Muslim issues on Dutch television

Allocated channels of the three Dutch government, and only during the month, a few hours of television for new programs on Islam and Muslims in the Netherlands.Program of popular public competitions, test information about Islam, Dutch, and made a special episode entitled «all you need to know about Islam and fear the question». While the allocated channel two weeks ago, two hours to talk about issues of love, relationships, marriage for Muslims and Muslim Dutch youth, and made discussions approached the intensity between the members, they differ or agree with the style of parents to nurture, and opposed, sometimes with the dictates of the country the European way of life different moral values ​​from those countries that belongs to immigrants. Second TV channel itself, which is finally started a new presentation of the program entitled «collectors in the lead». And the visit in advance the program a selection of large mosques in the Netherlands,
in an attempt to search for their impact on their visitors from the Muslims, and relationships that founded the European mosques with its surroundings.

Striking in the latter is the original idea. Despite the great importance of the mosque, but his presence at the television is rare. And miss a lot to talk about the mosque as a social institution, and its relationship to cities and neighborhoods, which it is located, and the impact of his building exterior and interior to determine its own identity, and also the reasons and circumstances that make some of the mosques, more interactive and influential in their communities for again only to provide the primary function of the mosque, which summed to provide a suitable place to perform obligatory prayers for Muslims.
Reveals what the program early, is the importance that has become associated with the Islamic Mosque in Europe, and the controversy raised by the performance of the mosques there. Channel is television itself, which was the program «a university in the lead», was sparked a wave of popular anger at large, when I was offered several years ago a report picture camera secret speech to an extreme in one of the mosques in Amsterdam, which he called the country's Muslims to boycott the social life of the Dutch, and to prevent Muslim children from mixing with the children in Dutch schools.Also occupies a debate on the nationalities of Muslim imams in mosques in the Netherlands, a growing importance, with the calls of the Dutch government, to take advantage of the younger generation of Muslims already in the country, and not to bring in imams from Morocco or Turkey or other countries, because of their ignorance of the conditions of life in the Netherlands.
Not only the mosques that were sponsors of the program with prayer, Vcefov teach Arabic and Turkish, became necessary number of Grand Mosques, as well as trying some of them starting from the «whole» of dialogue with non-Muslims, organized activities, some of the concerns of a joint, such as racism, or the address of the parties of Yemen radical, and also the definition of Islam and tolerant like him, through the organization of open meetings with the people of the neighborhood. Also undertaken a number of Dutch mosques Bmhat concerning Muslim women, Cdorat Dutch language, and the other for character education and skills, help to break the isolation of Muslim women in the Netherlands.
Of affecting scenes in the program, those meetings he conducted with the Dutch non-Muslims attracted by the openness of the Whole to participate in its activities, such as the Dutch who is seventy, which offers Dutch lessons for a group of Turkish women older women in the lower one of the chambers of the Whole. Dutch said he was abandoning the hours allocated to play golf in order to help these women, and expressed his happiness Buaodhen pray to him.
He did not want the program to achieve with the departments of mosques, on sources of funding, a topic that also raises a lot of controversy in the Netherlands and Europe, especially since some of them linking the invitations issued by the intolerance of some mosques in the Netherlands, and sources of external funding. As well as the program has chosen not to enter into discussions about the reasons that make a number of mosques to choose leaders for Turkey or Morocco, Do not search for the right people within the one million Muslims who live in the Netherlands.
On the other hand, worked hard, who also discussed the program for comedy and a smile, to remove the stereotypes that surround the mosque, and open to the public at large, and what goes on behind the walls of those buildings greater transparency.
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