Perhaps - a car «veil»! .. Black mask to drive

French satirical program provided a solution to the problem of women driving the car in Saudi Arabia, the girl showed a convincing black cloak, like going to a car also convincing black veil, as if to say: simple withheld the car but also let her lead. Though it is ironic solution from my point of view, The girl can drive a car that has cast a black mask from the inside. But the situation is ironic that the community is pleased with the imprisonment of women with a strange man in the «cabin» a capacity of two and refuses to
wander alone in her vehicle, which is frightening in this?
Who do not know many people or you may know him and Ablonh, that these strangers who bring and enter houses may be from people with criminal records, including peasants and shepherds the most experience of them is the care of cattle, but the guardian gives them confidence and responsibility to lead the car with his wife or his mother and his children,
and learn leadership self, do we present our issues licenses when parents who are knowledgeable Bamorna?
Dubai has seen years before the phenomenon of large crowds, but did not issue a statement on television women are asked to waive their right to mobility and the ownership of a car, because this procedure is not logical, but has established a cost Metro $ 7.5 billion, with a huge transport network of buses, also increased exits of the city from 16 to exit 39. In the United States the percentage of crime and harassment is one of the global averages, for this government to launch a system just makes a strange interview with a girl under the age of 18 a federal crime. If a woman pointed out, even if they are prostitutes, the small finger hand man to man found himself handcuffed and lying in the police car. Why these states to use waste energy and its budget, and then the solution is able to solve all the problems is that the women sit at home until the fall and ease traffic congestion and crime, even the proportion of harassment, and even elicit the men and become less volatile as we do?
The problem is that nothing is resolved, traffic congestion is increasing, and the proportion of crimes as well. These manifestations of humanity does not solve the bullying of women, but also directly solve the same problem by taking practical and pragmatic actions based on the planning and the power of control and the rule of law and impose carries weight in the street, and to address the fragility of education. What benefit citizens rather than demand that government agencies such as the Ministry of Transportation and traffic management to solve problems such as congestion and traffic, to agree that preventing women from driving a car is a solution to stop the crowds, despite the fact that there are millions of workers streaming into the country and lack the minimum skills, leadership, and offer people's lives at risk, no one objected to their presence in the street. Because the solution is always easy, as long as women are paid from the pocket.
In a country like Lebanon, where the women went out to their businesses and Kdn their vehicle at a time when government are disabled, women did not leave Ochghin, did not sit in their homes, even if they have done would have been necessary to review the community itselfAnd what's more it makes me sad is to say that our young wolves of mankind, has found a young man puts a comment on this sentence in a «twitter» says: Yes, I am a human wolf, eat two girls before I sleep.
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