Policies of the product in the market: packaging, Identification, Discrimination, service and warranty

Policy includes the product type of products that the company will provide to the target market they include decisions on customer service, trademarks (brand) design controversy, Identification, service and warranty Consumers do not wish to acquire this product for defects in it, For the product to avoid these defects and introduced so as not to fall in unwillingness of consumers to our product, and can be defects in the packaging label, or other items such as services or after-sales warranty, and here we approach the marketing importance of some of these elements:
1 - Packaging:   Has become the packaging industry is as important as making the same goods, and to cover the importance of marketing and promotion of not less than factors promotional governing the product itself, has been known packaging by the Academy of Sciences of Commerce as follows: packaging, packaging is the function of containment, the protection function, the transfer function, the function unloading and function business.
It is here necessary to take care of packing and packaging specifications and technical aspects of packaging and marketing the following:
1 - nature of the product characteristics and specifications:   Which should be available in the atmosphere's ability to maintain the product and protect it from damage and dirt.  
2 - consumer desires and buying habits has:   Any product must be taught the importance of the cover of the consumer, each consumer in the way of purchase.
3 - How to use and handling of the cover:   Must be designed a way that leads to the ease of use (open and closed, for example).
4 - the appearance and shape and color of the cover:   The appearance of the cover so beautiful and attractive eye-catching and The color reflects the present value of the product.
5 - the size of the cover and disadvantages:   Well as the impact in the form of the product and its manifestations, and thus the determination of the appropriate size of the defects is one of the main problems for the design of the cover.
6 - plugs and covers:   It respects and macrophages associated with the Earth's packaging for some defects that need to plugs and covers.
7 - pricing policy:   Should not conflict with the cover and cost pricing policy pursued by the company.
2 - Identification:   Intended Balin those data necessary mentioned this item and be associated with them and be on many forms, only on the card, paper or metal or in the form of a booklet accompanying the product and is this data a number of information related to the product, including specifications and characteristics and how to install, as well as the size or weight and methods of use and the basic purposes for use.
Valtbeyen requires taking into account a number of rules which determine the amount and quality of data that must be mentioned of the product, as well as good attention to the formulation of these data and presentation on the version of the product itself.
3 - Discrimination: The product differentiation with a view to the selection and definition of the product's new downtown the rest of the alternative products, competition and discrimination, a concept or term includes all the methods and tools and means to distinguish the product except for the cover and the conditions distinctive or obvious in the form of the product and combines discrimination brand name and brand in addition to the logo.
And consists of the brand name of the product of a word or character is made ​​up brand of the product of a fee or a particular form, may take the brand name form of the brand when it is put the brand name in the form of a drawing or composition of decorative specific and known trademark by the National Institute of Industrial Property is a characteristic that allows person to physical or mental Highlight products or materials in place or services.
The logo consists of a word or phrase, and in any case lost the product used the same brand name and the same brand and the same logo on all its products and does not change them only when necessary marketing pressing for it.
Find the name of product: the names of products take many forms for example, products takes the name of symbols of ancient historical and of which takes the name of the cities or the names of famous personalities, including the take the names of their inventors or producers, for example, Ford, and find products names composed of two words for example, VW Vaakec means the car everyone .
Products are successful must comply with several criteria, including a brief to be simple and easy to read and kept in easily pronounced in any language.
4 - Service and Warranty:   Became a service and warranty of the factors and policies important and necessary for some products, especially consumer products, many of the products productivity, especially equipment and machinery for the role of service and security of the benefits and advantages of a particular or specific to the product and the distributor and the consumer together, and there are plenty of sales and marketing, which requires it be submitted by commercial companies or productivity and major retail stores and is in credit and installment sales and accept returns and deliver orders and provide advice to the buyers.
The security Fifi obligation of the seller or the product to the buyer to ensure availability of certain features in his product, and ensure it is free from defects technical and mechanical specified period of time, so if your stop product or become a mechanical failure within the period specified and agreed upon, according to warranty conditions agreed upon, the producer or the seller be committed to repair or change the pieces invalid or replace it with another or return value.
Here, show us the critical importance of these two elements in favor, and consumer preference for our product at the expense of others, Consumers Thanks to the product which is available when two service and warranty on other products, this must be the product that takes these elements into account, even if cast his product to favor consumers.
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