Health insurance in Syria: the suffering of patients, doctors and companies

Although he did not spend more than a single year on the application of health insurance in Syria, it did not achieve the satisfaction of the staff and providers of health services management companies and medical expenses. It is known that runs through this insurance program «crown» health insurance that falls under the umbrella of «of the Syrian Insurance» of the government.
According to some observers, the reasons for this failure due to lack of knowledge of health insurance in the Syrian market, as an emerging arena. For example, as providers of health services is still in the first way, because they are not accustomed to this type of work. The citizen needs, as the beneficiary of this insurance, to some time to know how to use the insurance card, especially as it was accustomed to other ways of access to health services.

In contrast, others argue that the weak infrastructure of the Internet and the weakness of the administrative cadres for dealing with information technologies, have embarrassed the implementation of the project.
Since the beginning of the application of health insurance to government employees in the administrative sector (numbered at the beginning of June to June of this to nearly 459 thousand), begun complaints in precipitation due to lack of coverage of some chronic diseases, and as believers patients «second-class» by doctors and pharmacists. Many complained of the faithful staff of having to wait for long periods in clinics and pharmacies, by the service provider to alert them.
Dr. Abdul Qader Hassan, a Syrian Medical Association, that the reason for waiting for the faithful back to the poor infrastructure of the Internet, and the slowness of the network that needs a doctor or pharmacist to enter the account of the uninsured. He said: «We receive complaints from doctors that the slow Internet lines, including lines of« any DSL »IDSL, which is supposed to be fast, causing embarrassment and confuse them with the doctor at the clinic while taking approval from the insurance company to treat the patient believer». Hassan added: «There are complaints of delayed payments to doctors under contract with insurance for periods of up to six months. So, doctors have accused companies run their medical expenses and dues that are supposed to be paid within 45 days ».
In the context of connected, through pharmacists also affected by delays in payment of dues, especially from their capital that they are paying for the medicines given to insured patients.
Dissatisfaction is not limited to patients and doctors, but includes the management company for medical expenses as well, as Dr. Nabil Hanida deputy general manager of one of these companies (the «Meade Globe» Globe Med), that the culture of health insurance is still weak in Syria. The staff agreed to return with a doctor to write prescription for them and get value from the trade unions that took over this task in the last period, which means that this measure was submitted to the employee an additional income.
Hanida added: «This led to many cases of insurance fraud was the number for the company« GlobeMed »more than 15 thousand, however, and worth about seven million pounds (equivalent to approximately $ 140 thousand). As some workers tried to use the insurance card to obtain drugs and treatment for their wives and their children as well. Here comes our role to make sure these cases ».
The Director of «the Syrian General Organization for Insurance» Hassan Sulaiman on the subject coverage of chronic diseases to health insurance. He explained that since the month of June, this has become all of the uninsured who suffer chronic diseases, except diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure, able to take advantage of 12 free prescription dedicated to chronic diseases, provided they carry 20 percent of the price of the prescription. Hassan explained that it is supposed to mobilize a special request to chronic diseases, and then sent to the institution, stressing that the institution will depend requests chronic diseases that have been submitted in the past year,
After finding a solution to the problem of chronic diseases, floated on the surface, recently the problem of the Convention, which supposed to sign to cover the second year between the companies, medical expenses and the Medical Association of Syria, boycotted the companies signed after the imposition of the Medical Association letter to the Convention provides for the contract with doctors Syria, all of them, as well as cut union rate of 15 percent, to go to the fund (5 percent) and 10 percent of the Fund to maintain union of residence of the patient.
The companies now insist on the amendment of the Convention in cooperation with the supervision of health insurance so as to make its provisions consistent with the procedures in force in most countries.
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