Death to the Arabs .. Not in the front lines or fields of sit-ins, but in football stadiums

Report revealed that children are being trained fans to the football team "Beitar Jerusalem", known Bmhdjaah racists against Arabs, the racist anti-Arab slogans during the games, including "Death to the Arabs ". 

The newspaper "Yediot Aharonot", had been training for children fans, at the age of six and seven years, with the launch of racist chants and insults against the Arabs during the training team "Beitar Jerusalem" on Sunday, and that there are three video tapes have been introduced to the Internet documenting that . 
And appears in a video tape one of the fans instructing children to say "you shout 'Hopa' We sing 'Sakhnin adulteress,' Well," in reference to the Arab team in the Premier League "Sons of Sakhnin ".  
In another section of the tape a screaming child, "the Jewish spirit is pure "   
While it is fans, "the Arab is the son of an adulteress" and then screaming three children "To Train - To" The
public in one voice, "The Arabs die ".   
Attended the training "Beitar Jerusalem," about 850 people from the fans who were screaming from time to time, "Death to Arabs" and direct insults to the player in Arab Salim Tohme team "Hapoel Tel Aviv ". 
Attention fans of "Beitar Jerusalem" insults to the team "Hapoel Tel Aviv", which is one of the most prominent teams in the Premier League and Israel play in their ranks a number of Arab players and wearing a red dress . 
The fans in one of the songs "Beitar Jerusalem," "The adulteress and Hapoel communist, Arab, and accused of burning pig red ".   

It is noteworthy that racist chants in stadiums scattered Israeli especially in games where there are players, but the Arabs to stand out more to the fans of "Beitar Jerusalem ".
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