Duodenal ulcers and factors of genetic and psychological

Duodenal ulcer is a chronic disease affects me twelve, which represents the upper part of the small intestine and connects the stomach with the rest of the intestine and is usually ulcers are deep and the parties are clear and if neglected the treatment, they increase the depth within the wall of the twelve were injured by about 6-15% of society and appear in men more than women and the number who are about three times the infected ulcer of the stomach. 
If the treatment of duodenal ulcers heal it completely, but they may return again in a year or two factors that help to occur:. 1. Genetic factors transmitted between family members and relatives. 2. Smoking. 3. Psychological factors may exacerbate ulcers anxiety and stress. The main complain patients duodenal ulcer is acute pain in the middle of the upper part of the abdomen and the pain starts, usually after an hour and a half to three hours of eating and sometimes awakens the patient from sleep at night and can eliminate the pain quickly if you take some food or medicine counter the acidity may result in the lesion to hemorrhage in the digestive system and lead to change the color of stool the patient to black and may also lead to removing the blood It is worth mentioning that there are some patients with duodenal ulcers do not complain of any symptoms, despite the presence of ulcer them. Prescribed to treat stomach ulcers and duodenum: Prepare the recipe by adding three tablespoons of honey, a teaspoon of flour, garlic in half a cup of warm milk and mix well dose it follows in the case of stomach ulcer: three tbsp before each meal about an hour and a half. In the case of duodenal ulcer: three tablespoons after each meal about three hours. 
You can continue treatment on the way to a period of six weeks and then down the dose to three tablespoons once a day, every evening, in both types of ulcers and continued on like this permanently
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