«Fourth wave» Arab did not notice Huntington

If Samuel Huntington's alive, the laws may put a second part of his famous book «Third Wave», published in 1991. In this book deal with Huntington's process of democratic transformation in about 35 countries in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe during the last quarter of the twentieth century, on the grounds that the first wave lasted about a century between 1828 and 1926, as took the second two decades (1943-1964) and was the theater President Western Europe. After the lesson, and select the terms and conditions of the success of these waves, concluded Professor Harvard famous - and well known among the Arabs that the theory of clash of civilizations - the result became a Muslim in the political literature Bank, is that the Arab region is characterized by unique features that make them resistant to democratization. These ideas have been reluctant academia West for decades, where the leg symbols of evidence and proofs of the accuracy of the claim, including the theory of «the end of history», Francis Fukuyama,
who said the final victory of capitalism and Western democracy, but excluded the Arab world - the Muslim on the grounds that the peoples of valuable cultural, religious and community do not facilitate the transition and make them lie down outside the historical context of the contemporary.

Samuel Huntington was surprised as we were surprised by all revolutions that broke out elsewhere in the Arab world, but I can assure you that the man had the courage literary retreat from the conclusions of the old, and had known what was happening in our own day the name «the fourth wave», which was delayed from its predecessor by about two decades , but this delay to make it at the same time an Arab character in terms of the conditions and methods as well as context.
Opened the recent changes in the Arab region, the door to reconsider the relationship of democracy, culture, religion and the state and society under which is seen as an extraordinary Arab world. But the exceptional case of the Arab region did not really begin to appear only in the late seventies and early eighties with the start of democratic transformation in Latin America and Southern Europe (Portugal after Huariz, Spain after Franco, and Greece after the rule of colonels). With the Democratic sweep of South Korea and Taiwan in the late eighties started to take this extraordinary turn more sharply, especially that these countries were going through similar circumstances - wars, underdevelopment, poverty, dictatorship and military domination of political life. She then takes this extraordinary cultural and religious dimensions, with the adoption of African countries for political pluralism after the collapse of totalitarian regimes in Eastern Europe made the Arab situation semi-unique.Before that it was the democratic deficiency in the Arab and Islamic world in general, part of the general condition of the third world live under a system of bipolarity and the dominance of realism to the atmosphere of international politics.
But the emergence of experiences of democracy in Muslim countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Turkey proved that Islam and democracy can co-exist, which make the Arabs look as if they were the only part of the world who can not understand democracy, accepting, in both regimes the most secular (Syria and Iraq) or Aloktherha Islamic ( Sudan). And so on are no longer factors of culture and religion that have long exploited Western researchers to explain the Arab revolt against democracy is sufficient to justify staying outside, as well as Arab countries that were lived experiences of democracy in the early ages of Independence (Egypt, Syria and Iraq).
The measure of socio - economic, which has long sought to link the level of democracy, social welfare is the other, he seemed unable to explain why Arabs democratically, because the level of income in some Arab countries is higher than in India or Africa, for example. Also, wars and international crises are also unable to explain the continuation of authoritarianism because the conflict with Israel, the Arabs no less complex than the conflict with Pakistan, India or China with Taiwan or North Korea, with its southern neighbor.
We can never underestimate the importance of regional conflicts and civil wars slow the shift to democracy in the Arab region, there are five attempts Arab-Israeli wars and the Gulf of the three in addition to the civil wars in Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, and there is oil and the ambitions of foreign and other problems have hampered the development process are closely linked democratic transition. However, is for these reasons, and in light of the experiences of others, factors that may help slow down the march of democracy. The real reasons that hindered the transition to democracy is associated with the nature of the structural issues, and come in the forefront of conduct governing the tribal Arab country disguised as a modern dress-strong institutions mock brewing underneath all the social ills that have accumulated over the centuries. The state does not know the law of tribal rights and duties does not recognize the concepts of nation and citizenship, but is governed by the norms and links, the most important blood and descent and proximity to the center of the decision and keep away from him, and any attempt to rebel against these norms, which took place Qonntha facing the most violent ways. No dialogue or debate, but blind obedience and absolute loyalty is given to show the most capable of gifts and rewarded for the better box. This tribal structure excreted in the form of an automatic elite status to have everything going against the majority do not have anything and confined her job to cheer and praise for the leadership. This certainly explains the processes of marginalization that included broad various sectors of society, even now most Arab countries without leading opposition elites can fill the power vacuum if it occurs.
The personification of the state and put the future of the people and nation, however, the individual, and to resist any involvement in the decision-making even minor issues does not reflect all real and the bankruptcy case of phobia experienced by the Arab ruling elites of the simplest forms of criticism and opposition, but devotes most vivid mental tribal forms. To ensure continued control, because if the tension and nervousness caused by fear of opening people's minds, and their awareness of their rights correspond to their duties, Zaidt Arab ruling elites in making even the sanctity of artificially removed from the issues of sacred natural sanctity. Imposing emergency laws as conditions that threaten the security of the nation and tested the loyalty of the people in what may not be wealth were opened the public the name of fighting a foreign enemy could not bear the burden met only carved out of the fight on behalf of their livelihoods.
As a result confer sainthood on the issues remained largely Thrber slogans such as land and social justice had been suppressing all forms of criticism and opposition, but socialism has been achieved among the middle classes, then no one that all of them in poverty. At a time when Mahadl erected and established the Inquisition was a political discourse directed to the outside of the utmost moderation, disguised under the pretext of pragmatism and informed understanding of the regional balance of power, international and other slogans that preserve the survival of the system of the country and lost his rights.
Under these circumstances, «special» is violence justified to preserve the holy cause, and in whose name the State of the tribal process to systematically destroy the institutions of civil society, because the latter's independence and its ability to threaten the authority of the state of polarization and convulsive affect the legitimacy of leadership. But the Arab elites did not adopt the violence is only one way to impose control over society, but used other means to confirm the continuation. Thus, it was necessary to build a huge administrative apparatus connected by the middle class, to be absorbed it and become dependent for their livelihood upon his arms through the basic civic (bureaucratic) and military (army). The most important secretions of the containment of the community turned to the intellectuals of Arab intellectuals, including the authority are paid their salaries in the universities and the media, trade unions and others. And turned them in to the most «horns» linked to their satisfaction with their authority is limited to their mission to justify its actions and legitimacy for its policies.
And the development of the emerging private sector from the womb of corruption was not better off for it is linked to the state and its institutions mutually beneficial relationship which gave up playing the role of an independent political state in return for turning a blind eye to excesses obscene profit and keep the working class under control. This factor has played a prominent role in scuttling any hope for the emergence of genuine political pluralism in Arab societies. As long as it was considered a bourgeois national vital to the success of any experience of democracy. Because this is also prohibited has been the marginalization of the national bourgeoisie and crush them so completely disappeared. Given the experiences of others is the creation of such a class, the most important factors that have led several countries to embark upon a path of democracy. In Turkey, for example, successfully sponsored by the bourgeois state to secede from its patron after the Second World War and the alliance with opposition forces to end one-party rule and the start of the first pluralist election experience in the history of the Turkish Republic. The importance of the bourgeoisie from sources that are owned and its ability to employ them in vital sectors such as telecommunications and media, a tool to move the stagnation of political and social in any country, to the influence of foreign policy, because the markets need to have good relations with others.
In the absence of these elements have become the interest of the tribal system and the intellectual elite and the private sector is connected in the organic form through a series of episodes of corruption and repression farcical to maintain the status quo. This situation has exhausted all its objectives and became unable to continue after the decision of the Arab peoples that the time for change has truly come, and that the systems that survived the «Third Wave» will not survive surely this time, and that the special were not the case of community among the Arabs linked to the environment, religion and culture, by linked Basttnaúah Arab regimes that have succeeded in freezing the movement of history, but not for more than two decades.
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