Guard against infectious diseases and keep children away from areas affected by disease and lack of mixing patients

Methods of disease prevention remove a child from disease-endemic areas or mixing with non-patients.
Amr ibn Shareed his father said he was in a leper Thaqeef delegation sent by the Prophet - r - «I may go back Bayanak».
Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Messenger of Allah r says, fled from the leper as you would flee from a lion.
Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah r : Do not look at Tdemoa leper.
And Port Said bin Abu Huraira said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say - r - «Not an infection is not important and Tirat zero, provided from the leper as fleeing from a lion»
And Abu Salamah from Abu Hurayrah - y - Prophet said: - r -
«No infection, not zero, not important». Bedouin said, 'O Messenger of Allah what about the camel in the sand like a deer, a mangy camel Vijtha Wegerbha. The Messenger of Allah - r - «It is infected the first».
And Abu Salamah heard Abu Huraira say after he said the Prophet - r - «Not Jordn nurse on the Sanitarium». And denied that Abu Hurayrah said the first interview that the pain does not occur Frtun Balhbashah infection. Abu Salamah forgotten what I've seen other newly
And Abdullah bin Abbas that 'Umar ibn al-Khattab - y - Went to Syria, even if Bsrg given to the princes of troops telling Abu Ubaida ibn al-Jarrah and his companions, told him that the epidemic had signed the land of the Levant. Ibn Abbas said Omar Invite Li immigrants first. Called them Va_i_arhm and tell them that the epidemic has occurred Levant Fajtlfoa. Some of them said had gone out to the order of , we do not see him return. Some of them said to you the rest of the people and the companions of the Messenger of God - r - We do not see progress on this epidemic. Said to have raised themselves meant. Then he said, claiming Lee supporters. Vdautem Va_i_arhm, Vslkua for immigrants, and differed Kachtlavhm, said risen meant. Then he said, Invite me of was her here chieftain Quraysh of immigrant opening. Vdautem, no different from them are men, and they said we should refer to people, and their progress on this epidemic, and he called people in life, I waxed on the back, they became it. Abu Ubaida bin surgeon Avrara of 'Umar said, God forbid, if uttered by someone else, Abu Obeida, yes a group of as much as God, God forbid, what do you think if you Ebel landed Wadia his enemies, one fertile, and the other Jdbh, is not that the Reit fertile flock as God, but Reit Aljdbh her ​​flock as God said he came Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, and was absent in some need I have said that in this note I heard the Messenger of Allah - r - Says, «If you heard the land is not applied it, and if signed by a land and you do not go out to escape from it». Glorified God said Omar then went away.
So it was incumbent on educators - especially mothers - if their children suffered a contagious disease that Aazloh for the rest of the boys, so do not spread disease, the epidemic is too late .. what is the greatest of this prophetic tradition in the education of objects, and maintain physical health!
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