Factors that cause stomach ulcers and ulcer treatment with the twelve

This consists of ulcers in the stomach usually after the sixth decade of age and about 55% of their situations affect men may be deep-ulcer and sometimes lead to a hole in the wall of the stomach and find about 10-20% of patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the same . 
Factors that may cause stomach ulcers mismatch : 
1. Gastritis . 
2. Acidity excess . 
3. The use of drugs such as aspirin, for example . 
And gastric ulcer patients may suffer from severe pain in the position of the stomach and increases the pain with eating and this makes
The patient prefers hunger without pain on the pain with food intake and there are a lot of people with stomach ulcers do not complain of any symptoms, but most of them suffering from nausea and vomiting, and about 40% of them are missing and their weight significantly and complications expected in gastric ulcer bleeding at about 25% of patients, as well to puncture the stomach, which often leads to death if not treated early diagnosis and . Prescribed to treat stomach ulcers and duodenum : Prepare the recipe by adding three tablespoons of honey, a teaspoon of flour, garlic in half a cup of warm milk and mix well dose it follows in the case of stomach ulcer: three tbsp before each meal about an hour and a half . In the case of duodenal ulcer: three tablespoons Significantly after each meal about three hours .You can continue treatment on the way to a period of six weeks and then down the dose to three tablespoons once a day, every evening, in both types of ulcers and continued on like this permanently
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