Low scientific level of young people, reasons and implications

"Knowledge is light," and "light" guidance, insight and awareness of, and "ignorance": the darkness, and there is a big difference between the two, they are not equal at all .. God Almighty said: {Say: Are those who know and those who do not know}, and the Almighty said: {and sits blind and the seeing are * not * the darkness nor light nor shade nor Aharor * sits and neighborhoods in the dead}.
The level of awareness in humans, is determined by its level of scientific, the higher the note of the increased awareness and understanding and knowledge, so the rational God of His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him, to seek an increase in the flag and said to him: {say Lord Archived note}, and the guidance of the whole nation, and urged her learning, and higher than ever.
And "youth" are often students of science, pupils understand the institutes and universities, who are graduates and graduates, and they

I Dzmana by the title of this item, that the scientific level has dropped down, and this is what many have deemed strange, maybe they saw as incorrect .. To the two documents: the existence of such large numbers of schools, colleges and universities, regardless of scientific competence, and to: regiments that are almost countless students in Muslim countries ..
Our response to these, does not apply to the opposition of the "numbers numerical" of the institutes and universities, or: for students and graduates, we are not discussing the "quantum number", do not deny the abundance of the role of education, and the large number of learners, but we have built our rule, the low level of science in our time, the the so-called "quality ..", ie, program-level assessments, scientific and-effect obtained by the student on the last day, and therefore ask the question: Is the young graduate certificate as scientific, is actually the correct scientific level of such testimony?? .. Ie: Did that student note of the paper parallels the level of the certificate granted to it?? ..
We do not see that science is collected by the "youth", is the level of certificates to be granted to them, we do not see that the "young man" has learned the science graduate who specializes in it, but rarely .. Rare and do not rule him .. This is a disaster for the youth, nothing to do with it, and the plot hatched against them, and they do not know.
We say this, not to take the blame and responsibility on the "young", but to show that: "young people" are the victim, and that those who Msgua .. Programs .. And decisions .. And materials .. And teaching hours .. And years of education .. Did not want the nation through its youth only evil and harm.
Under the slogan "development" or "Update ..", Mscht decisions, and flew the flag .. There has been a systematic neglect .. Within the plan of malignant Court, prepared by our enemies and carried out accurately .. Studies became a "get an idea .." About science, no more, no less, that is: just know the science assessments, so forensic science, have not escaped from the hands of abusers, and the intent of all: the graduation cohort is a scientist .. Not matters of religion .. The science world .. It is known how much danger of such as these, the nation and the generations, has warned us of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him such as these, as narrated by Bukhari and Muslim that Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas, may Allah be pleased with him: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: "God does not receive the flag being snapped up by force from people, but scientists caught, even if they remain a scientist, took the heads of ignorant people, Vsiloa Vovetoa without knowledge, and preferred Odiloa."
We miss the "young people" the right of scientists in all the sciences, where scholars of religion?? ..And where writers and poets?? .. And where researchers and inventors?? .. But rather: Where are the officers and military Endowed??.
We are completely astonished by the reality of scientific backward .. West and the reality of advanced scientific. We are the founders of Sciences .. Pioneers in all fields and disciplines ...
We see the Arab countries in particular and Muslims in general, that the obstacles in the way of science .. Barriers .. As for science in the West is open to capacity .. And see "Examination"-like puzzles .. Disabling the student. Tfchelh and despair and the introduction of himself in his heart.
Here we ask: Is this how our predecessors learned and taught?? .. Did they give the "leave .." Any "student", he wrote papers on the "answer" talk, and agreed to the question, even without the knowledge?? .. Did they taught students from all science issues scattered, sporadic and general information .. Are they tested the students to "reading .." Of "decision .." Only, which is a little too much?? .. The answer to all this is: Do not .. Not ordered them as well, but was "science" request from the cradle to the grave .. And their motto: Give all your knowledge to give you some. Asked Ali and Sahar nights .. The only goal they have asked for the flag Tataly the face of God and seeking His pleasure, was in knowing all the blessings and goodness, God Venfhm their knowledge, and benefit their nation, and were the best of Trustees to carry the science .. Generations.
Therefore we call for a radical review of the foundations of education, and the adoption of approaches and decisions and adequate, and to give students enough time to study and mastery, and to open the doors of science Massaraha for students, give them all the care and attention, to graduate, "scientists" in every sense of the word.
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