Crises for young people: to commit immoral actions and the use of all evils

We have assembled at this address between the "immorality" and "evil", because we will mention in this section of the "special crisis", a number of "immorality" sin, and some of the "evil", which does not reach in from Makkah to end "outrageous" large, although we see all these "crises", those who do a lot of people, young people in particular, so we arranged the title as such, to be able to warn the "young" of those "evil", which some are trying to play down the danger, and the reduction of the effects of injuries and deficits, and the most important "youth crisis" in this area include:
1 - adultery:
"Adultery": obscene, and is a major sin, no difference of opinion among all heavenly religions, why Tbha law of the Prophet, nor
Even the theory of sage or philosopher, but "Alabahion", and these people from among the Saqton humans, animals are logged on in a pool .. There is no point to them, is of no value to their opinions ..Only when the stripes and the like .. 
And by the principle of "adultery", of, ad: Overview Forbidden .. As the poet said:
Look .. Fabtsama .. The peace .. Cause harm .. Commencement date .. Confluence
What drives the "young" to go this route, from the view .. And so on .. Is: Thaejeh toward women, and Palmeajat stimuli, books .. .. And images Movies .. And guide the bad .. As mentioned in the "general crisis".
Because of this, and with no religious restraint, deterrent and moral sense, tends "young man" with the desires .. Is not counted as an account of the consequences not of punishment, Vaiglbh Shaytaan .. And tempt him .. Located in the outrageous ..
The occurrence of "young" in the "adultery" serious crisis consequences, does not reduce the harm and danger, however ignorant, short sighted, blind vision, oblivious to the heart, the human conscious Seer clairvoyant, it is seen that look Tavahach enmity and hatred of them .. And disgust of them ..And aversion to it .. Because although it seems fun .. And spend lust .. And the reality: cm tuck in fat, and shame, and loss and regret, and the wickedness and vileness, rises above the insured, and to distance himself defiled by .. And sincerity of the Messenger of Allah Almighty says: {And come not near adultery, it was shameful and an evil way}.
However, trying to people of passion, and advocates Alabahihn westerners and westerners, that Johmoa people, that the relationship is legitimate, between men and women, is a normal relationship, not worthy of this denial, but as to leave this relationship is at its rest, established by men and women of willy, and where they want to .. It Aanehma alone, is not entitled to one other, may intervene in their affairs private ..
In order to achieve the goal of this, leading to the result to pornographic fully in society, encourage the owners of this trend, for all provoke desire, in men and women, Vicjon men to highlight what inspire the desire of women, and to lure women through the temptation of all, the rhythm in the company. . On the other hand: encourage women to highlight the charms .. And show her femininity .. Man and luring the like ..
It did not stop these at this point, but went to a stranger .. Amazing .. Is: full nudity is mixed, in the clubs, swimming pools, and places of entertainment .. They mean all, get people all, both men and women, their tradition .. And thus to dehumanize .. And Bharithm .. And transform their lives from the life of mankind .. To the existence bestiality ..
We mentioned this trend is evil, because a wider door for sedition, opens to humans, especially young people, how many Muslims are suffering .. It is also non-Muslims in the West, from the pornography that is unbearable and intolerable .. Only Astasm .. And seeks refuge in God and went to him .. With it, Almighty hired ...
The occurrence of many of the "youth" in crisis "adultery", is only of the effects of this wave of pornography, which appeared in: Fashion naked women .. And mixing .. And confused .. And raise the affectation of men and women, in: pornographic magazines, Almnkhalah of all creation Fadel, corrupt and corrupting movies .. In the forefront: the so-called "Arab films," .. Desecrating the honor of "the Arabs" and the gloriously .. "Arabs" .. The magnanimity of the Arabs, "..
The Arabs were not so: practicing prostitution on the coverup, and before the eyes of viewers .. They urge people to imitate them .. Free from the "traditions" .. Indeed, even the Arabs before Islam, making sure they were well-known symptoms, honor, chivalry and the people were gloriously ..
The T_khasasna "Youth" by saying here, does not mean that other groups in society do not commit adultery, and that "the weight" is confined to them, this is not our intention, but we are looking at the "crises of youth", it must be said that they suffer from such crises, the In particular, recognizing that in an overwhelming large number of young people, may God protect and honors, it was contaminated with immorality "adultery", and does not make them Trha without the "marriage" which is by Allah Almighty.
2 - alcohol:
The "wine" is not evil and haraam, but is the "mother of all evils", a taboo that are definitively no disagreement at all, but who does not see that alcohol is haraam, or tries to interpret the verses as they liked to are permissible is a kaafir ..
The Muslims are the only ones who are boycotting the wine district fully comprehensive, because God Almighty has been denied "wine" specific, and forbids Muslims all related, from drinking, the production, sale, purchase, download, transfer, and so on. Pursuant to an order: "Avoidance", in the words of God Almighty: {but alcohol and gambling, and monuments and the abomination of Satan avoid it, that ye may prosper}, and "Avoidance" means: stay away from the thing, the delegation of separation of the meaning of the Holy Prophet, Prophet Muhammad peace upon him, as narrated by Imam Ahmad attribution is true, and Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibbaan and others, for a number of companions: "God damn the wine, and drink, and her legs, and Mptalla and seller, grapes etc, and whom it is squeezed, and the holder, and carries it, and eat for them. "
It is well known religiously: that the drinking end of the border, shall be punished by the "mustache", which is: whipped eighty lashes, and this "limit", has been applied to the time of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and held for drinking alcohol after him also, and still rule exists, and that ruling holiday ..
In other communities, the wines are part of their social life, and the most important Diavatthm, and always placed at the forefront of what they put on their tables, they drink heavily and binge ..Asagunha and their wives and their children .. And increasing interest in alcohol, in the evenings, concerts, because they Abahion .. Majnon, like: "Women and the cup .." ..
It is unfortunate and painful, all the regret and all the pain, to spread "wine" in many Muslim countries, with the consent of the ruling authorities and encourage the pretext of promoting "tourism" .. And appease the "foreigners" .. Spread in our country has led to the occurrence of many in the addiction to drink, including a high proportion of young adolescents, who Asthutem ads .. And attracted by temptations.
"The officials .." Who envisage the deployment of alcohol in the community, generate funds, "foreign" .. Alsekeran .. Under the pretext of supporting the "economy of the country .." Officials are not conscious sense of responsibility, but snakes do not see them, we Sulthm our enemies, to destroy us from within by all means, and to sabotage the morals of our youth, and corrupted and dumped in the desires, lest you think the ideals .. The High Islamic values ​​..
The "young" victim Maamah large, multifaceted and the forms and methods, implemented by a class of its own authoritarian nation .. It is the most dangerous means of the conspiracy: "liquor" ..
Young man:
If you want your enemies to Eskerokm .. Alcohol .. Voskerohm you stand fast and awareness, and say to them: Falcom disappointed .. We will strive ourselves to the destruction of ourselves .. And chanted the words of Ibn pink Almighty God's mercy:
And leave the wine that I was a boy how to seek in the madness of the mind
Remember, dear young people: that the ancestors of the owners of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and be pleased with them, what they became truly human .. And felt their humanity .. And did not open Fotouh .. Only after it came out of the throes .. Alcohol .. And ignorance .. The nerve ..You are not accustomed to these sugars .. Vtaudoa to "ignorance" .. {And hold fast by God is your Protector, yes Lord and the patron}.
3 - Drugs:
Launches "Drugs" in our time on certain types, extracted from some plants, the most important: "Hashish quality," and "opium" and "Heroin" and "cocaine" and considered "drugs" of the greatest calamities that befell the people of our time, The spread of use of these evils, in the strata of society, an outbreak is unprecedented, and is trying by all States, and by all means, fight against this scourge, and to prevent the abuse of people ..
The ruling on the "drug" is known, it is not: the absolute prohibition of any kind, and is not an example of trying other, reducing the harm "drugs", and mitigation of sanctity, of no value because they claim Pkrahtha .. The strangest thing is that there are those who say Babaanha ..
The religious texts, and the general rules of Islam, should be concerted and maintenance: self, mind, money, religion, and the show, There is no doubt that drug abuse, aggression, all of them ..
The epidemic use of "drugs", has spread as mentioned in more layers of society, and in particular: the "youth", this bad habit spread in schools and universities, and large-scale, portends great danger to future generations, and the future of this generation ..
The crisis of "drugs" among young people, resulted from an intellectual vacuum which suffer from it, as noted above, young people who have no goal, no message .. The issue of concern to them. And fill their free time .. Will discuss the often illegal means, consistent with fancy, and are consistent with their interests and desires, we can not ignore the existence of those predators Us .. Almitrsidin for our young people .. They are ready to offer alternatives .. Alternatives will not be good and benefit, not for young people .. Not to the nation .. They will not ask us the best solutions .. Will Ydlewna on the right path .. But we will deliver all their weight .. To Igracna in Aldsaa .. And in further corrupting our youth .. And the destruction of their personality and their souls ..
Is it not a major disaster: to see our young people in the prime of life, university students .. Kalzahrat drug users ??!..
Is not the major disaster: to see the centers of customs, security, in all States, all the busy work, in the search for "drugs" .. More than anything else .. In passenger baggage .. And luggage .. And cars .. In the stomach .. And intestine .. And even searched for in the disappearance of men .. Chicken and women ..??!!..
Is this the limit and this level, it has us, in search of this "monster .." Which horrified the world ??!..While the threat is increasing .. And risks and Isttir Istthrey ..
We have in the face of this scourge, to fortify the community, and we "young" proper guidance, and thank God we are Muslims .. In Islam treatment for each disease .. And how afraid of the plague ..Whatever .. As long as we are Muslims ??!..
4 - Smoking:
I do not want here to discuss scholarly Face "smoking", but I will just ask one question to those who said it is permitted .. And R_khasoa it .. Is: Do you think my esteemed, plant "Tobacco and tobacco" 
This, of "good things "??..
I do not think that a reasonable person is a "smoking" from the "good things", but: is the "evil" and as long as it is from the "evils", then I'd go into the matter much more than that ..
If someone were to say: Why was sentenced to "smoking" as: ", rid of"? What is the evidence? .. We say that "smoking" medical scientists by agreement, the cause of the most serious diseases, including: "Cancer" .. And some diseases of the digestive system and heart.
The medical scientists, who are specialists, and saying what counts in this area, agree that smoking is no good at all, and it does not escape from the smoker's disease .. Because of him .. Is it after this remains to say to the man who said, or alleged to contender other than that?? ..
Then: Is not "smoking" of the causes of stinky mouth, such as garlic .. And onions ..??.. Harms the smoker and those who do not smoke, the smell of his mouth .. foetidus We know from our work in the "courts", that there are cases of divorce caused by: stinky smell of the mouth of a couple, as a result of smoking ..
Go back after this to the "young", the victim of "crisis" First, we say: We have become rampant usually "smoking" in the "Youth", on a large scale, and in a very early age, and this serious crisis, he signed the "young", and deceived them .. And too late .. Where "young man" had spoiled the respiratory system, and filled his lungs with dirt and sediment ..
The most important reasons why the young man to smoking: the temptation of our companions and friends .. Who smoke .. He sees as "cigarette" .. And ask him: that Anfajha .. In the air .. Not soon get used to it, and then become addicted to smoking .. And help it, "ads", which broadcast and published by means of "the media" for "smoking", portrayed as "smoking": fun .. And flavor .. Like: During the honey .. Or: manna ..
It is ironic: that the countries that call themselves "civilized" .. Written on the packaging of smoking the words: "Smoking is harmful to your health, you are advised not to smoke," and that some of the media, the "propaganda .." Of smoking, then, appear on the screen the words: "The Ministry of Public Health warn you of smoking .." Or: and so on ..
As long as that smoking is harmful to health, no difference of opinion, it is the duty of States, at least: that the media do not promote it, is to sell and abuse, and that people do not cheat, and deceive the youth of these techniques attractive, and they are young and very young.
5 - clubs:
Mean drop fairground: all means of recreation, of cinema, theater, songs, music, and dance .. Etc., we do not want detailed legal provisions, relating to each of them, because this section is not for this book, but we wanted to raise this door, that we point to the extensive damage suffered by the people, especially the "young" as a result of these clubs.
Here we should recall that the very religion of Islam, and the discipline and work, and living Agan abusers are not Ohlaq Muslims because the Muslim knows the value of life, and the value of old, written by him God, do not waste it in vain, and Livni in the fun and debauchery ..
The scourge of our time with "clubs" False "theaters" and "Alsnmat", presented to the viewers so-called "drama", and "plays" comic .. And entertaining ..
Uncle also "sing" and "music", through the transmitters of radio and television, in order to Ifrah people .. And Atarabhm ..
And many communities in the "dance", from the east and west .. And became dancers Anparon it, and consider it "art" of the arts .. But "art" high.
So they say in these "clubs" .. Thus, they claim .. God knows they are liars ..
We ask those who promote this evil: what benefited the nation Mlahikm this?? .. Do Azzatm the ethics and manners?? .. Do you raise the cultural level of the people?? .. Do Gristim in the hearts of young virtue .. If one?? .. Why did you artists .. Fattanon .. Muftonon?? ..
You and God has not filed Briqskm, and your songs, and your films, and musicians, the nation's only evil and harm, and we challenge you to come a single song to you, not excite the passions of the ..Or corrupting the youth and girls ..
Is the nation Khaddemtem Ptashik Balosamar girls .. And young people Balsmra ..?? Is the nation Khaddemtem scybalous dancer, and Ahtzazadtha, exciting passions ..??.. Ibhma Khaddemtem people?? .. Bavlamkm pornography or dull .. Which did not depict the human world .. World but cattle ..??..
Do you died in you a sense, no Chwqgua on "youth" and the power of the explosive activity, and the "young" burqa modesty compressor to Awatafhen, Vkdemtem all of them all the sights, exciting to have deposits of desire?? ..
You, O people of the "art" claim that you are addressing the issues of "love", and when the treatment was "love" between men and women are about what you do?? .. Is it necessary: ​​to know how the man loves his brother's wife ..??!. And teach women how to love her brother?? .. And we know how the young couple exchange words of admiration?? You know: that people living together, Welcome and relatives, Vkonkm you say to people: so do .. And planting seeds of doubt in their thoughts and bad faith.
Is it necessary, that it spoiled the morals of our youth and our daughters?? .. Yet you claim that you insolently "artists" .. What you and God only: "Ftanon ..".. "Fascinated .." .. Hired ..
It dwells on the vast majority of "young", with this tidal wave of "entertainment", became "sing" they usually hear male and female singers, night and day, Aftms on their hearts, Vnoi remembrance of Allah Almighty, and started to the door, "theaters and cinemas," instead of "mosques" .. And councils of science and religion .. Top and became like them, who admire him, and has imitate: "singer" known ".. or" singer ".. pulled Thee loved their hearts for the fun of singing, and was busy with music and dance .. .. etc. ...
We know: that this wave of evil art Hzhen not spread all this Alancharn not for the support and endorsement, of the State and official institutions, which put at the disposal of these crush, all the media, and gave them medals and financial grants, large Brzathm in society, until he became the "singer "or" singer "and" artist "and" artist ", is the ideal that young people aspire to, and became rather wish they were: scientists .. Researchers .. Inventors .. If they wish to be .. Artists ..
The man who says: Does that mean you say you are against this self-entertainment, and against the "art"? We say: This is not the expose of his jackets Almkhaza entertaining self, nor is it art .. It is the burning of the same .. And corrupting them .. And a far cry from the meaning of "art" ..
The "happiness" is not Belhs radiator .. The itching Jerban .. Not teaching the people the causes of corruption, and means of temptation and sedition .. But the "happiness" true happiness is the heart and confidence .. And the stability of the soul and comfort .. Human sleep and reassuring .. Wake up and reassuring .. Is this alleged art, bring to the people of this reassurance?? ..
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