Discoveries confirm true words of the Qur'an centuries ago

He came in an article entitled: "When the first cosmic structures formed" They say quote:
"Since the bright stars illuminate all the material along the road to us, the work of these stars, such as lamps revealing far reveal characteristics of the early universe." I have found that all the scientists when they talk about these stars early Ichbhunha headlamps bright, even one of these scientists say:
"These stars are like the brightest bulbs."
These scientists when they saw the distant stars, they saw in full conformity with the lamps that light the way for them, so quick to call it by that name, The Glory of the beat to this name, how can it not preceded by a creator of the lamps and the creator of the universe!
Today, scientists see these bright stars or quasars at the edge of the visible universe, and far away thousands of millions of light years, and appears quite bright in the center of Kalmbbah darkness. The lighting is the biggest star of the light of galaxies that appear around it. And blessing of God Almighty who created these stars and decorated the sky and called them by these scientists headlamps!
We wonder ...
What is the meaning of this congruence and compatibility between what the scientists portrayed in the twenty-century atheist and the book was revealed fourteen centuries ago? What does it mean that the scientists called the things that they discover are the same labels in the Quran and they did not read the Koran?
It means one thing, which you, O atheists deniers of the Book of Allah and his words, no matter how you search and whatever Ttortm Whatever Akchwtm, will you return at the end of the road to the Quran, and will be brought back to your Creator and Razkkm which has subjected to you these devices to watch the creation of Allah and His signs and miracles, and who vowed in his book that show you His signs in the horizons and in the Koran even Tstiguenoa that this Qur'an is the Word of God right. Will show you the right?
So listen to me this statement to the arbitrator divine:) We shall show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it is clear to them that the right to stop Ulm Lord that everything is not a martyr * They are in doubt to meet their Lord, not that he knows all things (separated: 53-54] .
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