Eye on Syria ... Eye on freedom

Meet the vast majority of Syrians do not waste the unity of their human geography natural, and the independence of national decision / national of their country, and collected most of them today on the need for deep reforms changed the structure of the system deprived them of decades of freedom, dignity and justice, although a large part of them is controlled by today's worries the consequences of this change and the unknown, which could push it!
Is divided into Syrian society today, both horizontally and vertically in the position of the movement of mass protests and participation or joining specifically referred, which becomes impossible with the time and the tax of blood to the uprising near the apace of two cities, two major Natta relatively, even now, for social mobility, which shook the country from a maximum to the maximum.

The intifada did not come out in mass for the main constants of the people of Syria. Is explicitly insist on a peaceful movement and firmly rejects foreign interference and distance itself from any sectarian or ideological orientation, ethnic strife drives towards my family or a division of the national territory, and condemns what is clearly associated with the induction of any source. The only Mtgerha, which was considered a departure from the law, the peaceful transition Vjohrh claim to the State protects the rights of its citizens and guarantee them equality before the law and legitimize their right to participate in decision-making.
On the other hand, did not prove the results of testing the option to discount the security / military unable to uproot the uprising and drying the soil, and his failure to attempt to re-produce horror at the collective, but also fear the loss of power all that means is that they grew and became who sided with this option hostage trap their choice, which is impossible sand moving ... Worsening day by day the risk of outside interference and disturbance cohesive social structures, and cost the economy already battered more of the burden suffered by pension people's daily decline.
The machine media which were in keeping with that option, and urged it failed to provide a novel a reasonable substitute for the absence of independent media and impartial, and no little success in discrediting the protesters and degrade them and inciting the people to them, but it nevertheless succeeded in raising deep concern of the future among classes and social strata to be reckoned with. Despite this and that, widened the area of ​​the intifada has intensified its promises, with the rising numbers of protesters and their supporters Twaldt leadership field began to clearly reflect the orientations, as well as unimaginable to resolve the political crisis / social dilemma, which turned the sticks on the solution.
Faced with this momentum, and outside groups that are related to economic interests directly with the ruling elite / royal list, or those that fear of prosecutions that may be caused by the process of change desired, waiting for mass social undecided or neutral or pro-status quo, which Atnahishha concern which might be construed by the process change, and may be accompanied by destabilizing the relative safety of living in the middle, despite the sense of rivalry injustice, watching carefully the conflict, unexpected developments and Naúsh between fear, which could attract him the process of change of the consequences for the safety of social / economic and fear of the consequences of continuing a campaign to adapt foci of the Intifada in various cities and rural areas, and between the deep respect for the courage of those who face death bare their chest in order to worship the path towards a better future for their country and their children.
There is logic only opposed the freedom, dignity and justice on one hand, and the possibility of abandoning the national constants / nationality, some of them (that have not shaken in essence among the majority of the protesters, despite the hostile some of the positions of regional and international uprising and their legitimate demands) and ensure the rights of various formations, cultural or religious or ethnic. If, according to the logic can collect triple the normal eye with the new variable-established three constants: the unity of the Syrian people, territory and political independence of its national and its national position. What guarantees the integration of old hard variable new majority consensus of various components and affiliations on all of that.
This time, he does not play to the benefit of the solution of security / military, but, moreover, offers opportunities for a political solution / peaceful procedure for further erosion and increases the risk of outside interference is a resolution from the Security Council first steps, and fuel at the same time tensions and complications its impact potential. Not to mention that mounting economic pressures may push the slides commercial middle and upper re-calculations, which threatens the alliance with the major fault line, which in turn will keep the two major cities outside of social mobility, it is likely then that the attempt to put inside them crushed the country before the real disaster.
Can transition to cross everyone to a country where even the authority subject to the rule of law and equal citizens in front of him, because the foundation and the only guarantor of the rights of all without exception.
Demonstrate the uprising in the fourth month that Syria make their paths change and hard but with determination, and that this change occurs according to the agenda of the interests of its people and not according to the agendas of regional or international. This labor can be difficult to come to an end with the birth of normal without the need for intervention by cesarean, the Syrians can do so voluntarily and without dictates from the outside and what is going on in the positions of the various limbs of the shifts dictated by the winds of trends of interest.
No significant change occurs without a price, but abandoning the attitude of waiting will reduce the cost and time required Sechtzel to change. Syria can remain independent and uniform, but they should be free as well, and most important to cross this path the least possible losses. Awareness that paid for all who want healthy and free to contribute together in the throes of birth.
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