Internet knowledge among the beneficial and harmful misinformation

He does not sleep for the dawn prayer, and pray all the imposition in his time and devoted one day a week at least inspect the conditions of the poor up or ties of kinship, or help the needy or the ...Lithuania did not lose days in the mosques and condition.
Suddenly, without warning, so that was soon turned upside down, and on the back of Batna, plagued Baptla great! When he saw those images of child pornography Vajrat, has become known as a prayer and erased from the dictionary!! He says (and follows other than Islam will never be accepted of him) Al-Imran:
Is waking up for that when the student enters the university gate soon not even go to what they call the (coffee shop) and the language of the common folk wise (the destruction of homes), and there you all know what is going on!! This is engaged in the search for a girl know how the eyes and language puzzles short ... So looking for the same sound and high-Almsama deep ... And looking forward to another opportunity to catch its prey beautiful!!
But the evidence and proof on the vanity of the young man discovers that he lies when he tells his day spent with a young man in Mngmr desires like (say all the works of his ilk).
With the absence of guidance and counseling or I said in the midst of fun and corruption accumulated must be slipping youth and is located in the trap set by enemies of the nation, and even Saroa fire Libido through broadcasts Internet pornography are barely imagine, let one Hiran, and His concern is increasing, namely, what do we do this in front of a raging hurricane that is not in the way and keep the cell alive Aivr only hit - but have mercy on me.
And in a study of 252 girls skewed between the ages of 14-18 years found that 25% of them had sex as a result of having witnessed the footage nationality exciting cinema and 41% led her Almshahdelyalhvlat loud and nightclubs, and 4% had run away from school to watch movies and 17% have left the house to a dispute with parents on commuting to the cinema .. As stated in the report of the global health for juvenile delinquency in the words of one French judges, employees say: (I have no hesitation to announce that a private detective films and her most dramatic adverse impact on the majority of cases of juvenile delinquency).
As for the dangers of the Internet on young enough that they more visitors, after that there were many means of seduction and temptation now have the privacy of communication that the girls were not allowed in the house in a club or cafe or other. And became acquaintance suspect is the slogan of a false reported by many people, impressed by what is said and advocated under the guise of freedom bright Let the young people recognize and browsing and Agod we are at the time of the Internet and as a result of this equation (teen + free + lack of control of the Islamic weight + for W + drug + betrayal ...)
Brother Internet user
Do not you know that the disease of desire and love lead the human being, if attached to him and entered his heart to reach out sometimes to disbelief in God Almighty!! The stories on this thing too many and well known.
Beloved brother - where are we from the ancestors of the nation, the spring Ben Tickling the severity of the tender to his sight and his head Ataragah women think that blind! The Imam Muhammad bin Sirin said: By Allah, what a woman Gshet never lain awake, nor in Abdullah's mother - that is his wife - and I see women in a dream, it does not solve cite Vosrv Bbesra me about them! Yes, where are we from the righteous salaf.
Only an Internet user - If Bonaof pressed on the keyboard for connection to a site and before you press the enter key (ENTER ) Remember that God closer to you than your jugular vein.
In conclusion, long the subject who did not owe the right to warn against it, I remind you that the Messenger of Allah speech r He says: (at the hands of falsehood like a dark night man becomes a Muslim and an infidel evening, and become a believer in the evening and infidel ...) God bless you be aware.
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