Palestine Palestine .. Promised Land when the Jews and the land of the first Qiblah and the third holiest site for Muslims

«Palestine» is The name given at the present time the area west of the Jordan River and the extended Even Lebanon and Syria, the north and the Mediterranean Sea and Sinai to the west. And family until the end of the ninth Ten and the beginning of modern empire, the ancient Egyptian name her (she and Syria And Lebanon) is the «Rtno» a «foreign country». In the new empire, the The land of Palestine, called «Poplar» relative to the Horites. The first mention of the word «Kinahi» or «Knhana», Any «Canaan», appears in the Tel el-Amarna tablets in the fifteenth century BC. This The name refers to the west of the Jordan River and within that of Syria. But the ancient Egyptians were point Also «Balasto» any «Velstia» which derives its name from one of the Sea Peoples who are Filstyon. Palestine has been mentioned for the first time in Egyptian documents in 75 BC. M. And refers to the Assyrians «Land I» as they use the phrase «the land of my beard,» or «the land of the Hittites» to refer to all Syria and the Palestine and Cyprus. It also uses the phrase «across the river» to refer to these Region. Herodotus uses the word «Ballestani». The Alexandrian Fillon, Fikrn CanaanPalestine. The Romans used the word «Balstina» to refer to this region formally Starting in 138 AD, has been referred to the region known by that name To the present. Referred to as Palestine words «Arts Yisrael» and «Zion» and «land Promised »in Jewish religious writings in the Hebrew language.As in the literature is Religious, were referred to as the «Palestine». Therefore, it was the official name of the Agency Judaism is the Jewish Agency for Palestine. The Jerusalem Post is Balstaan ​​Post,But that of Heinrich Graatz pointed to Jewish nationalism as a «national Palestinian ». In all the scientific literature, museums, referred to the region as mentioned Palestine. However, referring to the Zionists of Palestine as the «homeland», or «home Jewish », also referred to as« Yishuv »any« settler ». In 1948, with Establishment of the Zionist state, to change the name of the region «Israel» (as usually happens with the Settlement). The history of Palestine to the pre-history, was found on the industries Hand of the Old Stone Age (400.000 14.000) and from the Middle Stone Age (from 14.000 to 8,000) and Neolithic (8.000 4.200).One of the main cities The historic city of Jericho in Palestine dating back to 8,000 BC. M, with the formation of cities States and return to the third millennium BC. Palestine has acquired a character of the High The second millennium with the introduction of the Amorites and the Canaanite origins of civilization (2100 BC).. The mystery Palestine and Egypt, the Hyksos in the eighteenth and the sixth century BC. It seems that Beginning of the penetration of the Hebrew dating to the period between the centuries 16 and 13 (the parents), while Take the Hebrews settled in Palestine, Jordan and Egypt.The Egyptians in the period 1500 1450 expulsion of the Hyksos, and now added Palestine under the banner of Tuthmosis II. But the grip of the Egyptians Slackened in the fourteenth century BC (during the reign of Akhenaten). Ramses II, but re- Domination in the thirteenth century after his wars with the Hittites. Began in this period, immigration Hebrews from Egypt to Palestine, the same period, which settled on the Filstyon Coast (and the Arameans in Syria). The extended rule of the Hebrew in the period 1020 928 BC. M, and then split into statelets. It is noted that these had not been placed statelets never all the earth Known as the «Palestine» at the present time. Assyrians have dropped the northern kingdom In 721 BC. M, and dropped the Babylonians 587 BC the southern kingdom. M, then Persian rule in Palestine From 538 332 BC. M that opened Alexander. Palestine has been affiliated to the State of Ptolemaic (Which ruled Egypt) until the year 198 BC. M while the imposition of hegemony by the Seleucids Domination that lasted until 142 BC. M when Alhhmonaon succeeded in establishing their own family. The This relative independence over the emergence of the Romanian power in 63 BC. M, reducing to Palestine Roman province. When the division of the Romanian Empire, and Palestine took place within the state Byzantine of the fifth century until the seventh century with the exception of the period 614 628 m, where signed Under the rule of the Persians. It was the Arab conquest of Palestine in 638 AD. 
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