that stress . References : 1   Global Arabic Encyclopedia Second Edition . 
2   Book Dictionary of Medicine, Perfumery and written by Dr. Musa Bin Salem Jaber Al-Qahtani and his colleagues, the Department of Media 2000
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