Ganana stage: a clot of sperm to the embryo to the bone and flesh

 Remembrance of Allah Almighty this stage altogether and detail, in the Holy Book, God said: {is to know you as brought you forth from the ground While you are embryos in the wombs of your mothers}, then the separation of God Almighty stages of growth of the "fetus" in the belly of his mother, stage by stage, and sometimes sometimes, in a large number of Quranic verses, including the verse in Sura "believers": {And indeed We created man from a strain of clay * Then We made ​​the sperm in the decision, and McCain * created sperm Fajlguena leech Hirudo embryo   Fajlguena embryo bones Vksohna bones with flesh, then we have created a different creature blessed be Allah the Best of creators!.
  As well as the Sunnah, it is stated, for our Prophet Secretary Muhammad peace be upon him much talk, in the stages of human development, and when breathed into him, and most comprehensive is the report narrated Sheikhs, from Abdullah bin Mas'ud, may Allah be pleased with him said: Tell us the Messenger God's peace be upon him, a truthful and trustworthy: "The one of you brings to Islam in his mother's womb for forty days, sperm,
Then be a leech like that, then the embryo, like that, then sends him to see when the Spirit King, and ordered four words: books: a living, and for him, and his work, and Naughty or happy .. "talk.
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