Human nature and its elements of fixed and variable and its relation to the bond of faith

Derek early Muslims with that - although not Avelsvo knowing as we do these days - that in human nature a constant element and a variable element always, though two are closely associated with full rights in the entity. They realized also that the legislation is constant for humanity in all eras and generations, has ensured the fixed component and variable element together, and linked to the tight linkage bond of religion and the bond of faith in God.
"The human element is derived from a fixed eternal truths in its composition is not altered by changing conditions and circumstances:
"It was God's will: (Lord said to the angels, I will create a Khalifa in the earth) (16).
"And that human beings are all the same one: (O people, fear your Lord who created you from a single) (17).
"And that this self - any of her gender - has created a" husband ", who he met and Aoaúmha: (created you from one soul and created from her husband (18)) (that He created for you mates from among yourselves to dwell in them and put between you affection and mercy) (19 ).
"And that of the self and her husband Anbut all of creation and Peoples (created you from one soul and created from her husband and broadcast them many men and women (20)). (O mankind We created you from male and female and made ​​you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God (21) ).
"The result of these eternal truths became like other facts do not change permanent:
"Feel that resulted in the creation - as long as the sound Pftrthm - Ahassoa the greatness of God compared to Faabdoh seized upon, and derive from it help in life.
"As a result it feels that the couple - who God made ​​them one of the same - with nostalgia and sticking with each other, and that their presence not only united, integrated Mtoadin Mitrahmin.
"As a result it feels that people - when Srerthm cleared and cleaned them - brothers in humanity, as they are of the same one with the womb with everyone, and share Viaaonowa good.
"These elements of a permanent because it is based on a permanent basis.
"And represent other elements you find every day, as a result of the evolution of human intelligence, and the constant interaction between the mind and the universe, trying to learn his secrets, and Acetknh what it was, and is extracted treasures, and he brings an independent agency, whereupon new situations, and people move from nomadism to civilization, and transplant to the industry, and industry to ..?
"Islam is the religion of unspoiled nature matches the human instinct in all of its sides
"The first gives the laws fixed. The other side gives him a firm foundation, and then leaves him the constant development in the context of those firm foundations, in conformity with the human nature of the universe and human nature of life.
"The first gives him faith. And belief in God and one does not change, because the foundation of the firm does not change.
"In addition to the creed as well as the legislation gives him a marriage, divorce, and border legislation and civil and international is different.
"Marriage and divorce - or the relationship between men and women in general - has a fixed component fixed legislation, because it is based on grounds not change. Is the man on the one hand, women on the one hand, and the strong relationship that will attract each other and Chdh him.
"The life-changing circumstances: Society is changing, and the economy is changing, and education systems are changing. And policy change. But that does not change anything from the hard truth that are governed by instinct Pfciologitha and biology, and the glands and Kimoyatha, which is that man a man and a woman a woman. Is indispensable to each other without separation or Independence (22)
"The border - the penalties for crimes - as well as a fixed element of it is based on a fixed thing: man's relationship with his brother is a human - or the individual's relationship to society - and the sanctity of every human being that may not be under attack by others.
"The life-changing circumstances: work commitments change. And relations of production change. And human relations" machine "is changing. And political systems are changing. But that does not change anything from the hard truth, which is governed by the facts of human history. Is that all people of the same one, and the relationship of the uterus connects everyone "(23).
"As well as some civil legislation have the status of texts such as selling, leasing, mortgage and agency debt and so on ... It was the legislation that fixed. And the same T international legislation governing the relations of States in Peace and War.
"The sophisticated side of human life, which is online at the same time the hard side, it is government policy and the policy of money, and" form "form of society or the environment from nomadic to agricultural to commercial to industrial, etc. ..
"Such things as we evolve the evolution of the human mind and its interaction with the universe, but in its development is inseparable from the original hard drive, can not be separated, by virtue of the unity of rights and interdependent, and the impossibility of cutters, and hashed, and the separation of some part.
"In these matters, Islam was a wise very wise, kept up with the encroachment responsive to their need, he put the outline did not put the details. Or a" framework "who wants humanity to evolve in its borders, leaving each successive generation to develop a" picture "that suits him and please him, and consistent with the temperament and circumstances and the amount of material science and production. on one condition. is to be as much as the image on the window, no larger than Viahtm, not smaller than Guibdo around the vacuum.
"In the policy provision is designed foundations: Justice and the Shura Council (and if you judge between people you judge with justice), (24) (and ordered them to mutual consultation) (25)
"And then did not specify by the Shura Council. Does the Council have one or two councils. Whether elected or appointed by the Council. Will be represented personally or professionally .. etc. .. etc. .. and leaving it to human trials and diligence in the application.
"In the policy of money to develop a set of principles in nature and one collected at the end: the necessity of the participation of people in good, so as not to be deprived of it.
"Qur'an decided that the money originally Mal Allah, which is given to the group: (believe in Allah and His Messenger, and spend it, which made ​​you Mstkhalafan) (26). (And illusions of the money which God whatsoever) (27)
"And decided that the group is the owner the first right, and the individual" employee "the good he deserves it, if it do not improve the group returned to the owner the first right (not unto the foolish your property which God made ​​you standing) (28).
"And decided that God hates his incarceration in the hands of a small group of people among them, and one under which the total deprived the people (not to be the country between the rich of you) (29).
"And decided to Zakat on money is really known for the poor, take them to the State and give them the house of money: (but charity for the poor and needy and those employed to ...) (30).
"The Prophet peace be upon him says," people are partners in three: water, pasture and fire "(31).
He says, "because one of you gives his brother (home) is better for him that went out to take known" (32).
"Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, says:" Muslims do not last but what opened the village divided between the Department of Ohlleha as the Prophet peace be upon him Khyber "(33).
"And then did not specify by the participation of people in the capital of the God who gave it to the group. Will be the nationalization of public utilities. Or be the involvement of workers in the capital, or be giving them a wage to ensure that their needs necessary, including the Prophet in his speech:" From the Crown to us pursuant to and has no home Fletkhz a house, or has no wife Fletkhz wife, not his servant or a servant Fletkhz, or not a creature Fletkhz animal "(34).
"Did not specify a particular image of these pictures, and leave the successive generations think for themselves in the image that fits, and fits with its possibilities. Did not put - in the policy of money or government policy - the details of a fixed rigid, so as not to clash with the steady growth in the conditions of the group, and ongoing development of it. but still did not let these things get out of fixed assets. did not he gives it to people acting in which no evidence, on the grounds that they know things "this world!" this was free disposal - in Europe, and outside the framework of the Islamic public - Shana ugly Wendy has the forehead of humanity. " advanced! "was feudalism in Europe was then the capital of all the injustices which are rich in description.
Both are forbidden in the eyes of Islam, they make money - whether in the form of land or capital - between the rich countries alone, and denied to the rest of the people. Then there was their salvation is a communist - a state of absolute slavery, and the absolute dictatorship of individuals!
"Islam - the word of God to all human beings on the earth, and all generations - do not let people like this" evolution "which Ersvon at the shackles, but takes their hand always guide them, even as he leaves them the freedom of growth and freedom to adapt to the finding of the situation, to Acla be displaced for way, in order to keep their liberation lasting emotional in all situations and all circumstances "(35).
The early Muslims realized all this, though not Avelsvoh also make us, was fiqh all the things fixed is to explain the text, a statement of their application while maintaining full out, as was the fiqh of things changing - while maintaining the permanent assets - is the words of Omar bin Abdul Aziz "find people of the district (of provisions) as it finds them of issues."
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