Mikati, dependent on the ground to assist in the formulation of the court waiting for the end item for the cooperation agreement between The Hague and Lebanon

Expected source and a Lebanese ministerial until the Committee for drafting the ministerial statement to the Government of Prime Minister Najib Mikati from the adoption of its draft before the final by 5 July next, the date is likely a maximum, according to the words of the source, to convene a meeting of the Council of Ministers for adoption of the statement in preparation for printing and to inform the House of Representatives it, so that it identifies its speaker, the date for the meeting discussion and the vote of confidence in government.
A number of members of the Ministerial Committee of Ministers to formulate the statement, who stated that it will end and leaked before the end of the recreated past week, they gave the impression of urgency, the constitutional process to gain confidence in the government,
at the time the leaks violated the facts.
 Saw the meetings last two of the Committee discussion on its articles and undecided about the economic plan of the government, as has been suspended items relating to the government stance of the international resolutions and the International Tribunal, and was overriding the grounds that the President Mikati will form around them as a result of consultations conducted by the would with all of the land and the leadership of «Hezbollah »and President of« National Struggle Front »parliamentary and Walid Jumblatt. Which in order to complete the draft statement to the week fortune.
There were several explanations about the postponement decision items in the political salons, to the extent that some began to speak of it was probably intended to wait for early July, which according to some estimates, and speculation that he will see the issuance of the charge sheet in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and his companions, and the issuance by Neil Government confidence avert Cup reaction it or delay it until after the vote of confidence.
July 13
However, these estimates, it soon became apparent that it is logical for several reasons, most notably that the delay in the ministerial statement is not possible constitutionally to what is beyond the date of July 13 due to the second item of Article 64 of the Constitution confirms the letter that «the government to make the House of Representatives its statement Ministerial vote of confidence within 30 days from the date of issuance of the decree forming it ». And the decree was issued on 13 June, the current, which requires the cabinet meeting to approve the statement before the lapse of the 30 days. In addition, Neil will not trust the government to be away from early July, so you will have to deal with any contingency, so to assume the issuance of the indictment, which had already set him without the approximate dates to ratify in the past months.
However, the delayed development of the item on the court, the international resolutions, also paved the way for the emergence of other explanations first is that the government is still within the constitutional deadline. But this did not prevent the source of a ministerial committee to say that the two approaches regarding the issue of the tribunal and other issues. Indicates ministerial source that secrecy about what was traded to now the Committee does not prevent to say that the Ministers «hope» and «Hezbollah» where Ali Hassan Khalil and Mohammed Fneish progress with a draft on the topic of the International Tribunal, did not receive approval by the Mikati, who preferred to launch consultations side about the matter, meeting the day before yesterday, President Michel Sleiman and Speaker Berri to discuss the alternative version for those made by the two ministers, taking into account the prime minister was keen not to cause a negative attitude from the international community in the event of the ministerial statement showed an implicit repudiation of commitments to Lebanon.
Answer is well known to the court
In the meantime exits regarding the item on the Court relied Mikati help ground Htarth and location, in the create them so that «rounded corners», the sources in the «March 14» take on Mikati that in his statements on international resolutions, a lot of talk about the «respect» these decisions instead of «commitment», considering that there were differences between the terms. However, ministerial sources believes that this audit «is not substantial because the respect means non-repudiation of these decisions», says that the ministerial team that represents the MP Jumblatt in the government, will meet with the direction the team that represented Mikati in the government and the Committee of Ministers, in terms of dealing with the sensitive issues raised them, and calls to deal with the court realistically as long as the «Hezbollah» affirms confidence in the ability to override the contents of its indictment, and as long as it declares (and the last time the day before yesterday when he said the Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the tribunal is over for us) that not afraid of what will be reported as a politicized, and that the answer to the Lebanese authorities in respect of any such request for the arrest, the indictment accuses them of already known devices is that the official did not find them on the Lebanese territory.
And trusted source of ministerial last that Mikati will be able during the next few days in cooperation with the ground, put the formula acceptable and satisfactory to the parties in court, so do not contradict the international obligations and do not cause a hostile international community and the possibility of «Hezbollah» probability formula of this kind, especially that the month of February 2012 at the doors. He ends the month in which the cooperation agreement between Lebanon and the International Tribunal, which will not be determined by the current government is likely to ... There is no justification for the variation within the government now on the Court and the international position for any negative ones, as long as there is an agreement to deal with all the demands at the time, later, under the circumstances.
Mikati - Jumblatt and others
Not only the existence of two-way first is represented by «Hezbollah» movement «hope» and their allies and the second co-Mikati - Jumblatt, on the subject of the court, but are extendable to a number of other issues of interest, including the position of the way the President of the «Change and Reform Bloc» Deputies of General Michel Aoun with the political situation resulting from the alteration made in the parliamentary majority since the dismissal of the Government of Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri.
After the statements from each of the Mikati and Jumblatt rejected Aoun's remarks spiteful against Hariri and most recently brandishing entered it with him to the prison, the team Jumblatt of the Minister reiterated his positions, most recently what he said Works Minister Ghazi Aridi, the day before yesterday that we will not accept the coverage of any retaliatory action, after it was This team reported to the Committee on the ministerial statement of this position and that disagreement on this matter affects the process of government since its inception does not need this to what awaits the challenges, as well as the poles in the majority of them tell the President Berri, Jumblatt this situation. The Mikati response to leaks to change the structure of the leadership team calculated on Hariri (Director General of Security Forces, General Ashraf Rifi and the commander of the Information Branch Colonel Sam Hassan) by saying it's not on the table now, in his address to a station «Arab» the day before yesterday.
Taking receipt of discrepancies regarding the ministerial statement and the policy of the government towards the opposition of light as experienced as opposed to dealing with sensitive issues, the pole a key role in the majority told «life» that he feared that he gets great controversy between the parties when it comes time administrative appointments, which the government must that plagues them due to vacancies in more than 150 centers in the first category and the need for appointments in more than 300 centers in general ...
Aoun wins and finish the fight
He says the majoritarian pole, an ally of Aoun that, in addition to the problem that can result from Mikati keen to avoid sensitivity of the situation in dealing with the Sunni centers see Aoun and the majority make some alterations which, it is expected that the disagreement over the breaks centers of Christianity. Aoun believes that the right be limited to these appointments, including designated and his allies in his bloc Parliament, believing that the absence of the Christians of March 14 the government gives him the right, at the time of practice is to get the President to share and co-head of government in the appointment of some Christians due to the presence of MPs from his community is with him, as well as Berri and MP Jumblatt. This certainly would be a great contrast.
And adds the majoritarian pole: «General Aoun has won in this government, despite the fact that the ministerial demands were more than he got. But the problem with that after a battle and winning it, as if he did not win the follow ». Indicates the pole that after the peace Aoun's allies have access to 10 ministers taking the fight to not get President Suleiman to any minister advised of these allies, including MP Suleiman Franjieh, that it is better to fight his battle to get the Minister ten, rather than fight a battle against for President of the Republic on any minister. This may be repeated in the assignments, causing a considerable dispute within the government and delay the work contrary to the hopes of the leaders of the majority.
Did not take as requested
In this context, a ministerial source says that, contrary to the belief of the March 14 forces, especially the Christian leaders that the aid package won important portfolios and won, did not take the assistance as requested. He began refusing to get President Suleiman to any minister but the latter got the two ministers and a half the Minister, and required not to designate the President and the ministers of Kesrouan, Byblos was called ministers, candidates for the election of them, and insisted on getting the internal subscribe with Suleiman in the naming of its minister, and gave the Minister Nahas, in the communications portfolio, after launching his battle against the Director General of the Ministry and entrusted with the work on the latter to prove the extent of its ability to reforms in social security, which is a very sensitive issue. The student ministries of economy and social affairs ministries, and received them two high schools instead of culture and work.
And ends at the ministerial source, the differences that emerged during the authoring process will be repeated during the government's work, so that repeated embarrassment between the allies in the new majority.
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