Freedom in Syria, Libya approaches: either you or flipped Oguetlkm

What is the nature of the Syrian regime, which shoots on demonstrators against him? Image that reflects more than anything else, this crisis brought before the whole world in a speech last week, Assad told the Syrian parliament. I went to a lesser extent the same speech, as far as most people in the parliament   
Communism in Russia we used to see all the delegates of Party Congress standing up to cheer for Canutatourahm over a minute long. Who are the members of the Syrian parliament against those who seek respect for Bashar, the son of Hafez al-Assad upper Amagdouna as leader of the world, dramatically Anbtahon disgusting, worship him as God. Never before have such scenes in Parliament.There was also opposition and even the provinces did not admire and like never Mubarak son of God.Egypt's Mubarak and Sadat was truly democratic in relation to the Syrian regime brutal upper range, especially the Assad family. In the past, held long talks with senior Syrian officer later died too.Conversations touched on his family and his sons. He told me bitterly: once you spend time with my wife and eldest daughter in a known restaurant in Damascus. And suddenly entered the restaurant a group of junior officers. All of them were Alawite, from a raised-Assad, the brother of Hafez. All the places were full. Approached me, and I Balbzh, and ordered me to evacuate the table screaming.The restaurant owner was afraid of silence. Who can tell them anything? Insult was terrible, pungent.And all because I was a Sunni officers. Will not forgive them '. 
Personal Sunni security of another large, and the top, are also now in the world of the dead, explained to me one day, 'secret device' for the rule of the Alawite sect (which is the wing separated from the Shiites constitute 10 percent of the general population): 'Almost all the leaders and intelligence units, ( Special Forces), and armor units and important rules in the Air Force, are the sons of the Alawite sect. In contrast, most of the staff officers are the different years, including chief of staff. They hold the pen only and does not harm . 
'But there are two staff officers were always, however, Alevis: Chief Directorate of the crew responsible for the appointment of the officers, and the officer responsible for the appointment of Sgt. The same thing in the government. Most if not all year, and that because it practically useless Salahat, which is concentrated in the hands of the president and a group of his companions. Most Alevis, but there are also some of the year for decoration and to create the impression that there is no so-called rule of the Alawite sect in Syria '. 
You must understand: even fifty years ago was the Alawite sect is the most backward in Syria. And knew their daughters as domestic servants in the homes of wealthy Sunnis in Damascus and the Syrian major cities. Since the Assad family took power in 1970, 'I swear' sect, but never return to this situation. Gradually, the Syrian regime in the suppression of violent and obscurantist, depends on the mobility of the upper and the alliance with the Sunni elite, urban economic and with the Christian minority: the ideological system of knowledge is of Arab nationalism, which has struggled in the 'outpost' in front of the Israeli plots, the U.S. and their customers are different .   
Radical reforms in the real system (in the economy, in governance and the rights of the citizens) meant to show weakness and the suicide of a voluntary on his part. 'White revolution', as in Egypt or Tunisia can not be here. Only a bloody revolution. The fate of all the Alawite sect is here at stake: the continuation of control, perhaps with slow reforms meaningless, or the valley of death and slaughter.Stay tuned brutal repression and the world silent . 
Maariv 05.04.2011
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