No dialogue with tanks .. The Syrian people refuse to lie down before the tank system and provides more of the martyrs on the altar of freedom

Out of tens of thousands of demonstrators in various cities and towns Syria after Friday prayers has become commonplace, as well as the feet of the security forces to fire on demonstrators calling for democratic change and the launch of freedoms, but new this time is the widening protests, which refutes the belief began to take shape that the intensity, any protests began to decline due to the success of security solutions used by the authority and its . 
It is true that human rights organizations spoke about the death of 27 people in the protest demonstrations on Friday and this number is large by any standard, but what is more dangerous than that embodied in the two main points to be stopping them both : 
'The first: the protests along the north-eastern areas, particularly those with high-density Kurdish, in Deir Al-Zour and Qamishli.
'II: the resignation of Shaykh Karim Rajeh Sheikh readers of the Levant, on the air, to protest the security deal with the rough pioneers of mosques, worshipers, being prevented from performing Arbthm under the pretext of fear of their participation in demonstrations after Friday prayers launched . 
The descent of the Kurds and with such intensity to the Square protests yesterday, reflecting a change in the position of these may entail serious problems for the Syrian authorities. Was marked by the Kurdish areas of northern Syria quiet, for the past five weeks, with some limited exceptions here and there . 
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad realize the seriousness of post Kurds to their fellow Arabs in the protests, go ahead and pre-emptive move very smart when it issued a decree granting 200 000 Kurdish Syrian nationality, but such a step, albeit important, was a truce temporary began falling stones rapidly As of yesterday, . 
The Syrian government in a difficult situation, the continued killings of demonstrators lead to a surge of anger among the citizens, because the increase of murder means the increasing number of funerals, and funerals simmering feelings of anger, which may lead to the intervention of security forces and fire again, and new victims, and other funerals . 
It's terrifying cycle without exits are in favor of a real escalation of tension, aggravating the situation more and more in the absence of any political solutions, or a serious dialogue with opposition groups and the national leadership . 
To sign one of the protesters filed summarizes the issue that he says 'no dialogue with the tanks' in reference to the Syrian authorities landing army tanks to the streets of the rebellious cities, such as a shield and Homs and Banias, and some towns of Damascus . 
Syrian President had issued orders to the leadership of the security forces to stop the killings, and the growing number of victims yesterday confirms that these leaders insist on moving forward Pinhjhm blood, believing that the most effective way to control the situation and end the popular uprising, an approach that proved not to have relevance only, but give him a totally counterproductive . 
We now know what happened on Fri yesterday, but do not know, and we can not predict what might happen next Friday is more of the martyrs, the wounded and funerals, which is not bad, but promises to Syria and its powers and its people at the same time .
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