Diyala operation: the evolution in the performance of the gunmen and «letters» to more than one party

Intervention during the operation bloody building of the province of Diyala, another link in the series of tests the capabilities the two security and military in Iraq, in the controversy about the extent of their ability to manage the security file after the withdrawal of U.S. forces to be the end of this year, according to the security agreement signed between the parties in the fourteenth December (December) in 2008.
A security source in Diyala province, announced the fall of the 7 dead (6 security men and a woman) and more than 20 wounded in an armed attack targeted a building of the provincial council by unidentified gunmen.
The attack was the second of its kind in less than three months, where Fatah gunmen's «Islamic State of Iraq» in the twenty-ninth of March last building, Salah ad Din province (190 km)
north of Baghdad and the incident has led to the fall of the 130 people killed and wounded, including Three members of the provincial council.

The military expert, Ismail Almhkoura (former brigadier in the Iraqi army) that «repeat the scenario of intrusion means a weakness in the measures for the security services and their inability to draw lessons from the operations of liabilities, and pointed out that« the storm the province of Salah al-Din at the end of last March was the way the same: a car bomb, followed by explosions explosive belts to clean the street in front of the force charged with Balaguetham »and wondered« if there are regular conferences of the leaders of the security services and officers Arcanhm or even after the face of the quality of those that took place in Salah al-Din and finally in Diyala to discuss and discover the mental the enemy and his way of thinking and possible Tdberat to prevent a repeat of the incidents themselves ».
He added that «the repeated storming of government offices, with the development plans of the attackers gives two contradictory and two failed plans, the security forces to combat incursions on the one hand, despite the implementation of the same scenario, and the growing capabilities of insurgents in the diagnosis of the imbalance in the performance of these devices and the rhythm of the biggest losses».
Spokesman for Diyala province, the heritage of al-Azzawi, said after the incident, said that «a car bomb driven by a suicide bomber exploded at the main gate of the provincial council building, followed by two explosions by suicide bombers Bhzamin vests in the Information Council», he added: «was arrested two militants were injured» and imposed a «force band Fifth Army's tight security cordon around the building ».
But Almhkoura noted «lessons several» can be used in Notepad military of any officer, including: the «mixed forms of security services in the actions taken, while the able in which intelligence discovery plan by nearly three weeks of hindsight, failed to force revolving around Earth to take preventive measures or even strict precautionary measures around the building re-deployment, and adoption of outlets for the exit and entry that is usual, or even set up defensive lines make the goal to give adequate opportunity to address the force protection from attackers ».
Plan of Attack
According to military expert said the «Plan attackers were upgraded version of a plan to storm the government headquarters in Tikrit last spring, and have undergone improvements is trying to neutralize the U.S. or delayed intervention as long as possible by targeting missiles, and also by the data, the plan created a line of withdrawal, as Secretary of escaping, even in If an outside force and that is what happened, where no one is talking about the rest of the attacking force ».
Process on the ground
Revealed a high officer in the Diyala police, who preferred anonymity, in connection with the «life» details of the operation: P «about nine o'clock in the morning began the process blowing up a car bomb followed by bombings Bhzamin vests.
In the meantime, the helicopters, an American flying in the air, searching for rocket launchers suffered their camp at the base of Abbas bin Firnas minutes before the attack on the provincial council building, and when you start the power of intrusion into the courtyard of the Council through the office reception devastating, clashed with elements of security guards in the towers distributed on the perimeter of the building killed two gunmen, then the intervention of U.S. warplanes strafed the land and isolate the militants in a corner of the yard and prevent them from reaching the entrance of the building which includes offices, so that possible time to enter the army that laid siege to the place, and the force entered the U.S. yard and the release of detainees in the estimated Thirty auditor, and an estimated twenty employees were in their offices during the operation, including a member of Provincial Council »... On the rest of the members of a group of intrusion, the source stressed that «all the evidence indicates the level of the planning process, which provided no escape for the implementers to now has not been discovered. But every chance that they disappeared among the reviewers who have been evacuated ».
Change the map of the insurgency
Transmission quality operations to the cities adjacent to the capital, directed several messages says Almhkoura: «the most important of these messages is that the security of the capital, within reach of the armed groups are able to carry out such attacks against targets large may outweigh that suffered by the Central Bank two years ago, including the Green Zone, the headquarters of the federal government, and another message appears unable to Iraqi security forces to protect the government headquarters, and their need to experience and equip U.S. troops, not to mention keep up the capacity of the armed factions ».
He stressed: «of the logical conclusions of what is happening on the ground to change the squares Saddam insurgents with the government of the traditional areas such as Anbar and Mosul, to Salahuddin and Diyala provinces, particularly the quality operations, said there is exchange of positions between the wings executed their leaders, and leaders of armed groups withdrew from their positions safe in Salahuddin and Diyala provinces to Mosul, which is currently witnessing a kind of stability, in order to open new fronts in the face of the government ».
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