No recent renewed Ottoman New

Have not calculated the Turkish model in the current provision, the authority which has devoted a new approach, boosted by this new direction for the group of the ruling, the mouthpiece of the capitalist bourgeoisie of Turkish nationalism; as «Islamic», as far as what was proposed was the same, being a product of social status / class, and political / democratic belongs to the world of modern political and social, political system existing in Turkey today, he announced his divorce is irrevocably with the center of military coups and the golden period, and his dominance of military and police are deep, this system is not a coincidence, but rather is the result of social transformations and class keratosis and settled in Turkish society , since the devolved political power and the community itself to become a real power, by malate of democracy and the transformation of community support, and since have fallen bourgeois Turkish Krosmalah state, on the basis of its own national interests to themselves, to turn the other to the leader for that shift the government, rather than be driven by the by other forces.

Not «the ruling Justice and Development» since his rise to power in 2003, to drown himself in condemning Islamist ideology, which has not adopted originally in the form of an absolute ideology, the rise to power, an opportunist and a path with heart and mind, what do Aslamueohna. Had Erdogan's party - the operator, has adopted the traditional emblems, such as «Islam is the solution», when he saw the fruits of power as much as he picked up now, and when he continued and continues as a party and a centrist relatively mild, did not come close in the form of adequate treatments policy of the Kurdish question, which is most representative of bourgeois capitalism Turkish nationalism, which knew how to employ or invest their efforts and the efforts of others, of social classes ally, to meet the interests of the dominant of the military and the forces of class associated with it at home, and established trade and economic relations with the forces of international hegemony abroad.
We have proved the Turkish model for the period after the military, its ability to move Turkey «sick man» economically, and controlled grip the military and their governments more politically consequential and to further the policy of the generals, to being a regional state of modern civil and political, which was balanced between its interests and the interests of the forces of Western hegemony, did not slip into sites dependency almost absolute or blind, at all levels of political, economic or military, but has maintained enough distance between their duties within the alliance Atlantic, and their rights in the use of national sovereignty in the interests of its people and his country as a democracy, stood a position rejecting the use of the United States and its alliance NATO military bases on its territory to participate in the occupation of Iraq.
Not Ottoman new, nor are they the Ottomans new, it is of modern Turkey, which nearly squeezed the richness of a growing diversity of cultural, as well as further strengthen the unity of its components, multiple and progress, but slowly towards the recognition of national rights and class of each of those components, including component Kurdish; was all that, even if still incomplete, insufficient to the creation of the shift that can not be matched any more moves, in a short time Kzmanna this, I discovered modern Turkey paths of modernity private and so did Tibet where, and developed what suits its society and its state and forces of production, was the model for the experience of having and not for others, it is modernity Bocefy manifestations of Turkish flavor and distinctive, Mahith and contemporary, and not based on the past or other of the Ottoman legacy and heritage of the military and deep state, and that was to keep them Kmtlazma secularism, democracy can not be put right without it.
As for us, we are not Kmthelhm, as they are not the rest of us. And err who think that religion can be a policy objective and purpose, or can contribute to finding effective solutions to the problems of society or the state. While the European modernity were not the result of any religious references, as well as the current Haddathatna will not succeed if it is based or has been assigned to the religious authorities; text or preaching or heritage, I hope some of the characterization of being b «Mottagdma» moderate religious currents. So there will be «our Islam is the solution» as not «Islam is the solution».
The solution was in the options of enlightenment and modernity that embraced by large segments of people, from all classes, trends and directions, these sectors are formed solution of a mixture of ideas and concepts of modernist political character, which was established for the civil society and a legal contract, a social and political form of the solid wall of democracy that has evolved and developed with contemporary concepts, it became impossible to jump them and overcome them again, what did the military days, and what she did and can do the power goes into condemning private, so are ripe for the fall, if not in the arms of the military, in the arms of the forces of international hegemony.
That address the interests and address the feelings and sensations are not one thing, it is believed by some in our time, where there is some religious forces in particular, its approach to the interests of Panthazah unrivaled, that political opportunism is also manifested today, they are direct interest to reach the target authoritarian single, albeit through confused tangle; Ahabl political Nabeul religious, a habit of «our religious» and «Slvei» wave renewable on both sides of the Islamic and Coptic people of Egypt today; After allowing «revolution of January 25» are free to breathe and expression, after suppressing and depriving the system of tyranny, authoritarianism, They are trying to reproduce Bzaaamthm, after changing Aaaftath and slogans.Where are these people and those of the Turkish model? And where the Turkish model of the carbon copies of the tyranny of religious seeking to inherit the political despotism and forced under duress and prevail once again?
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