Depleted uranium and its relationship to the injury of cancer

When the bombing armor depleted uranium shells, these shells burn shock when the steel shield, caused by the explosion fog burning material component minutes away strewn everywhere on a large area. These fine particles can be inhaled or enter the human body through the mouth. And become active centers for the dissemination of a low-level radiation, which can cause cause cancer. 
The huge amounts of depleted uranium that were used in battles against Iraqi forces, which range between 300-800 tons are now scattered in different parts of Kuwait and southern Iraq . Kuwait has always hide information showing damage uranium on human health, said Kuwait's Ministry of Health 
In maternity hospitals and children located in Basra, southern Iraq, the cases of cancer among children has doubled after the war for nearly five times the number of cases that were before the war. There was a very significant increase in the incidence of leukemia among children in the southern regions of Iraq . As well as the Iraqi government reports indicate an increase of three times in cases of loss of the fetus before birth and that if the father had participated in the war than in those who did not participate.According to the Iraqi Health Ministry said that the incidence of cancer of 6555 increased in 1989 to 10,931 cases in 1997, particularly in areas where bombs struck American forces during the Gulf War. Iraq has insisted for years that there is a relationship between the depleted uranium used in armor-piercing weapons used in the Gulf War and the increasing number of Iraqis who are suffering from leukemia and cancer of the lung, skin and digestive system. Iraq also accused Western powers of causing the deaths of thousands of cancer and fetal malformation due to the use of missiles equipped with depleted uranium during the Gulf War in 1991. Iraq has asked the United Nations and relevant international bodies to investigate the effects of depleted uranium munitions supplied by the Allies used against him in the Gulf War and to inform the public health implications in the World . The demand comes amid growing fears of Iraq, which is now called Balkan Syndrome, in light of reports on the emergence of cancer among individuals who participated in the peacekeeping forces led by NATO in Bosnia and Kosovo, where depleted uranium use . World Health Organization is now studying the health effects of depleted uranium used in shells fired by the war U.S. and British forces in Iraq in 1991. The United Nations Programme for Development and the International Energy Agency (IAEA) yesterday studying Send a fact-finding missions to Iraq, Bosnia and Yugoslavia to study the effects of exposure to depleted uranium . Has raised the use of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to depleted uranium ammunition sensation in Europe because of reports of the emergence of leukemia (blood cancer) among individuals who participated in the peacekeeping forces in Bosnia and Kosovo, where these munitions were used.The United Nations reported that it reached a preliminary evidence on the existence of radioactivity in eight of the sites hit by NATO strikes in Kosovo in 1999. The announcement by the United Nations after the test conducted in 11 sites were bombed munitions containing depleted uranium. He says the United Nations Environment evidence that the presence of radioactivity are the results of preliminary tests are still conducted in the laboratories of both Sweden and Switzerland, Italy, Britain and Austria. WFP said the final report of the investigation will be announced in March / March next . Several countries have expressed concern about the use of depleted uranium during the war in Kosovo in 1999 and the war in Bosnia between the years 1992 and 1995 . Depleted uranium is what remains of the natural uranium extracted from it when radioactive uranium used in civilian nuclear reactors or material for atomic bombs . 
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