Incidence of cancer and the possibility of causing damage to the genes because of the uranium

Depleted uranium is a radioactive mineral density 1.7 times heavier than lead. When the shell hit with the head of the depleted uranium one of the tanks or armored personnel carriers, it causes hard and smelted metal steel heat penetrates the tank and continue whatever the degree of laminated, and burn all of the inside immediately. The intense heat caused the conversion of depleted uranium dust is composed of fine particles are toxic to the Peoples Republic of the metal oxide, and these molecules with radioactivity. This dust can be transported by wind for hundreds of kilometers. When this dust enters the body either by breathing or eating it causes damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation poisoning in each of the bronchi and bronchial and lung also damage the kidneys, liver and bone . 
Depleted uranium is a material with an active low level radiation left behind by uranium used as fuel in
Not had the experience of those fully and ammunition on the ground in the battle until 1991, when American tanks began, planes and Warthog A-10   Used this ammunition to penetrate tanks T-72  Russian and explode and burn from the inside . Incidence of cancer and the possibility of causing damage to the genes The use of depleted uranium in the war against Iraq in the cause of thousands of cancer cases among civilians in Iraq. The so-called symptoms of Gulf War illness suffered by many soldiers, members of the U.S. and Europe is because of exposure to radiation from depleted uranium. In addition to this has started to show thousands of cases of deformities among Iraqi children who were born after the war. The high proportion of children of war veterans were born and their distortions or suffering from acute illness . The Americans and British launched between 300-800 tons of radioactive depleted uranium ammunition is distributed in the deserts of Kuwait and southern Iraq. The chemical toxic dust caused by the ammunition flying around the area and breathe the lungs of men, women and children unlucky. This became dust danger stable now for sure in all of the water, soil, plants and animals as well as human . And depleted uranium is the material remaining after the operation, which is the production of enriched uranium used in atomic weapons and nuclear reactors used in power plants to produce energy for peaceful purposes. As in natural uranium, we find that both toxic and radioactive . There are more than a billion pounds of depleted uranium in the United States, and must be stored or disposed of quantitative Secure way. This uranium is a radioactive half-life duration of 4.4 billion years old.In practical terms can be considered as material remains radioactive forever. Because of this, the Government of the United States provide free of depleted uranium weapons factories. Because of these high-density material, the most 1.7 times the density of lead. When turning this article into the shells of these missiles can penetrate steel. In addition, the collision of steel makes it heat up so high, causing burning. It is actually very effective in destroying tanks, armored vehicles . When combustion of depleted uranium it is converted to parts of the minutes of the toxic and radioactive uranium oxide, where the flying dust with the air for many miles in every place. And reach of these molecules into the body through breathing or often through the mouth. The entry of even a small part of this dust to the body can cause diseases ranging from headache in the head to cancer . As was the depleted uranium is very effective in destroying tanks and armored vehicles, it is also very effective on humans and the environment also . There are between 300-800 tons of depleted uranium in the form of dust and the remnants of munitions left by U.S. and British forces scattered in the desert in all of Kuwait, Iraq and northern Saudi Arabia during the war. These quantities of depleted uranium ammunition used in a manner detrimental to the brutality of humans and the environment and without any regard for environmental and health problems in the future. Did not leave the depleted uranium even used it to kill Iraqis, it is between 697 000 U.S. troops participated in the war, 130,000 had complained of health problems ranging from respiratory problems to health problems in the liver, kidney, memory loss, headaches, fatigue, continuous fever and low blood pressure, which opened by the phenomenon of the Gulf War. In addition to this there is a marked increase in cancers and birth defects in newborn children . In Iraq, the statistics that were conducted on groups of the population live in areas of Basra, which was the scene of the bombing with depleted uranium found five-fold increase in cancers than it was before the U.S. aggression. And three times the increase in abortions, and about three times the increase in birth defects. In addition to the radioactive uranium caused the damage also caused by the aggression of the destruction of the environment by the destruction of water sources and sewage systems, factories, oil refineries and chemical plants, production and other . 
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