Interrogation of bin Laden's wives.. Do you keep some of the Harem al-Qaeda's most dangerous secrets of the organization?

Interrogation of bin Laden's wives:

We are still waiting for details of the assassination of Sheikh Osama bin Laden by a group of U.S. commandos stormed the house where he was staying with some of his wives and children in Abbottabad, near the Pakistani capital Islamabad earlier this month.

Until this moment the U.S. authorities did not release, the image that she picked up the body of Sheikh shoot it under the pretext of it to a large degree of ugliness so can irritate followers organized scattered around the world.

Latest proposals fashionable circles in the U.S. indicate that he may be presented to a select group of members of the committees of the Security and Intelligence in the U.S. Congress within the headquarters of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (C.. Any. BAA) to prove the killing, the proposals had been applied in practice, actually will not change our convictions , and millions like us, in many parts of the Islamic world.

U.S. administration, which lectured us for decades about the need we have the, we are the sons of the Islamic world, the 'transparency', and freedom of information, therefore, exercising the ugliest forms of lying and obfuscation regarding the status of the assassination of an unarmed man, was taken by surprise, inside his bedroom, and in front of his young children and his wife.

There is a 'secret grave' does not want the U.S. administration that we know it, and trying all ways and means to distract him, and bet on an oblivion in this area, and this is evident through the release of the tapes is poor, includes footage worthless news or information, such as those shown an elderly man with white beard watching one of his tapes broadcast by Al Jazeera TV in time through a television set is very maybe we do not find it has ever seen, except in garbage.

Men exposed to the assassination of character, even after his death, according to his supporters, in the beginning they said he lives in the palace of luxury, to discover that his house is quite modest, which was worth no more than a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, not millions, then they said 'narcissistic' enjoys watching himself and his tapes via television , it is us and them, especially politicians and media do not re-recordings of View television interviews to find out where and where to hit a mistake, where shred and where the Palace.

Perhaps the worst kind of character assassination of a man is dead, is detected to find the beads 'Viagra herbal' was tucked between his medication, and if this great discovery will make the world more secure and stable, it's down to the bottom of the bottom of the lack of morality of the State claims to be the leader of the free world and its values ​​of civilization and democracy.

Series lying continuously, and the latest episode back on the novel of the martyrdom of his son, Hamza, with him, and say that the other person dead man was the younger son, Khaled (Osama bin Laden, 25 boys and girls of five wives) As for Hamza, who was staying in the house before, or perhaps during the attack, have disappeared sight.

I met Sheikh Osama bin Laden, I did not find a narcissist, not arrogant, but at the top of humility and shame, and impose austerity on all his family, he even refused to install air conditioners at his home in Khartoum, when they established there before moving to Afghanistan, where the temperature reaches to 55 degrees Celsius, so as not distinct from the majority of poor Sudanese. The son Omar, who could not bear the hardship and returned to Saudi Arabia, it's to prevent them games, soft drinks, sweets and chocolate.

The man has now moved next to his Lord, but what we disagree about, or what we want to know now, is the details, why did not Ioar rich man, like all human beings regardless of their religion and their beliefs and gender. The Americans and British were not buried Nazis who caused the killing of tens of millions into the sea brought to fair trial, it is the fear of the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions at his funeral if it had been buried in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia hometown?

Pakistani authorities have colluded in the assassination of the man, and if they did not collude, as it claims, it did not defend the sanctity of the land of her country and its sovereignty when it did not address the helicopters the U.S. the four carried out the operation, the authorities detained the wives of Sheikh and his children under the pretext of interrogation, and there are reports that it may hand them over to the U.S. administration.

These our people and our offer, had not committed any fault or sin, and must every man a Muslim to defend this offer and we should not forget the youngest Mrs. Amal gentlemen Yemeni free defended her husband bravely exposed themselves to die for protection, and suffered serious injury, this tiny gal heroine, reminiscent of Basahabiat Aljalilat deserves to stand alongside it, and preserve dignity, and maintain the display along with other wives and it should mount pressure on the Pakistani government to release them immediately and not extradited to the United States under any circumstances, the continued detention of such a great crime because they are innocent or guilty of them because they are the wives of a man daze the greatest power in history, and drag it to the two superpowers in the Afghanistan and Iraq, and her liver trillions of dollars in damage and killed more than five thousand soldiers and tens of thousands of wounded and bleeding continues.

We regret that we did not hear, and after nearly two weeks, asking Saudi Arabia for the release of the wives and sons of a Saudi man, and we regret the most, because the Saudi ambassador in Islamabad was kind enough to ask for its citizens and arranging their travel to the land of their father, and grandparents, to live within the confines of their beds, honor and dignity as the rest of creation after years of suffering, the suffering borne by the mountains, it is not easy to be a son or a daughter or wife of a man haunted by all the intelligence of the world for more than fifteen years continuously, and succeed in escaping all these years of them even approaching for it.

Al Qaeda 'will not weaken the martyrdom of its leader, but perhaps even stronger, because he is no longer central, and the new generation of leaders more stringent than the old guard of the founder.We have to remember that the Hamas Movement did not weaken the martyrdom of its founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the movement of 'Brotherhood' death did not become extinct Dr. Sheikh Sayyid Qutb or after the assassination of its founder, Sheikh Hassan al-Banna, but increased strength and hardness.

The world is not safer, the assassination of the leader of al Qaeda as informed us President Barack Obama after the news, not because the organization will avenge definitely for the killing of its leader, but because the causes that led and lead to the emergence of movements and organizations militant in the Islamic world, and the first of the Israeli terrorism and U.S. support for him, still unchanged.

Stability and security would prevail as long as the world superpower that does not abide by the rule of law, and resort to murder, and filtering to isolate the way the mafia gangs, and outlaws. The man unarmed was worth to stand in the dock in front of an independent judiciary to defend itself, similar to others the most dangerous of it, most terrorist, we must not forget that it killed a million Iraqis in London and Texas are still enjoying the freedom and well-off in the countries of democratic governance.

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