Price strategies: a strategy for an active market, padding, penetration, distribution

Definition of price: price is the value paid by the consumer to the vendor of goods or services in return for her, and in this sense means the cash price of units specified by the seller and the lend itself to accept a meeting item.
Definition of strategy: planning and modification efforts to achieve a specific goal, and in this an indication that the planning is the building component of the strategy, also known as a strategic long-term commitment of resources to achieve a very specific environment in a competitive marketing strategy consists of two main components:
Target market: is the set of individuals that direct them to the company their product
  Elements of the marketing mix: after the marketing manager has identified the target market, the company directed all their activities to satisfy the needs of the sector target profitably through four main strategies: product strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy, as well as the distribution strategy.
Price strategies: increasing importance of price in particular, when the institution pricing their products for the first time and depends pricing of new products on the degree of intensity and modernity, the more the product is innovative as increased flexibility of the institution in the pricing of its products can be management (Enterprise Manager) the use of a number of strategies in the pricing of goods and different goals generated by each strategy, including, therefore, take into account when the project manager, including the preference of the optimal choices through which to achieve the objectives of the project.
1 - a strategy for active market: Do not follow this strategy in the market differentiated in terms of categories of income elasticity of demand on the item is placed or select a high price for a commodity or product, the latter addressed to the first category in the market interested in obtaining this item whatever the price is high and when less opportunities for sales or no for this category is reduced down to win the new categories is the strategy of strategies are most secure, if the Administration felt the Foundation that the price is too high you cut them a little and simply, to get to market satisfactory to the consumer that achieves the goals of the institution such as the company Erascom .  
There are also some other strategies, including:
2 - amplification strategy:   According to this strategy is identifying high prices of the commodity prevail in the long term this is to create the impression of high quality of the product, it requires setting the prices of high and permanent institution, requires a strategy not to reduce prices even if there are competitors entered the market and follow the policy of low price, especially in comparable goods and alternative strategy availability of suitable in the case of the following circumstances:
- Impression of the institution's desire for high quality merchandise.
- The institution's unwillingness to engage in price wars with competitors.
- The desire of the institution in the service part of the market to be its ability to pay a high price.
- Distinguish the good or the benefits of a private enterprise producing Kalshhrh petition.
3 - penetration strategy:   This strategy relies on identifying the low price of the commodity in order to achieve a large volume of sales This strategy is based on the assumption that flexibility requested item, where lower prices lead to a significant increase in the volume of sales, this strategy provides suitable in the case of the following circumstances:
- A dial on the item flexible.
- The institution is ready to bear the consequences of price wars.
- The possibility of reducing production costs significantly due to the increasing quantity produced.
- Old age relative to the size of the market.    
4 - distribution strategy:   This strategy relies on the use of a very low price to gain market at the expense of competitors and their shares of the Nile, and this strategy are similar to a large extent with the strategy of penetration, it is characterized by the adoption of the overall low price.
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