Obstructive Enterocleisis. Tumors of the intestine Intestinal tumors

Enterocleisis obstructive blockage of the intestinal tract by a foreign body or tumor, or as a result of adhesions in the small intestine as a result of exposure to the same surgery, or because of suffocation hernias Symptoms Severe pain in the abdomen 
Persistent vomiting Swelling in the abdomen Toukvaltprz

Treatment : 
Surgical treatment, of course, as the doctors to withdraw gases and waste from the stomach by a rubber tube and after the patient becomes ready to begin the process of anesthesia doctors abdomen hard to find out where the blockage and determine its position for the required . 

Intestinal tumors bowel tumors are malignant and two benign tumors are rarely malignant bowel malignant tumors of the injury and symptoms Severe bleeding Blockage 
Treatment : The eradication of the infected part and reached the rest of the parts sound together .
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