Phobias, anxiety, schizophrenia, Ketatunah, epilepsy, depression, depression

Phobia (or phobias ( The Phobia Neurotic mental illness Characterized by pathological fear is unjustified and unrealistic. And strength are not commensurate with the risk The real We find a strong man, a huge body muscle freak when you see a small rat . 
Cause of concern   The Anxiety causes 
Reasons Training . 
Deviation in the origination . 
Ill Education.
Suggest . Sexual factors . Diseases Member . Treatment Examines the patient begins treatment, and follow the biography of his life it must be Film processor Growing conditions And the environment, customs and problems faced by the patient after the Turn the processor to follow a Methods of psychotherapy . Schizophrenia   The schizophrenia Schizophrenia or schizophrenia, a Incurable diseases to treatment which has many pictures Be acute,Chronic . Causes Genetic factors . Environment . Which many types Including : 1 Alhpferanah . This situation is characterized by tendency of the patient to relapse And return to the stage of childhood, where they seem Stupid and thinking disorder . 2 Ketatunah Characterized the behavior of the patient in this case the physical and psychological Baltebs could stand Patient hours Long without taking any action. Or come as if the movement of a specific example, raises his hand And this Abakyٹ Case several hours . Persecution psychosis   The persecution psychosis Disease Mental situation is characterized by severe doubt in others and in their ends so that the individual feels that he is The persecution of others because the patient tends to accuse others and brag, and bragging and committed And Hypersensitivity. Notes on the patient the appearance of some cases of agitation and confusion and sadness Severe . The people with the disease Ingson a life of living with them . 
Epilepsy   (Epilepsy) 
Chronic neurological disease arises as a result of an imbalance in the nervous system Central due to irregular power Electricity in the brain, convulsions occur followed by loss of Consciousness, appears in the prime of life, and most People with epilepsy are smart and some of them slow and epilepsy But to be sharp and the so-called S disease big Or it may be a moderate and known TB Small, in the first type the patient falls unconscious And saliva dripped from his mouth and takes Sweating followed by muscle spasm, and not the whole body soon To relax after the minutes as Usually regain consciousness. Treated with tranquilizers and comfort . 
Epileptic seizure   The Epileptic crisis 
No epileptic seizure episodes Epileptic seizure-like episodes is said to have shaped the epileptoidEpilepsy is known . Is not accompanied by cramping in the perception. If it so happened at the end ofNubia. It may be Minor cramping on the tip top or bottom and is called the disease then Disease Prafizin . In any case, the ECT seizure is the symptom of inflammation such as having a limited Part of the Meningitis or a brain tumor is limited. See Nuba spasmodicity public hysteria And phenomena often precede an initial said to her (ORA) is defined by the affected pain In Ovarian increasing and spreading to the attic above the ball on the integrity of the trachea occurs Sense of suffocation and then follow the occurrence of arterial strokes temples and ringing in the ear. Then gets lost Of perception . 
Depression (or depression ( The Depression 
Kind of Constriction is characterized by sadness and malaise accompanied Bkhmud vigor and weakness in the determination Draws the patient's aggression toward the same so you see them as if eager to punish Same . 
Psychological and emotional deprivation in childhood . 
Not Obtain an estimate of other . 
Personality Disorder . 
Severe repression Of feelings .
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