Erosion threatens the digital archiving of electronic and paper mentions

In the comparison may seem strange, he drew a specialist «Computing Laboratory omnipotence» in the «Massachusetts Institute of Technology» to the advantages that make the paper book, ahead of his mail.Magazine «Time» this comparison, 4 years ago, urging readers not to rush to judge it by the reflection, even a little. The specialist felt that the paper book does not require complicated electronic device to read it, it is the same book and the device at the same time. It does not depend on battery power, but reads easily and directly. And can be folded book in the direction other than that, it is possible to carry to the bathroom and bedroom, car, bus, without any effort, enough to store it and place it on the shelf, it is possible to use it outside the framework of reading, such as used to assign a certain thing, or even placed under the head in the siesta, for example.

Not prejudice the article from the blend spiked with useful, but quite serious in his approach, to the extent that he went to say that if the paper book was invented after the mail, for the consideration of the invention it is amazing.
Not just nostalgia
May be difficult for generation «Veteran» of journalists Archive forget the paperwork.Not enough to say it reminds them of Bashbabhm, for example, and not because they are still working in newspapers are printed on paper (perhaps with electronic copies on the Internet), but because it reminds the press and on its evolution as well.
Comes to mind to talk about techniques Archive paper, the first of his room itself, and those Alraoih Almtmazjh indicates that each of them to «technical» certain. Perhaps the first of these odors (if we exclude the cigarette smoke), the smell of the glue that is used in attaching materials withheld by the paper on white paper, color or diabetes, because the latter is less expensive. The stronger the odor, then that is related to paper, in its different forms.
Add to a paper clip attached to it, there are the files packaged in thick material, according to its type, its history as well. The technique of classification and the most important tab is what it takes to work in the archive. There is also storytelling techniques, which include scissors or a scalpel (with a ruler iron mostly). Taken in the two copies of the Gazette for articles published on the sides of the page, and then cut.Often, do not follow a certain pattern in the newspaper articles that must be Tarishv, but all the newspapers keep a copy (or more), the number of the newspaper in full. It is obvious that the effort of the human hand is the technology that connects all the techniques Archive paper. Archive techniques have the advantages of paper all of the mediator. First, do not need to use the devices, nor to the programs, training, and others.
Second, it may seem strange to say, but access to materials in the archive paper was easier! Due to staff inexperience in the archive approach (rather code) packaging materials and distribution. Can be a little digression to say that e-research suffers from many limitations, such as the limited capacity of the indicators «Pauline» Boolean Indicators of access to the required material.
This applies even to get the materials according to the author's name, by virtue of the existence of an archive for it.
Third, the humanitarian deal and the synergies that come from working as a team: most journalists know that the relationships that weave with staff at the Archive is one of the necessities of work. It is believed that the issue of human relations among workers not only created and nostalgia. Let's remember that the developed countries have a long research on these matters related to the level of labor productivity and progress.
Erosion and threats
Have a paper broker in the archiving feature is worth contemplation by Petro, in terms of age document. First, we all know that the tools of electronic storage of corrosive digitally (technically called this property «Digital Decay» (Digital Decay), while continuing the paper for longer life, it is more stable in this sense. Second, the subject store electronic materials to the specifications of the instrument being storage for . For example, if you were storage tools «Flash», they may become invalid, and without notice. is true also (but to a lesser extent) on the hard drive of the computer, in addition to the problems caused by viruses, to penetrate the network's internal archive, and others. Third, It is most important, the protocol writing on paper does not change with time, which means its persistence in time. You can read the document paper written fifty years ago so what you read and written document present. but the electronic archiving suffer a bogeyman hidden name change application protocol used in the writing of documents e. for example, abandoned Microsoft for support-related applications running «Windows 95», putting tens of millions of documents written application «Word - Windows 95» in the wind. After a few years, will become of these documents can not be read on most computers. in the other side of the impasse itself, older applications can not be read recent documents. can not be applied in computer «Word 95» to read a written document system «Word 2005» older.
And now, there are programs to upgrade applications, although the time period of no more than a few years. How to be the case after twenty years, for example? Then, you can extract a document from the archives of the paper and read it directly.However, if the digital medium, it is difficult to predict the prospects of this command.
These problems do not apply to the digital interface, which means that archived documents are protected from the impact of technology on the time to write.
Obvious to say that the training on the computer form the most prominent obstacle in the transition from writing paper to the electronic stage. In the generation of veteran journalists, there began to deal with the computer when he was running «Dos» DOS, which requires the conservation and writing long strings of commands, and the use of specific words written in a way changed according to the desired function. It was not easy. As well as in the case of the Internet and internal networks.Still the question of «filter» articles archived electronically for a specific article, is intractable and requires training and time. There is the issue of electronic permissions, meaning the powers of access to certain materials or certain files or over a specified time frame. Were not those things exist in the Archive paper.
Requires the use of electronic archive copies of training materials on the old floppy disk Floppy Disk (reminds him of? A model of other variables that have immunity to the paper about it), then on the CD (such as training on the program «Nero» Nero).There are issues of confidence that no one enters a file that is not him. May address this e-permissions (such as closing a file with a password), but this leaves the effects are not known at present, the working relationships between colleagues. These things do not occur in the Archive paper. If you take the kit on archival tool «Flash» may not be up to it, without apparent reason, and it becomes necessary precaution, make copies on CD-ROM, for example. No place for such things in the digital interface enjoys stability at work, so as not to hurt but purely physical factors (such as shredding or fire), which are able to hit the instruments digital interface as well.
The future of e-
Digital interface has a clear preference for the amount of material, as well as to their interdependence (depending on the type of link used in the archive, such as keywords and prominent names and topics, etc.). In the event of an internal network in the organization, it is possible for the journalist to retrieve archival materials directly, according to the permissions given by the Archive and his officials, as well as the policy of the newspaper in this matter. The same description applies to visual material as well, if available in the electronic archive. It is obvious to say that access to the Archive is being secured in various ways, allowing for the journalist to use archival materials from anywhere. This is true in theory. In practice, there are many problems, such as the possibility of leakage of passwords used in the access to the electronic archive. There is also the problem of viruses, and the increasing attacks of «hackers» and others.
The most important features of the electronic archive that gives every journalist a copy of the archived material, with the survival of version «original» the same. When you enter into the archive, and up to a particular substance (after a search process), what you see on the computer screen is an electronic version of original material. You can act immediately to this article, in the sense of not having to copy the information or re-drafting, but could become part of another document (a newspaper article or a study) directly. Needless to say that the material was taken from the electronic archive has all the advantages of electronic text, such as ease of copying, cutting, pasting and create links and add non-text materials (picture and sound) and others.
As much as the previous features seem exciting, it poses serious problems, perhaps the most prominent intellectual property. There are those who believe that intellectual property is the real problem in the electronic age, and that is what appears in the project «Google Library» Google Library Project, which is basically electronic archive, but it is open to the public. And give rise to intellectual property problems in relations with each other newspapers, as well as in the case of the phenomena of theft of texts derived from the ease of copying, cutting and pasting. You may need these things to talk more.
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