Iran: Mashaie «magician Ahmadinejad».. Mahdism and mask to break into the «forbidden area»

Attended «Imam of the time» strongly in the crisis, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, political, and form an important focus on the subject of the dispute and the attack, which is still subject to him by several bodies, notably the Revolutionary Guard, which has been and, until recently, its staunch ally, and take part in the attack, the Shura Council overwhelmingly The fundamentalist clerics in Qom, has confirmed that the issue of Mahdism in Iran than in the ideological aspects of reality And used by the political wings of the competition and political conflict, and became a headline in a conflict of influence and power in Iran.The Iranian president addressed the world from the pulpits of United Nations armed with faith strongly and the presence of Imam argument, but the imam who is not free speech Ahmadinejad pray accelerate private parts, it became talk of «his appearance and awaited» predicts explicitly that the remaining years of life presidency Ahmadinejad will be difficult, and the president will be obliged to manage conflict on the front lines of authority and influence many in Iran, and will be forced to appease the guide and maneuver to stop him if he wants to end the session without a presidential determination to face experienced by the former President Bani-Sadr. 
«Current deviation» or the «current influence», synonym terms, politicians new to the Iranian political scene, and intended as one is the episode which is close to Ahmadinejad and that is no longer limited to his friend and adviser Rahim Mashaie, President «gather around him people who revolve around them, doubts, and they are either corrupt or deviant or a corrupt and depraved together «according to the latest statements issued by the Head of the Research Centre of the Council of the Islamic Consultative Ahmad Tavakoli, who expressed his willingness to defend his accusations of this court, without back what has been a repeating always that Ahmadinejad» an original in the Iran crisis economic ». 
Pressing the leaders of the large weight of the Revolutionary Guards, and influential religious authorities of the President shall declare his innocence of those close to him to lead a «current strife«, which it sees as a threat to Iran is similar to the risk of «green movement» and symbols. After talking about the need to separate the president from those around him, began to appear last speech to promote the overthrow of Benjad and the circle surrounding it. It is true that refer Mojtaba Zolnour representative of Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution in «Guards», to retire after one day of his impossibility of separation between Ahmadinejad and Mashaie, refer to the terms of reference of senior did not like the language spoken by the Iranian President, but a light threw a stone another major in a pool that Ahmadinejad Maadt subside. It seemed that many people liked them a metaphor used by the light when he said that Ahmadinejad and Mashaie «twins» separation means their deaths, as happened with the twins he and the Iranian Laden. 
And the arrest of Mohammad Sharif Malekzadeh, two days after his resignation from the post of Deputy Secretary of State for Finance and Administration, to avoid isolation of the minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, is part of a plan the overthrow of the loop surrounding Benjad. It will not be easy to Ahmadinejad's face it, and especially Malekzadeh is facing charges of espionage and financial corruption and unethical. And enhance the risk and put his close relationship with Bmhaúa. 
The process of «demonizing Mashaie» more systematic, in advance of the Shura Council elections ninth was said that Ahmadinejad seeks to win the interest of his movement, Vmhaúa According to the story of fundamentalism magician with ties to the people who practice witchcraft and call the link the Jinn, and Ahmadinejad is under the spell Mashaie, which mocked He called the last of him so that he will annul this magic and save the president from claws. This is in response to comments by Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, a cleric who has long supported Ahmadinejad in which he said that «Ahmadinejad came under the influence of magic, this situation is not normal at all» Yazdi and sent many signals that this is only a magician Rahim Mashaie. 
No one denies the importance and seriousness of Mahdism in the Islamic Republic, but the imminent appearance of the Mahdi is undermining the legitimacy of government in Iran and an end to it. With his coming, end the role of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution as a representative of the Imam. Clearly that the Government of Wali al-Faqih is the government of «operation of the Crown in the absence of age», and duty is to «prepare for the emergence of», and after the emergence of the Hidden Imam, transferred the executive power and the spiritual in the Iranian society and the world Mongi, which leads to the exclusion of the current leader. 
The speech went Ahmadinejad Mahdoi in stages has not been lost by political objectives, it signals to the topic of Imam of the time and near the back, to link this Pkramat miracles and then make an attempt to match the ideology of the Islamic Republic and the course of international politics facts, the Government of Imam of the time, a corresponding introduced Ahmadinejad in distress However, this matching is not denied Mamamon many of them in Iran Mesbah Yazdi, who believed the Government of the Islamic Republic and a manifestation of the manifestation of the Mahdi. 
Opponents of Ahmadinejad speaks today about the exploitation of people's religious beliefs for political purposes, while defending Ahmadinejad and his supporters on the employment of this idea for political purposes, and that belief by saying that he thought Mounja I know, nothing to do with promoting superstition, and the government's goal is to prepare to appear. 
Appear imminent 
Not a documentary film titled »appearance and very chic» to pass without raising controversial political, religious, and widely in Iran, the film which talks about the return of Imam Mahdi and the signs of his appearance, was distributed largely in the cities and villages of Iran, accused of Ahmadinejad and his political team, headed by his advisor and office manager Rahim Mashaie, the fact that they stand behind the industry and promoting this film to achieve political ends. Which was denied by close to Ahmadinejad. 
Seeks the film to emphasize the role of the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ali Khamenei and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the emergence of the Hidden Imam, and emphasizes two of the most prominent figures, which paves the way for his return, and provides the film, which was arrested its director, historical novels for the emergence of the Twelfth Imam of the Shia Ithna-Imam al-Mahdi . After reviewing a number of political facts and events in and in the region particularly in Iraq, Egypt, Yemen and Iran, up to film the result says that Khamenei and Ahmadinejad, are supporters of the Mahdi, who Sasalman his banner. The film is almost sure that the date is to appear very soon. The fall film stories on the character of Khamenei and felt that it was Mr. Khorasani's powerful military, who will hand over the baton to Manji promised, and that Ahmadinejad is Shuaib bin Saleh, who leads the war against corruption and the triumph over Army Sufiani and pave the ground for the emergence of Imam of the time and the Crown of the times. 
Film faced religious reactions, it was questioned by many scholars and clerics in the health of the proofs and accounts which it is built. And gave a religious authority leader Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi doubt on the film, but the point of criticism Shirazi based mainly on the time of the appointment of the emergence of Imam of the time, talk about a specific time for that would be «direct blow to people's beliefs and faith Palmedoah» which, as he calls «an outright lie», and saw the Shirazi, who was speaking to the people gathered in a mosque Jmkran that «the enemies are behind the distribution of this film free of charge», and to prosecute those responsible for student film the court, which was actually where the director was arrested and then released to Malbut. But the website of the team «missionaries» a team responsible for the production of the film response to the criticisms published the views of other religious people, glorifying the film and support what is in it, and a description of Ayatollah mausoleums based film as «a great cultural event». 
Not only the film's director, Ali Asghar Sidjani alone in the view of the of the opinion regarding Ahmadinejad, was not hired for the events of the political realm of imagination full Vnejad when he visited Lebanon, received the band belonging to the Hezbollah anthem was IDNDR «Welcome to the pregnant human .. pervaded My great joy .. Hello my Benjad ». 
While some people carrying Ahmadinejad responsible for the production of this film and be called «Shoaib Saleh Al», which he denied, saying «I am not Shu'aib and son of a king I am a servant of the dust that goes by the people», but Shoaib is «back» in Iran more than once, since the Revolution Islamic and today was the naming Shuaib bin Saleh several times according to the character the most presence of different time stages of the life of Iran, and these cases naming Ayatollah Rafsanjani (Shoaib Saleh Al) at the time was president of Iran, and then the other gives the label to the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Previous Rahim Safavi, the long list is also on the MD and the Iranian defense minister in the Khatami government, and that fueled Arab origin and the name of his father (Saleh), and the people of his neighborhood call him Shu'aib. 
Crown globalization era 
With the advent of Ahmadinejad to power in 2005, paying Mahdoi logo to the interface. After months of his election, Iran was witnessing the first international conference on «Mahdism faith» in August 2005, The Conference was held immediately after the interview Ahmadinejad at the United Nations. The conference was held today to six cycles received support and sponsorship of a government official, and the participation of clerics and prominent Iranian politicians whom is the rival of Ahmadinejad, like chief of the Iranian Shura Council, and has an annual conference attracts researchers from Iran and abroad. 
The focus is clearly on the «knowledge of Vali-e Asr, sets the boundary between Islam and kufr, Islam and hypocrisy, Islam and error». With the overthrow of the concepts of this belief, and its application to the educational, political, psychology, sociology, and the economic sector, and the security dimension. The «Mahdism» can be a compass leads to «create a world government«. 
It is these applications that Mary particular Islam, an Iranian researcher led women's organization for women who are awaiting the Mahdi sees «the Government of the Mahdi exclusively for the global alternative to the current globalization led by the West. The only option is qualified to replace Western civilization that stand on the threshold of decline, the Islamic civilization is represented in Iran ». 

The description of Ahmadinejad as fond of the idea of ​​appearing and no other political leaders in Iran characterization strayed right and overruled by the political realities of Iran, the idea Mahdism deep in political discourse and religious Iranian, and find resonance in many of the politicians in Iran, the state is true, as seen by the President of the Shura Council, Ali Larijani, mean state related to the revolution of Imam Mahdi, and Larijani, who differ politically with Ahmadinejad, believes that the government Mahdism, and the government that you want to say: I own the privacy of waiting, should be concerned with the issue of integration, and the advantage of vigor and vitality, hope and movement, do not despair, do not get cases of despair in the face of falsehood. 
Although some of the ayatollahs criticized Ahmadinejad for an interview to appear near but none of them do not deny, and penalized in wait, and we find some of them shared his idea of ​​the Iranian president should be the setting for the reception of the Mahdi. 
Ahmadinejad accused, that Mahdism used as a tool to overcome the clergy and the marginalization of this group with a broad influence in Iran. Vnejad sought, through the disclosure of economic corruption, moral of some of the clergy, to weaken the power base of religious core, consciously or unconsciously lead to the weakening of the status of the clergy and their role in the structure of power in the Islamic Republic, and The question of what was known as «leaks Palizdar» mark milestone in the relationship between Ahmadinejad and references, spoke Palizdar former President of the Office of Studies of infrastructure at the Center for Research Council of the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the Auditor of the Supreme Court, in a lecture delivered at the University of Hamedan in 2008, for more than 123 files relating to the personalities he accused of corruption, including the (44 ) well-known figure in Iran, including nine of the greatest religious figures in the forefront, Mohammad Emami Kashani, the imam ... Iran, Mohammad Yazdi, the former head of the judiciary, and Abbas, a preacher-law, who is responsible for the province of the holy shrines in Mashhad, Ali Akbar Nateq Nouri, former President of the Council of Shura. 
In conversations and other charges came to Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, the first political opponent of Ahmadinejad. But Palizdar's just that he was taken to court and sentenced to ten years imprisonment on charges of violating national security, and disclosure of confidential documents, and breach of trust, and graft and the dissemination of lies. The sentence was commuted to six years after being acquitted of the charge of prejudice to security. 
After income Palizdar in the context of the confrontation between fundamentalist figures like Tehran mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf and Ahmadinejad, when he declared his remorse and said he was exploited to undermine Ahmadinejad's political opponents, and that the president promised a ministerial position and was not delivered. 
Do not stand in the causes of the plight of Ahmadinejad at the «believe the promised Mahdi, his appearance and that the right and the duty of the Shiite Muslims to attend the debut» because it is in fact part of the doctrine, but Mahdism formed a title in the process by Ahmadinejad to the exclusion of political opponents and the men 
Religion, as are today's most important and the most prominent address in the attack upon by his opponents and rivals, and even by former allies.Today it is Ahmadinejad's political future is at stake with his quest line for its decision to an independent course away from the supreme leader of the revolution. 

The plight of Ahmadinejad's core lies in the storming of the regions of forbidden zones of influence and power, which was expressed in 2005 by saying: »When the elections took place I was mayor of Tehran for the second year, and before I was governor administratively, and a university professor and director, I have spent 15 to 16 years in responsibility centers and in contact with people and close to them, and when I entered the field of presidential elections, and found that inside and outside, satellite TV, and the elements of intelligence, are trying to tarnish my image and draw a picture of me is a beast with seven heads. Interpretation of all this, I entered the forbidden area of ​​power ».
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