Male circumcision and its role in reducing the risk of HIV-AIDS and protect women from infected

Revealed a series of studies that male circumcision reduces the risk of infection the virus that causes AIDS, HIV, and raised the study, published in The New York Times, a state of optimism about the possibility that women (mates bed) is also of this procedure. But a new study released on Sunday, reduce the importance of male circumcision, has shown that this procedure has no benefits is not directly reflected in the females, and earlier studies have confirmed that male circumcision contributes significantly to reducing the risk of disease impetigo skin, and ulcers of other affect the male genitalia, which commonly appear among men .  
  In the face of the Fifteenth Conference of viruses and parasitic infections, announced the results of this study conducted in the geographical scope of a higher risk of infection, "HP. Any. BVD" the virus that causes AIDS.
The authors said: "Although the results did not reach a statistically significant factors, but it is still important to demonstrate the need for effective awareness-raising among men who undergo circumcision and their currency in the bed of the women ".   
Annexation of the research team that prepared this study a number of researchers from Johns Hopkins and Uganda who had conducted previous studies on the benefits of circumcision among men, but it is believed that this is an attempt clinical research first targeting the supply of women scientific data on the reflection of the effects of circumcision of male mates of women, As noted by specialists in the science of diseases and epidemics for many years increased the likelihood of HIV infection in some areas on the African continent, home to non-circumcised men compared to areas with a population of men Mokhtnon.
But a large number of scientists have expressed skepticism that male circumcision plays a role in transmission of the virus that causes AIDS, and in recent years has been a 3 studies scientifically accurate in both Kenya and South Africa and Uganda to announce the results of the skeptical that male circumcision can reduce the risk of transmission of the virus to men by between 50 and 60 %.
Although circumcision is not a golden solution to protect men from infection, but the World Health Organization included circumcised men last year, a list of recommendations, which led to the rise in demand to conduct this process in many areas of the African continent. And less dangerous if the process were conducted by trained personnel compared to the medical field make in the private ritual at the hands of barbers in some poor areas .  
This has gained the male circumcision on new importance because of the failure of scientists to produce a vaccine to prevent infection with the virus that causes AIDS, with increased rates of success between the male enough to convince the experts infected with AIDS that it is possible to regard the process as a vaccine temporarily to prevent infection .  
Some experts also said that there are strong indications that male circumcision protects against already infected their partners in bed as well. In major news conference said, "Maria Orr" from Johns Hopkins, one of the posts in the preparation of the study: "definitely will turn men infected patients to undergo circumcision because of the impact of moral material behind them, they are relatively to remove the stigma attached to them as soon as the knowledge of others injury news .  
He said another researcher involved in the study and called Dr. "David Sruaa" works Mikerere University in Kampala: "If the number of people infected with AIDS than men because of the circumcision, this would be reflected positively on their wives and his companions ".
Researchers obtained prior to this study the written consent of the participants in the study after receiving lectures awareness about prevention of HIV infection, and the basics of wound care and to refrain from sex for long enough to heal the wounds caused by the cut surgically, as it did men participants on condom free condoms and provided the research team medical consultations for couples also were examined to determine their HIV status or not .
The researchers, saying, "There were 1015 men with the infection and agreed to have the procedure performed immediately, and some researchers and doctors have advised him to postpone for two years to conduct the study, members of the control group, but for the procedural times of the study randomly selected Vtm ".  
Asked the research team of married members of the study sample to invite their wives to participate in the study, and already responded to the invitation 566 of the wives, while the total number of posts is HIV-positive 245 that is, they represented 43% of the total sample, and focused the final analysis, conducted to find the results of the study 161 husband and wife of the participants joined the study sample at the same time, so the couples living with their wives, but Khalaat of infection .
I had an excision of the number 93 of the couples on the spot, while delayed 68 couples perform the operation two years of being among the members of the control group, and both groups found that the transmission of infection and reached the highest rates during the first six months of follow-up period, which accounted for 27.3% in the group which conducted the circumcision, and 17.8 in the group that delayed the process .  
The study pointed out that those odds dropped significantly over the rest of the study period to 5.7% for the first group, and 4.1 in the second group . 
Associated with high risk of resumption of sexual intercourse between the spouses in the early 5 days before any of those who carried out the health program certified wound healing caused by circumcision, in full, compared to couples who resumed the practice during the 5 days following the medical care credit for the circumcision wound .  
The Doctor "and ur" in a news briefing that since the adoption of the study on a small number of participants and not to prove the results with the tools of statistical, we are in dire need of more studies to determine the benefits of circumcision for females and males with greater precision, and the search for effective ways in reduce the potential risks associated with the resumption of sexual intercourse between spouses .
Finally, the study found equal to the following for each group: rates of condom use, and vaginal infections (caused by infection), and pain during urination, increased vaginal discharge and infections urinary tract .
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